chapter six

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The photoshoot was tiresome, but cathartic, in a way. It's been over 24 hours since then, and I'm still unable to process it. Until now, I've never felt like an official member of this family. I have almost three-hundred-thousand followers on Instagram, and I've only had the account for a week and a half. I don't even know how to process the newfound fame or what to do with myself after having changed my appearance so drastically. Aurora recommended a nose ring and Soojin passively suggested tattoos after overhearing a conversation.

I hate when she does that.

Aurora also recommended to me that I change my attitude too. At this point, she'd begun to make me out to be a cliché. She told me that after having updated my wardrobe as I did, I needed to have the attitude to go with it. I don't even know what she means by that if I'm honest.

Oliver has been avoiding texting me since I tried a cigarette, Sage has been on vacation without WiFi, all Liam has done is text me to tell me that I look pretty and he's happy for me. Sujin barely looks at me anymore and for some odd reason, I wish I could enjoy this with her. I figured if I did this, she'd want to spend more time around me but I guess that's not the case. At the very least, Chenghan and I have been talking a lot more?

I felt my phone buzz in my back jean pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from Aurora that read:

did u finish ur summer essay for Guericke? i can't believe we have him two years in a row

Mr. Guericke is the AP Literature teacher at Connect Prep. We were a non-religious private school and I liked it better than any other school I'd ever been to. I'm going to have his class 3rd period, and Aurora will have him for 5th. Aurora was in the eighth spot in the top-ten of our class and she was fighting for the fifth spot this year, meanwhile I was fighting to stay in first place. Academics aren't too important to the rest of our friend group, but they sure were for us.

almost, why?

can you help me with mine?

sage is coming back tonight, you know. what if she shows up?

i'll come over after a bit.

I shut my phone off after that in an attempt to be a decent scholar. I picked my laptop up off of my desk and moved it to my bed. I sat down at the edge and stared into my closet. Black really is my color.

When the doorbell rang, my eyes widened. Oh, fuck.

I quickly ran out of my bedroom and down the stairs. If Sujin gets to the door...

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, Soojin opened the front door. "Sage, what a lovely surprise.."

"Is Shuhua here?" Sage bit her lip, trying to look past her to see if I was there.

"First of all, you don't get to call her that. Second of all, no, she's not here." Sujin spat, trying to close the door before Sage put her foot in between.

I gulped, paralyzed in place. Fuck fuck fuck..

"God, Sujin. You're so clingy." Sage crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "She doesn't want you."


"You're fucking weird, I have no idea what you're talking about," Sujin said, her breaths quickening. I slowly backed away in order to hide behind a planter in my upstairs hallway that had a see-through glass railing lining the stairs and down to the bedrooms and other rooms on both sides of the staircase.

"Either you let me in or I tell her about our hookup. I don't know what your problem is but you need to can it because this isn't even your fucking house, you're just staying here," Sage said to Sujin like an absolute psychopath.
I'd never seen her like this and I never wanted to see it again.

I could feel the tension in the air. Of course Sage hooked up with her. She would fuck the girl I'm in love with and of course Sujin would go for it because she's probably still angry about what happened when we were fourteen and I got jealous. My feelings for her have never faded but I'm still angry. It's not like it's a secret, either. We have beef and it's been like this for all of high school.

"You wouldn't.." Sujin trailed off, exhaling harshly. I could feel her panic from here but I couldn't care. Not after hearing what she did. It's not like it was illegal for Sujin to hook up with Sage, but the blatant lack of respect is killing me inside the more I think about it.

Before either of them could continue, I felt a sudden rush of courage. I stepped out from the planter and walked down the stairs and over to the two of them. Both of them were frozen, eyes wide. "You know I heard all of that, right?" I glared at both of them, crossing my arms.

"Are you serious?" Sage asked. Her jaw was on my marble floor, at this point.

"Get out, Sage." I spoke calmly, trying to maintain my composure.

"Wait, Sh-"

"I'm going to turn around and walk up to my bedroom if you're not out of my house before I get to my bedroom, I'm going to call the
cops." Sujin's eyes widened at my threat and I could feel the blood rushing to my heart.

"Shuhua, calm down.." Soojin put her hand on my shoulder before I grabbed it and threw it down.

"You disgust me. You both disgust me." I turned around and headed up my stairs. I could feel my stomach twisting and turning. When I got to my bedroom door, both Sage and Sujin were long gone. I threw open my bedroom door and slammed it behind me in a rage. In a fit of anger, I threw a glass trinket at the wall and screamed into a pillow off of my floor. I paced around my bedroom, tears streaming down my face. Without thinking, I instinctively texted Liam.

What's the best tattoo and piercing place in town?

East Pierce & Tats , why ?

Do they accept walk-ins?

Yeah they do . Especially for celebs . Want me to come with ?

I'll pick you up in two hours. i'm having a moment and want another change

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