chapter twenty

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"I'm sorry, you did what?" Aurora asked me, her mouth agape.

"Oh wow-," Oliver whispered to himself.

Sage's hand flew to her mouth, "Holy good God."

"You are a horrible person," Liam said bluntly, shrugging his shoulders.

"I know that!" I exclaimed, standing to my feet and beginning to pace around Aurora's bedroom.

"I can't believe I just heard that with my own two ears, I'm never invited to these things," Yuqi said to us, her face completely blank. "Also, I don't mean to play Devil's advocate here because it isn't really my place, but her and Soyeon aren't officially together. You can't cheat on someone if you're not even in a relationship with them, let's be real here."

"Guys, think about it like this," Aurora said, sitting up on her bed. "Shuhua got to do what she's been dreaming about since like, 5th grade." I threw a pillow at Aurora as everyone in the room burst into laughter except for me.

"That's the worst way you could possibly put it!" Liam said, trying to contain his laughter. "What even prompted this?"

"Yeah, that's what I want to know," Oliver scoffed. "How'd you even get close enough to her?"

"It's-," I paused, trying to collect my words, "a lot. It's a lot."

"Well, don't leave us hanging!" Sage exclaimed.

"Didn't you sleep with Soojin a few months ago? You already know how she is in bed," I laughed. Everyone stared at Sage, wide-eyed. "Wait, they didn't know that?"

"No, of course they didn't know that!" Sage exclaimed. "They aren't supposed to know about how terrible I am!"

"They're our best friends, how could you not tell them?" I shouted at her from across the room. "I thought we cleared all of our shit up!"

"I tried to block it out of my mind!" Sage shouted back at me.

"Why the fuck did you sleep with Soojin?" Oliver asked Sage, cringing.

"She was mad at me because I didn't want to date her," I laughed. "It's pretty stupid."

"Yeah, it was stupid," Sage chuckled. "I thought it would make her want me more but turns out, it just made her detest me."

"Well, yeah, no shit," Liam chuckled too. "What did you expect, girl?"

"Not that, apparently," Yuqi chimes in, causing all of us to giggle.

"Okay, but seriously, how did it happen?" Aurora asked me. "I have to know. We as a collective need to know."

"Oh God, okay," I said, sitting down on her floor after. "How do I even begin to tell this story?"

"Just start wherever feels right," Liam said, shrugging.

I took a deep breath, "Here's how it went down. I came home after my first day of model-training in the dark, right? My phone was too deep in my purse to find so I kind of just went in my house basically blind. I get up the stairs and down my hallway a bit and then I run into Soojin. Her and I hadn't been talking because of an incident that happened the other da-,"

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