chapter sixteen

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"So, your parents really let you live here alone?" I asked Soyeon as she gave me the tour of her house. Seeing it in the darkness and with light projectors was much different than in the daytime.

"Yeah, they do. They come over every single day, though," Soyeon laughed. "I'm being serious, too. Neither of them have missed a day."

"Jesus, how long have you been living here for?" I asked her, stunned.

"Three months, now. They put the property in my name the day I turned 18," Soyeon said.

"You mean two weeks ago?" I chuckled at her.

"That means we've been talking for at least two weeks," Soyeon said to me, grabbing my hands and pulling me in to kiss her. "I have a question for you, though."

"What is it?" I smiled at her.

"Are we exclusive?"

Oh, good God.

"I did not expect for that to be your question," I said, letting go of her hands. "I'm honestly shocked."

"I mean, we don't have to be," Soyeon said.

"No, I'm not saying we aren't or can't be," I said defensively. "I just never would've expected to hear something like that come from you. From day one nobody has approved of me talking to you or seeing you."

"I know that," Soyeon huffed and rolled her eyes, sitting down on her white leather couch. "I have a lot of thoughts about that too."

I sat down next to her, leaning back on the couch.

"First of all, why are people so against the idea that maybe I've decided to change?" Soyeon began ranting. "Like, if I want to be with someone that I genuinely like, why is that such a crime? I get that I have a poor track record with women but that doesn't mean I can't change, right?"

"No, I don't think it does," I said to Soyeon.

"Second of all, have you ever thought that it might be a bit demeaning for people to suggest that it's impossible for me to have decided to pursue you?" Soyeon asked me.

"Demeaning to me or to you?" I asked her, sitting up.

"Demeaning to you," Soyeon said, pointing a finger to me.

I felt my stomach drop, "No, I hadn't thought about it like that."

"Fuck, did I just plant bad thoughts in your head?" Soyeon asked me, her facial expression changing from agitation to concern.

"No, it's not like that," I said to Soyeon. "I keep saying that I decided to become famous because of wanting to get Soojin's attention, but honestly? I've figured out that it's because I'm fucking sick and tired of people walking all over me and not acknowledging me for my talents."

"Tell me, what are your talents?" Soyeon asked me, a slight smirk appearing on her lips. "I'm curious now."

"Well, for starters, I'm literally #1 in the junior class at my school for academics. I'll probably be the valedictorian and I'm involved in all kinds of extracurricular activities at school," I said. "The only reason that it hasn't been leaked to the press yet or something is because they haven't dug deep enough yet."

"That's probably one of the most attractive things I've ever heard," Soyeon said to me, practically drooling.

"My parents have completely overlooked me all of my life. It's not like they weren't supportive, but I've always had the feeling that they prefer my brother over me," I said, beginning to open up to Soyeon. "I never wanted them to accept me until I hit rock bottom."

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