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Within a short amount of time, the avengers had left the compound, leaving just Thor and Sandra alone. Sandra had to warn them of the scientist who had the formula, knowing if he was anything like the others... he was probably crazy.

"So what should we do?" Thor asked, taking a bite of his pop tart.

Sandra shrugged. She hardly knew Thor. "I don't know, I'm not good at deciding." She said, going to the fridge and taking out a beer. "But I am good at this."

Thor smirked, looking at Sandra. "I didn't think captain America's sister would be the one to drink." He laughed. "Cap hardly drinks himself."

"Yeah, well with the stress I'm under right now, sneaking a drink or two isn't so bad." Sandra said, pointing outside to the small group of reporters. The group had only lessened because they grew impatient when waiting. "Those few people have not left that fucking gate."

Thor nodded. "I understand, one time my brother Loki locked me in a cell on Asgard as a joke but then lost the key. It took them about a week to get me out." He said, smiling to himself.

Sandra smiled too, taking another sip of her beer while also passing one to Thor. "I remember Loki. He attacked New York." She said, "he sure was a pain in the ass."

"Yes, yes he was."

- - -

When the avengers got to the school, the building was completely empty. No teachers were around, no security, no staff members. Just a light shining from on of the classrooms.

"That's the lab." Peter whispered, knowing that he couldn't be too loud.

Tony nodded and slowly made his way to the door, followed by the others behind him. When they reached the door, Tony held up his gauntlet and watched the man work. "Hey there, what are we making?" He asked.

The man jumped when he heard the voice, turning to see the avengers stood in the doorway. "I'm making a um.. a project for my students." He said, a heavy Russian accent in his voice.

"That's weird, because that looks like a Sandra Rogers formula." Tony's said, seeing her name on the top. "So let me re-phrase my question. What are you doing here after school hours with chemicals like those and a formula like that?"

The man didn't speak. Instead, he picked up his work and tried to run. Obviously he failed when Tony shot his gauntlet at the serum the man made and destroyed it.

"What have you done?!" The man complained. "My work!"

The others came into the room and stood next to Tony, staring the man down. "That wasn't your work, that was my sisters." Steve said, taking Sandra's formula sheet back and putting it in his pocket. "Now come, I have some people waiting for you outside."

Grabbing both of the mans wrists behind his back, Steve led the man outside where police officers were waiting to arrest him.

"What do you think Sandra and Thor are doing right about now?" Natasha asked both Steve and Bucky as they got into the car. "Because we all know how Thor is."

Steve shrugged. "Let's be real here. They're either killing each other or they're actually getting along."

- - -

Meanwhile, both Sandra and Thor were still in the kitchen. Thor was watching to see how many drinks it took for Sandra to get drunk, telling her he would give her money.

Sandra refused at first, knowing it was a terrible idea, but then she realized that she could use the extra money. So she accepted.

"I must say, you midgards are vert intense drinkers." Thor laughed.

Sandra drunkenly giggled too as she sat on the counter with her beers beside her. "Your not so bad sparkles." She giggled.

Thor smiled too, but it immediately disappeared when the elevator door opened and everyone was coming back from the mission.

Quickly, Thor stood in front of Sandra to hide her, knowing he was definitely going to be in big trouble. "Hey.. guys!" He nervously said.

Tony gave him an un happy look, already sending he did something he shouldn't have. "Thor you better explain what you did." He said, noticing he was blocking Sandra. "And why are you hiding her?"

Thor nervously laughed, taking a step over to reveal Sandra. "I told her I'd give her money if she got drunk." Thor said quickly. "I don't know why I did that."

Bucky groaned and went over to Sandra, seeing she was clearly drunk. "Alright, you need a nap." He said, picking her up over his shoulder and carrying her away.

Sandra giggled as they got down to the rooms. "You smell nice." She said as she smiled.

When they got to Sandra's room, Bucky laid her down in bed and kissed her forehead. "Stay in here and just sleep, that's all I ask. Ok san?"

Sandra giggled again and reached her arms up, touching Bucky's face. "Your pretty." She giggled.

Bucky laughed a little bit too, although he tried to hide it. "And your a gorgeous girl, but your also insanely drunk." He said, "now get some sleep, I'll be back later."

With one last giggle, Sandra nodded her head and snuggled into the blankets, easily falling asleep.

When Bucky got back to the kitchen where everyone else was, he began helping them throw away the empty beer cans.

"How out of it is she?" Steve laughed, "because the last time I saw her drunk she wouldn't stop going on about how cats are just tiny dogs with an attitude."

Tony laughed. "As one of the smartest scientists and weaponry makers, she seriously said that?" He asked.

Steve nodded. "She was never the best at controlling her words when she was drunk." He said.

Bucky nodded and agreed with Steve, a small laugh escaping. "She's terrible at keeping quiet when she's drunk." Bucky laughed.

"Ok we have to clean this place up because who knows when fury is going to just show up again." Tony said, looking around. "He will never drop it if he shows up and sees a mess like this."

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