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1 year later

Bucky and Sandra sat in their living room, watching tangled with the kids for the third time that week. Sandra had nothing against it, finding the movie to be adorable.

"Mom I want to grow my hair like Rapunzel." Gracie said, having moved on from calling Sandra mommy since she had turned six.

Sandra smirked, a little giggle escaping her lips. "You can try, but once it's past your booty it's your responsibility." She said, tickling Gracie's stomach.

"Mommy can I get a lizard like that one!" Jack asked, pointing to pascal on the screen.

"No Jack, that's a chameleon." Bucky corrected him. "And a chameleon is the best you could come up with? Why not a puppy or a kitty cat?"

Gracies eyes lit up once a puppy was mentioned. "We can get a puppy?!" She cheered, jumping off the couch and in front of her parents. "Mom did you hear?!"

Sandra was too busy giving Bucky a look before she could answer Gracie. "We will see hun, you two have to prove you can handle a puppy. You too big guy." She said, patting Bucky's chest.

Bucky laughed, noticing Sandras facial expression didn't change. "Oh wait your serious?" He asked, watching her slowly nod her head.

The moment was cut short when Sandras phone began to ring, Steve's name showing up on the screen. "You two watch the movie, Bucky come." Sandra said, pressing the answer button as they got to another room. "Steve what's up?" She asked

"Sandra something happened. Bucky's with you right?" Steve asked.

"Yeah he's right here, what's wrong?"

"You know I hate to ask you guys for mission help now that the kids are around, but this ones puts the entire universe at risk if we fail." He said, his voice sounding almost worried.

Sandra sighed, looking at Bucky worriedly. "Where's the fight?" He asked her, knowing that look.

"Wakanda. You guys can meet us at the compound. Clints not coming since he's on lockdown so he offered to watch the kids." Steve said, hearing Bucky's question. "But sand, we are low on help with Tony and Peter missing."

"TONY AND PETER ARE MISSING?!" Sandra practically yelled into the phone. "Steven you better not be fucking around with me."

"Sand haven't you watched the news? It's all over." Steve said, "go turn it on and get the kids ready in the car, we are leaving as soon as you guys get here."

Sandra sighed. "Ok. Ok bye." She said, hanging up the phone and turning towards Bucky ready to completely break down. "I was s-supposed to watch out for Tony.. Howard trusted me to watch over him and I failed." She said, stumbling into Bucky's arms.

Bucky held her close and tightly as she cried. "Hey, it's ok. This is Tony stark for gods sake, there's no getting rid of him." He said, speaking to her calmly. "I'll get the kids in the car, I want you to relax and just breathe."

Sandra nodded, Bucky's thumb wiping the tears from her eyes. "Ok-okay." She said, working sitting down and taking deep breaths as buck began to leave towards the living room. "God Tony where the hell are you guys.."

Suddenly, Gracie came into the room, sitting next to Sandra. "Mom.. I saw something again." She said.

Sandra sat straight, knowing Gracie hadn't seen anything since the compound was attacked last year. "Wha-what did you see baby?" She asked.

"I saw Peter and Tony. They were in a space ship with another guy who looked like a wizard."  Gracie said, looking at sandra. "Mom what are they doing?"

Sandras heart dropped after hearing they were in a space ship. "I- I have no idea." She said, "go find daddy and start heading to the car, you and jack are going to be staying with you uncle Clint and aunt Laura for a little."

Gracie nodded, leaving the room meanwhile Sandra sat and stared at her phone. She knew calling Tony was worth a shot, just to see if he was maybe just doing what she used to and hiding for whatever reason.

But after calling his phone three times, Sandra was losing hope. "God dammit Tony your just like your father." She groaned, slamming her phone down.

"Hey hey, doll relax." Bucky said, picking her phone up along with her. "The kids are in the car, how about you throw your suit on and we can get going. I'll wait with the kids."

Sandra nodded, Bucky leaving again while Sandra went to her closet. After having two kids, her old suit Tony made her didn't have the same feeling it used to. She always kept her backup attire for when an emergency like this was to happen.

The new outfit she would wear consisted of a skin tight black shirt with long sleeves, a camouflage vest with many pockets with little weapons and guns, camouflage khaki pants, and black combat boots. Knowing the fight would be happening probably as soon as they got there, Sandra put her hair up into a high braided ponytail.

She looked in the mirror, taking in a deep breath. Her eyes were red, along with her nose and cheeks from crying, something that usually happened when she cried. Knowing the kids would worry, Sandra put on her black tinted aviator sunglasses to hide her eyes.

"Mommy where are we going?" Jackson asked from his car seat, looking up from his iPad.

"You guys are going to hangout with your uncle Clint until we get back ok?" Bucky answered for her, seeing Sandra leaning her head against the window sadly.

He didn't like when she was sad, so he tried his best to discretely comfort her by putting his hand on top of hers and holding it. "It's ok." He whispered, starting the car up and pulling out from the drive way.

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