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"See what?" Sandra asked Clint as he lead her to the outside of the rubble. She looked around in shock after noticing that this was her vision. "Holy-"

But a confident smile grew on Sandra's face as she also served the atmosphere, seeing both thanos' army and the dusted hero's preparing to go head to head. "YOUR FUCKING DEAD YOU DICK!" She shouted, catching everyone's attention. "sorry Steve! Totally ruined your moment there."

Steve shook his head, getting back into fighting stance. "AVENGERS... assemble!" He shouted, everyone running at each other to attack.

"See you out there Barton." Sandra said, pressing a button on her new suit which gave her the ability to swing around much like Peter can.

Sandra's adrenaline rushed as she went on a killing spree, using the techniques that always guaranteed a kill while also trying some new ones.

Nothing compared to the feelings she, along with everyone else, was feeling. "So no one is supplying any sort of music? Come on, Let these guys enjoy their last few seconds living and I right?" She joked over the comms.

"I agree with Mrs Barnes!" Peter said, his innocent voice speaking through the comms as well. "But I've got the gauntlet Mr Stark so what am I supposed to do with it?"

Tony groaned. "Get it to the ugly brown van." He responded.

"Hey! That van has saved many life's." Scott complained.

Sandra shook her head, beginning to sing as she continued her killing. "Hit me with your best shot! Why don't you hit me with your best shot, fire away!"

"Dusty shut it!" Tony complained.

"Party pooper." She groaned, now turning to humming the remainder of the song.

The battle went on, getting to the point where Sandra and Thanos managed to go head to head.

A smirk grew onto Sandra's face as she pointed at him with her spear. "Once I'm done with you, you'll wish you were never born." She taunted, pointing the spear closer.

She allowed Thanos to make the first hit, which was to hit the spear away. "I'm not scared of a puny mortal like you." He said, grabbing the web that Sandra had shot at him and swinging her around.

Fighting to retract the web, Sandra was too late when Thanos released the web she hung on to and launched her into whatever was left of the Avengers compound... which wasn't much.

Much like before, Sandra was trapped where she was. With little energy and and extreme amount of pain, the girl couldn't even bring herself to speak into the communicator.

"What just flew into the compound?" She heard someone ask on the communicator.

"Can someone go check that out? I'll try to find out who's missing." Another person said.

As if things couldn't get worse for Sandra, a large piece of the wall beside her crumbled down and landed  on top of her.

She tried her best to grab a hold of her communicator, pressing the speak button. "St-Steve." She said, barely audible.

"Sandra what's wrong?" He responded while also continuing his fight.

"Steve I'm-I'm gonna die." Sandra choked out, her chest hurting as she tried to breathe.

The sound of running could be heard as he reconnected. "Sandra please tell me that wasn't you who got thrown." He said, obviously panicked.

Sandra sighed. "Y-yeah." She said, feeling something warm on her hands. She immediately recognized what it was. "Blood. Steve the-there's a whole lotta blood.. I-I didn't even get to see my family again and I'm going to die."

"Stay there! We are coming!" Steve said. "Try to apply some pressure to that wound ok, stay put."

Sandra took shaky breaths. "Steve I'm trapped under a broken wall and I-I can't move."

She could hear faint footsteps coming from above her, sounding like more than one person approaching.

"Sandy!" The people called out, although Sandra couldn't make out who the voices belonged to.

Slipping in and out of consciousness, the voices began to fade. "I-I'm here." She whispered, her vision going blank before she could listen for a response.

- - -

"Dammit it knew something bad was going to happen." Steve groaned as him and Bucky looked around for Sandra in the destroyed compound. "She could be anywhere."

Bucky ran a hand through his hair as he grew more nervous. He had no idea what Sandra would be like now, especially since he found out it's been five years.

"Sandy!" The two of them called out.

Standing in silence waiting for a response, they heard the slightest whisper. "I-I'm here."

Bucky looked around, seeing something that was definitely going to be an issue. "Steve!" He said, the two of them standing side by side at the edge of a deep hole that lead down to the basement of the compound.

Crouching down to get a better look, Bucky noticed an arm sticking out from beneath the broken wall. "Steve someone is down there!" He said, pointing it out to Steve.

"Oh my- sandy I swear if that's you down there.." Steve said, trying to figure out how to safely get up and down. "Buck do you think you could get down there?"

Bucky looked over the ledge again, shaking his head. "I can get down there, getting up will be an issue."

Steve sighed. "If that's you sandy, give me a thumbs up or something.

Sure enough, the thumb slowly went up.

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