Sending a Minion and Phone Numbers (Chapter 3)

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Tory's POV:

"So, you need me to tell her to stay?" I ask, understanding nothing.

"Kind of" I tilt my head confused "My daughter it's a hopeless romantic, that's something nobody knows"

"Misses Silver it's incredibly loyal, if she thinks that a person deserves her attention, she will stick by their side." Sensei Kreese adds.

"And if she sticks by their side, she will stay and coach the cobras, and we will win the All-Valley" I make a frown clearly of confusion.

"So, what do you say?" Sensei Kreese asks me.

"I don't get it, clarify it to me," I tell them straight to the point.

"Oh my god, I want you to date her," Sensei Silver sighs.

"WHAT!?" I'm not interested to date a stubborn celebrity!

"Okay, calm down," Sensei Silver tells me.

"I'm not gonna calm down! She seems like a horrible person! 10 minutes ago, she was beating me up!" I stand up.

"It's a good deal, Nichols"  Sensei Kreese tells me. 

"Yes! I know, but I feel like a prostitute or some shit!" I exclaim.

"Come on, she is not that terrible," Sensei Silver says, clearly offended.

"How should I know? My first impression of her was a punch to the face!" I yell, "And the second impression was she screaming at you! What should I think, Sensei?"

"Give her a chance, go and have lunch with her, she'll make you accept, plus, it's a challenge, and I know you like those" Sensei Silver tells me offering his hand.

"I will have lunch with her, but she is paying!" I tell him, closing the deal.

"Happy lunch, Nichols," Sensei Kreese tells me.

"Give this to her" Sensei Silver tells me, offering a necklace with a jade stone, "tell her that she forgot it" I take the necklace and head out of the office, "she might be by the 7-Eleven around the corner!"  I hear him screaming.

"Dude, are you okay?" Rickenberger asks me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna eat lunch, see ya" I say, leaving the Cobra Kai dojo.

I'm in shock, I mean, yeah, I want that benefits that Sensei offered to me, but that girl, Jade, seems so complex, I don't mind dating a girl, but, this isn't a normal girl, this is the Jade Silver, the heartbreaker girl, the most pretty teenager of the decade, the youngest black belt ever. I have heard about her, but she looks like if she has 30 walls surrounding her, I don't think I will be able of breaking those walls, and her letting me in.

I didn't notice, and I'm in front of the 7-Eleven, there is someone with a hood and light brown hair sat in a chair, I would say that's Jade, I decide to enter.

"Hey" I greeted her.

"What?" she was violently attacking a noodle soup. Is it normal that someone looks that sexy murdering a noodle? She looked at me with her green eyes, she was making a scowl. "Really? Now he sends a minion?" she turns to her soup again.

"Mm, I-I" I start babbling, come on, Tory. Grow up!

"You, you" she mocked me. 

"Here, you left this at the dojo," I tell her, pulling out the necklace.

"Oh, thanks" she puts on the necklace "hey, sorry for you know, beating you up" she scratches the back of her head.

"No problem, we were on a karate dojo, that's the point" I let out my hand "I'm Tory, by the way"

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