Could You Be the Devil? And A Criminal (Chapter 10)

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Tory's POV:

I'm in Jade's room, and when I say room, I mean apartment, she has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a balcony, a dinning room, and even a little gym. Turns out she owns the hotel, and this is her room-apartment, she told me that her dad gave it to her when she turned 16, he planned that she fail, but she made it the best hotel in California. 

There have passed like 4 days since we are together, and they have been magical, even more than with Miguel. Sensei Silver told me that I didn't need to train because I was badly injured, so, currently I'm watching Netflix, Jade it's cuddling me, and she is typing something in her computer. She was in the phone like 3 hours ago, and I think I heard her saying dad.

"Hey, babe," I told her.

"Yeah?" she stopped looking at the computer and looked at me.

"Watcha doing?" I ask her.

"Currently, I'm hacking Cobra Kai's old page" she tells me, like if it's nothing.


"The page that nerd of Miguel created, I'm hacking it"

"Yeah, I mean, why?"

"Well, now it says bullshit about Cobra Kai, so I'm making that he cannot edit or even see the page" she tells me, while she types. "And another little surprises".

"I didn't know you hack"

"Well, it's kinda illegal, so I don't scream it to the world" She told me, and I kissed her, for some strange reason now it seemed sexy to me that she was a criminal.

"Are you gonna replace the information?" I asked after a few minutes of making out.

"Of course, and the VIP class with Jade Silver will be added"

"So, you really are staying?"

"Well, someone needs to train you and take care of you, right, baby girl?" she said, leaving a kiss in my forehead.

"So, I'm in the VIP class?"

"You are already very important to me, babe" she smirked, "plus, you have a special treatment, I'm not gonna kiss everyone in that class" she kissed me and I kissed her back.

"Yeah, you better"

"And I have another surprise for you" she told me, with another smirk. 

"What is it?"

"You are returning to school" she told me, "and you are gonna have hot company by your side" she winked at me.

"Oh my god! How?" I was excited, I needed to study after all.

"Well, maybe I hacked the school database," she told me, "and now you and I are in".

"But I was expelled" 

"But you have a smart and criminal girlfriend, my love"

"When do we start?" 

"Next Monday, enjoy this weekend, babe"

~Monday 6:27 A.M.~ 

"Now I like more your girlfriend, Tory," my mom told me.

"Mom, she isn't an angel," I told her, getting ready for my first day at school, "actually she is more the opposite" I chuckled.

"But she has the beauty of an angel, and she made a miracle if the school is accepting you again" she told me smiling.

"Well, maybe she is" I answered chuckling, "Oh, god. Jade will be here in 13 minutes"

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