You Are The Only One That I Want, and Losing Yourself (Chapters 13-14)

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Author's Note:

Thanks for the 400+ views! This is a 2x1, to express my gratitude.

Guys, at the end of this chapter there is going to be a bit of violence, so if you are not very comfortable with it, you may not read it. I'll still post a warning before it starts.


Jade's POV:

I'm not jealous, I'm fine, totally fine. I trust Tory, I shouldn't be jealous. She is with me, I'm with her. She is mine, no one else's.

"Don't worry, babe, you are the only girl I want," her words resounded around my head. It was true, I was the girl she wanted, but there was also a boy.


1 year and 8 months before.

I'm cuddling my beautiful girlfriend after we took our relationship to the other stage. Just us with our love for each other, she told me the truth, it was just the worst hangover ever, she rested her beautiful head full of black hair in my naked chest, I was playing with it, she was still asleep.

Last night was incredible, I remember the lust in her blue eyes, how she screamed my name, full of ecstasy and fire, I was the luckiest girl in the world, I had the most beautiful girlfriend ever, and she was everything that was right in my life.

Suddenly, her phone rang, she was still asleep, so I let it rang, it was her phone, I wouldn't snoop and violate her privacy.

It rang again, and again. Who the hell wanted to talk with her that desperately? Maybe it was a relative, I got up from my bed, put on some clothes and searched her phone, she is close with her family, so maybe they wanted to talk with her.

I found it, but the number was blocked, there were 13 lost calls. There were more text messages, I wasn't paying attention, until I saw my name.

"Jade, it's as good as me?"

"I remember all the sex we had, damn, that girl is good"

"Now that you slept with the Silver queen, you are gonna dump her?"

"You know how easy it is to get tired of her"

"She is good for a few bangs, but she isn't girlfriend material"

"Come on, Catherine, answer the damn phone"

"Didn't you missed me last night? All the secret sex thing, it's great"

"Use her as long as you want, she is used to that"

My heart just crushed, I'm like that? Catherine was cheating on me again?

End of flashback.

"Jade?" I heard my girlfriend's voice, "are you okay?" there was a tear threatening to go out of my eye, I looked the floor.

"Yeah" I wiped the tear, "ready to go to the dojo?" I asked.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah, just, you know, bad memories" I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my neck.

"You don't have to be jealous" she told me, and I looked at her.

"I'm not jealous, Tor" I answered almost instantly, "put this" I handed her the helmet.

She sighed and took the helmet.

We got into the motorcycle and I turned it on, I don't like to drive when I'm in a mood, so I tried to calm.

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