Same Old Stuff That Never Ends, and I'm So Sick Of This Fake Love (21)

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Tory's POV:


2 weeks ago:

We were on a date at the cinema, Jade was holding my hand, and she was giving me full-hearted looks, like if there was nothing else in the world, but me.

"Tor" she started, "I told you how beautiful you look every day of your life?" she gave me another of her smiles.

"Thanks, Jade," I say, disinterested.

The time passed, and the movie was over, I told Jade that I was going to the restroom, she told me that we will meet by the food court, she gave me a peck, and she left.

I sighed, and I head to the bathroom, the tournament will be in 2 months and like 2 weeks, Jade has been training us very hard, now we are yellow belts, and she was proud of the advances. Of course Sensei Silver was too, he was right about Jade coaching us, and Sensei Kreese was more than happy, he believes we will win. 

But there was something bugging me, and it was Sam LaRusso's words. She told me that like a week ago, and I have been thinking about it, and it's true. "Come on, Tory" I remembered her words, "we all know that you are using Jade, you want fame and see your name in the great billboard" her voice repeated in my head, "dating Jade it's a good way to do it, after all, she already has a name" the memory continue playing, "you are a lucky girl, Nichols. Don't screw it."

And I'm doing it, I'm having fucking second thoughts, I used to think that I was in love with her, I could see a brighter future, a future for us. But that spark in my heart disappeared, it's like it was instantly removed when Sam told me that. 

I pulled out my phone, and I called someone I will never expect, he answered after three rings.

"Yeah?" his voice sounded through my phone.

"Can we talk?" I told him.

"Sure, when?" he asked me.

"Now, meet me at the old spot," I answered.

"Sure, see you there," he hung up.

I sighed and started calling Jade, she answered immediately.

"Hey, Jade," I said with a boring tone.

"Are you lost? I'm in the table, you want me to go and search you?" she spoke very fast.

"No, I called you because I'm going home, I'm not feeling well" I lied to her.

"You want me to drive you home? Wait for me in the..." she asked politely, but out of nowhere she started to annoy me.

"No" I answered cutting her off, "I'm ordering an Uber"

"Oh" she stopped, "I did something bad?" she was sad, here she goes, again with her fucking trust issues.

"Jade, stop that," I answered rude to her.

"Tor, tell me what's going on" she had a pleaded voice.

"Nothing, literally nothing it's going on" I thought out loud, thinking about my feelings.

"We can talk if you want, you know I'm always open to hear you out," she told me.

"No, now stop bothering me, they are gonna mug me" I lied, like if I was in the street. 

"Take care, Tor, I lo..." I hung up, I can't deal with her now, I have a lot in my mind.

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