I Know That You Got Daddy Issues and Blood, Sweat and Tears (Chapter 23)

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Derek's POV:

4:20 A.M.

This isn't right.

I mean, it feels wonderful, like it always did.

But Jade isn't right in her mind at this moment.

It is bad, like taking advantage of that.

So, I do what's correct, I caress her cheek and separate from her.

"You don't love me anymore?" she asked, with her eyes a little watered, she was pouting.

"I do, Jade" I answered, "I'm hopelessly in love with you" I gave her a reassurance smile.

"So, why do you reject me?" she asked, with her voice trembling, and I feel how my heart clenches.

"I'm not rejecting you, princess" I kissed her forehead.

"It looks like that's what you are doing!" she screamed at me.

"Jade" I looked at her eyes, she was hurt.

"Am I that unlovable?" some tears dropped, "Am I not good enough for anybody?"

"You are lovable, and I'm the proof of that" I caressed her cheek, she was shorter than I, "You are more than anybody can wish for," I sighed, "you are more than I deserve" I kissed her forehead once more, "you are gorgeous, in the outside and in the inside" she looked at me with her golden eyes, "you want to know how I know that?" I asked, and she nodded softly, "because you are Jade Silver, and if someone can't see and appreciate that..." my voice broke at the end, result of the knot in my throat, "it's because they aren't worth your time"

'Go ahead and cry, little girl' my dad's voice sound in my head, I shook my head, making those bad thoughts disappear.

"Derek..." she said with a hint of sadness, "I want you" she sobbed, "you want me?"

"Jade, I don't want you" her face visibly broke, "because there is a line between the love and the desire" she gasped-sighed, "and I love you" once again, she closed the space between us, catching my lips with her soft ones.

She needs me, as long as my heart beats, I will stay by her side, loving her.

We broke the kiss and her eyes were shining, I smiled at her and put the spray cans in my bag, we had a couple of gifts missing.

Sam's POV:

10:21 A.M.

I'm gonna kill Derek Archer.

I'm squashing my phone with the famous Twitter account of gossip in the screen.

Jade Silver is back with her old toy-boy?

Looks like the famous thespian was on a date with her ex-boyfriend, the exquisite model Derek Archer, a total heart break! And for both sides must I say! Someone as handsome as Derek with the luscious Jade, completely bi culture!

So, I completely ruined Jade's hope and trust in Tory, and now the pretty boy walks into the picture? And he steals Jade away from me? You know what? I'm done! I'm freaking done, I'm gonna go back with Miguel and that's it.

He will come back, he always does, he is like a loyal dog, he plays around, but ends up returning.

Would you prefer dating Derek or Jade? Maybe both? Kiss or f*ck? Polyamory relationship? Hotel? Trivago.

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