Wish I Could Turn Back Time, and Nothing Works Without You (Chapter 22)

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Tory's POV:

9:43 AM.

They have passed two days since I fight with Jade, I want to see nobody, I'm just lying in my bed. Getting older, and see how the time passes, without me.

A knock in the door brings me back to reality, Tyler's voice sounds.


"Leave me alone, Tyler!" I shouted at him.

"A guy came here and told me to give you this" he leaves something in the floor, and he walks away.

I sigh and got up, walking to the door, I open it and there is a box.

I enter it to my room, and place it in my messy bed, I open it, and there is something that looks like a paper envelope, and something wrapped in a silver paper.

I open the paper envelope, and I immediately recognized the hand-writing.


The reason why I'm writing this, it's because I can't trust myself, I know for a fact that if I say this to your face, I'm gonna end up doing something I will regret later.

My heart hurts a little.

I had a good time by your side, I suppose you didn't, sorry for being the worst girlfriend ever. I thought I was doing the right thing, but, of course, I wasn't.

I roll my eyes, even in a letter she is having the same issues. Maybe it's because I just increased them.

None of that matters anymore, I'm leaving California today. And I'm not planning on returning, if I do, it will be to sell that hotel, so I don't need to return anymore in my life. This is for the better.

What? The hotel?

I changed in here, and it was worthless. So, I'm returning to New York. If you still care a little about me, I want to ask you a favor.

I try not to cry, like if someone was watching.

I plead to you, don't re-enter my life.

I can't stand being an annoying person in your life, so let's just cut the strings, we will take separate ways, and do whatever we want with our lives. Forget about me, forget about everything we built together. As I said, it was all fake. And we all believe it.

My heart clenches more.

Whatever, I already told this a zillion times, but, you are an amazing martial artist, you have everything to win that tournament, (but I wouldn't be that sure about that exact part), and more if you want to do it, never let that anybody stops you. I will continue with my life, doing what I know better.

I know how bright your future will be, never stop, you can't give up.


I see a little of ink in the sides probably she used a microtip, and pressed too hard, but now it is accompanied by my tears, because I realize that's the last form of communication that I will ever get from her.

We always thought about our future, not our single future, I guess we weren't meant to last that much.

It's over.

And it's completely my fault.

I start to unwrap the silver paper, immediately a sweet but strong smell reaches my nose, Jade's perfume, I could recognize it anywhere. I unwrap it completely, what is in there, completely crushes my heart.

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