Is This The Place That I've Been Dreaming Of? And Try To Fix You (Chapter 15)

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~Time skip of 3 weeks~

Third-person POV:

Tory was in a dark room, it was Jade's room in the hotel, but everything was changed, darker than normal. She tried to get up, but there was something holding her ankle.

"Jade?" she called his girlfriend, there was no answer, "Jade!" she yelled more desperately. The chain burned her.

Suddenly, she heard a sob of pain, she turned to look, Jade was there, but unlike Tory, she was in a cage, her limbs chained, gagged, clearly she had been beaten, there was blood around her, she seemed to be in limbo between consciousness and unconsciousness. She was blindfolded, those eyes that used to say more than her lips. She looked too thin, as if she was dying slowly, her beautiful brown hair was totally dry, brittle and tangled.

"Jade!" she got up, but something was pulling her back to the ground, she fell hard on it, but nothing hurt more than seeing Jade.

"You should stop doing that," a deep voice said, becoming familiar.

"Who the fuck are you?" asked Tory.

"Do not you recognize me?" the voice asked, it was female, Tory had heard it, "we just met" she said.

"LaRusso?" she asked, obviously it wasn't her, her voice is high-pitched.

"No" she heard footsteps, she was getting closer, "are you scared, mi reina?"

Tory's heart stopped, that nickname, only one person has ever called her that, a chill runs through her body when she realizes it.

"Jade?" her voice sounded like a whisper, almost imperceptible.

"Correct" this doesn't make sense, Jade is in that cage, how can there be two of her? Tory thought.

"Why are there two like you?" she asked, she came closer. His eyes were black as night, the same color as they were today.

"There is always a constant fight between us" her voice gave her chills, "I took control this time" she laughed cynically.

"What did you do to Jade?" she asked, alarmed.

"I'm just indoctrinating her again" she replied, "she's turning into a soft bitch" she took her by the chin, her touch was cold, "I must remind her of the shitty life she's had" she started to walk away towards her caged counterpart.

"Jade, please" she begged, "don't do it" the chains prevented her from moving, "don't hurt her anymore"

She snorted, "oh Tory, how pathetic you look" her voice sounded as cold as ice, nothing compared to her angelic voice when they first met.

"Jade, you are not like that!" he yelled at her, but she just chuckled.

"On the contrary my dear Tory, I have always been like this" she approached Tory, "this is the real me"

Tory's eyes snapped open, and she began to hyperventilate, her shoulder starting to ache tremendously.

Tory's POV:

I woke up sweating, that dream seemed so real, damn my shoulder is bleeding, Jade bandaged it for me at the dojo, but I guess I moved too hard. I look at my phone, 4:25 A.M.

Fuck it hurts, Jade really knew where to attack, my arm feels useless, my phone starts to vibrate. And speaking of the king of Rome.

✨🖤Jade 🖤✨:

"Princess? Are you there?"

"Probably not, and I'm waking you up, damn it ..."

"Did you connect?"

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