Nana and Jade, Dangerous Love (Special Chapter)

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Nana is a character that belongs to 

This is an AU (Alternate Universe) it has no continuity with "A Rough Diamond".

I'll post the two chapters, as the one she wrote is in Spanish, so she gave me permission to dance (I'm sorry) and to translate it. I'm gonna keep it exactly how she wrote it, you'll notice this is not my writing.

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On the other hand, Jade was in treason waiting to get to the recording set, there were so many cars that it seemed that she would never arrive. On the other hand, a teenage rebel Nana full of bruises on her face and with some bandages left a juvenile institute, that her mother had paid the bail, but she did not care, everything for having destroyed the face of a girl, Samantha LaRusso, when she found out about her boyfriend, rather ex, kissing her, she almost killed her with her fists at school, she completely destroyed her whole face and left her unconscious from so many blows, someone took her away from her, it was Miguel, otherwise Sam would be dead.

- Nana, you can't continue like this.

- Get the hell out of my life. Will you, Colin?

- Natasha, I'm just trying to help you. Look I...

- I don't care what you say, you heard that? Leave me the fuck alone.

Nana got on the motorcycle and started at full speed to stop going around several turns she started and left her mother behind who was calling her screaming, she did not care, she continued driving, meanwhile Jade seeing that she had already moved a little the traffic started to continue, until that motorcycle got in her way, she ended up crashing, the driver fell to the ground, Jade scared got out of the car to help her, to find a teenager with the appearance of a rocker-gothic and several injuries.

- What the fuck happen to you?

She shouted.

- Why would you drive like that? You don't even have a helmet on!

Jade screamed.

- Stupid princess that doesn't know how to drive!

- What the hell you just said to me, brat?

- Are you deaf? You aren't more than a fucking princess dressed in black clothes!

- I'm not a princess, stupid bitch!

- Who the hell are you calling bitch, piece of trash?

- You, piece of shit!

Jade shouted.

- Son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill you!

Nana screamed.

- Well, try it, slut!

Jade reacted to this girl sending a flying kick to the face, by reflexes Jade was able to avoid that kick. The two were in a street battle in the middle of the street, between punches and various various kicks on the floor, punches, kicks, knees, Jade realized that the girl knew how to fight in a karate style combined with the street, she used the Silver methods, that girl was crazy-nuts. Jade gave her a tremendous knee in the stomata and then several punches in the face, but this girl kneed her in the stomach and then grabbed her arm and smashed her on the floor. Nana applied a force lock on Jade's neck without letting her breath she wanted to kill her at once, Jade felt the air go away, so she used her spike bracelet with numerous punches, she hit her rival in the face, she released her, then she turned around and gave her a flying kick in the face. her rival doing this will crash into a car.

- It's enough, stupid girl!

Jade screamed.

- I will say when it's enough, princess. Nana looked up, her face was hurt and there was blood coming out of her mouth, she licked it with her tongue, her own blood, it was kind of gross...

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