I See It, I Like It, I Want It, I Got It and Turned Out Amazing (Epilogue)

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2 months later.

Third-Person POV:

"So, let me get this straight" Terry said.

"Dad, I already told you, that I can't be straight again because I was never" Jade answered, Tory chuckled and playfully nudged her in the ribs, Jade laughed and gave Tory a side hug.

"You know what I meant, Jade" he sighed, "why are you telling this to me? I thought you hated me" he asked.

"I wanted you to know about my this-time-real relationship with Tory, you are important to me 'cause you are my father, even when I don't want to, and we have been dating for more than 2 months" Jade answered.

"I think that you complimented me and later offended me, congratulations" he said, chuckling.

"That's what I did" Jade chuckled.

"Wait, wait" Sam said, Jade rolled her eyes.

"What?" she said.

"Do you think that we will forgive you because of what you did?" she said, crossing her arms.

"No because I don't need to apologize" Jade sighed, "I did something good, you are all in the same room, and you aren't at each other's throats, literally"

"Then apologize for breaking my heart, by dating Tory and not me" Sam said.

"Nope, I don't regret that" she said and Tory kissed briefly her cheek, while trying not to laugh.

"Hey, Sam, I'm still here, your boyfriend?" Miguel said.

"Perfect timing, Miguelito" Jade said, perfect pronunciation of Miguel's nickname.

"By the way, how many languages do you speak?" Tory asked.

"More than you can count with one hand" Jade answered.

"Wow, I really won the jackpot" Tory chuckled.

"So did I" Jade smiled softly at her.

Sam coughed harshly.

Jade rolled her eyes.

"You just killed my extremely cheesy moment with my girlfriend, but I won't kill you, out of respect to Mister Minchaki's dojo"

"Miyagi, Jade" Daniel answered.

"Miyagi, Jade" Jade mocked Daniel and glared at him.

"Hey, I want my 45 grand back" Daniel said, closing his arms.

"I'm not giving you a nickel" Jade answered.

"Should've known" Daniel muttered.

"We already left our differences aside, as you and Archer wanted" Robby said, Johnny had an arm around his shoulders.

Jade smiled, touching her necklace, Derek sent to her the direction of the jewelry, where all the money already was given.

"Yeah, that's what we wanted" she had a sad smile.

Tory noticed how her girlfriend's mood changed, she gave her a quick peck to the lips.

Jade was sad as Derek was missing, the police didn't have any clue, Jade knew that he escaped from his family, once again.

But, she couldn't tell that to the police, so she said that she knew nothing, and that it was possibly because of the break-up.

"But, everything turned out amazing" Jade said and everyone nodded, most of them rolling her eyes.

"Well, thanks for that, Silver" Hawk said, side-hugging Moon, they worked it out, when Moon found out that they dropped the tournament, decided to give him another chance, and he changed for real.

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