The Instant Breakfast and Having Good Taste (Chapter 4)

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Tory's POV:

It's a new day, yesterday I did nothing at all, but search information about Jade, why? Because I wanted to know if dating her would be horrible. I bought some magazines that contained photos of her and interviews.

And it's not like I'm a stalker or some shit, I just wanted to know if my life it's in risk, I just found that she had a boyfriend, but they broke up after 3 months, and it's said that she had a little affair with another girl in her boarding school, but it was never confirmed, there are a lot of those rumors, but it's said they are fake, and they are just frustrated fans, that want to pretend that they have a relationship with Jade. Can I blame them? No, I can't. Actually, I'm gonna start pretending that I have a relation with her, but she doesn't know that it's completely fake. 

And currently I'm waiting for her to arrive, she texted me to be ready at 9 am, also, that I didn't have breakfast. So here I am waiting in my room until she calls me.

Maybe this is a bad idea, and she is gonna kidnap me and kill me? I don't know. Or maybe it's gonna be a great day, and I'm being paranoid. My phone buzzing lets me out of my trance.

"Hey, Nichols" I hear her voice.

"Hey, Silver"

"I'm arriving, 3 minutes more or less"

"Okay, I'm gonna shower"

"What!? Are you shitting me? I'm gonna kill you if it's true!"

"I'm kidding, see ya," I hang up, going out of my room.

"Where are you going, sweetheart?" I hear my mom's voice from her bedroom.

"I'm going out with a friend," I tell her, entering the room.

"Don't tell me it's with that Latino boy, he doesn't deserve you," my mom tells me.

"No, he is in the past, mom" I tell her, "I'm going with a new friend, I think you will like her"

"Oh, well, I would like to met her sometime," my mom tells me.

"I think she is outside, I could tell her to enter," I offer.

"That would be great, sweetie," She grins at me.

"Hold up," I exit the room and house, I see a Harley arriving, it turns off and the driver takes the helmet, revealing a long light brown semi-wavy hair. Now I understand all the faking, god I'm gonna be lucky. Shit, I think I'm staring.

"Are you done checking me out?" Jade told me.

"I wasn't checking you out!" I felt my cheeks warm.

"Your cheeks don't lie, hottie" she says chuckling, "you're busted".

"Whatever" I say, folding my arms.

"Before I forget" she searches for something in her backpack "shit, I'm sure I packed it" she whispers.

"What are you searching?"

"I bought you something," she tells me, searching in the backpack.


"Don't feel special, it's actually for your family" she lets out a package.

"How the hell you couldn't find that?" I ask her, sarcastically.

"Shut up and receive it," she tells me, handing the package.

"What the hell is this?" I ask, opening the package.

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