Your Love's Like Rhinestones, and How Long Before You Tell The Truth? (19)

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Third-person POV:

Jade woke up, she had a headache, and was nauseous.

"Damn it," she cussed, touching her head.

She grab the phone and pressed the button for calling the room service.

"Can you come and clean my room?" she asked, "no, I don't care I want to see how they clean" she sighed, "sure, I'll eat something at the restaurant, thanks" she got up from the bed.

She put on some new clothes, brushed her teeth and got out of the room.

She was in the hallway when she crashed with someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching," she apologized.

"We seriously need to stop encountering like that," he chuckled, they looked at each other, "holy shit, Jade, what happened to you?" he asked worried.

"What are you doing here?" she asked bluntly.

"Well, I'm staying in this hotel" he chuckled softly, "would you like to have breakfast with me?"

"Derek, I'm with the worst hangover ever, I don't want to talk" she answered.

"Hangover? What they did to you?" he asked.

"No offense, but it's not something different that what you did," she replied sad.

"I'm sorry, Jade" he sighed, "wanna talk about it?" he asked, with a sincere smile.

"Sure, let's see if you still are a great counselor" she replied, they started to walk to the restaurant.

"I'm paying, by the way," he answered.

"Derek, this is my hotel, I don't pay" she chuckled softly.

"Oh, yeah right" he scratched the back of his neck, and smiled at her.

They arrived and ate, they left the place.

Derek offered Jade to walk her to her room, where they could talk peacefully.

"I'm an idiot, Derek," she said, sitting in her clean bed.

"You aren't an idiot" he said, sitting beside her, "tell me what happened"

"I'm in love with that girl" she said, "but she is in love with my father's money"

"How you know that?" he asked, concerned.

"Because she has never told me that she loves me" she leaned on Derek's shoulder, "I always feel like if she wants me, but she doesn't love me"

"Well, you have been my only girlfriend, Jade" he started, "I don't have too much experience" he took her hand, "but there is a large line between the desire and the love"

"I heard the conversation, Derek" she sighed, "they think I'm stupid, and zero percent valuable" a tear ran across her cheek, "they only care about me for their stupid karate war"

"Jade, you are amazing and beautiful" he wiped the tear from her cheek, "you deserve everything, and you truly deserve someone who gives everything from them to you" 

"I'm smoking, Derek" she cried, attacking his chest "I promised that I will never do it, but I'm doing it" she hugged him tightly.

"I know, Jade," he answered, hugging her back, "I know that it isn't easy" he kissed her forehead, "I know that you will solve everything" he parted a bit from Jade, and with the index where he had the ring took her chin, making that she looked at him, "because I know what kind of strong independent woman you are" he smiled at her.

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