The Stupid Karate War and the Fresh Meat (Chapter 1)

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Jade's POV:

Good night, afternoon, morning. I do not know and I do not care. If you came here it is because you want to read about me, what you are about to read is a lot of drama and romance, with the occasional karate fight. My name is Jadelyn Silver, but if you call me that, I swear I will rip that beautiful head off your shoulders. So it's just Jade, I'm 17 years old, I live in New York and the woman who gave birth to me and brought me into this shitty world just died.

In fact, I'm at the airport to visit billionaire sperm donor Terry Silver, we do not have a good relationship, it's worse than going on a rollercoaster after you ate 3 burritos, he is stubborn as hell, and I'm stubborn as hell, he abandoned me, and sent me to a shitty boarding school since I was 8 years old. There are words to describe how I felt? No there aren't. I thought I was the problem, and I lived with that for 5 years, until I decide to sent him to rotten in hell.

And here I am, trying to give my best impression, so I can get that stupid signature, I need it to keep working, since Meredith died I need authorization from any other family member, I could fake it like always, but I have no idea how is the signature of Terrence, and I don't plan on going to Juvie for something that stupid, if I go it will be for vandalism or scam, not for something as useless as a fake signature.

You are supposed to know how I look by now, but in case you haven't seen my beautiful appearance yet, I'll describe myself. I have olive green eyes, light brown hair, I am 1.74 meters tall (5'85 foot), I have an athletic body, which I must preserve for my work, and my face is simply visualizing Aphrodite. I'm a model and quite known actress, and even if the people don't believe it, I made it all by my self, I didn't need Daddy Silver, or someone at all, I learned to live by myself damning the consequences.

My father came about two weeks ago to help an old friend from the war, and when I say old friend I mean old, that man was already alive when Queen Elizabeth was born. Whatever, the thing is, he's in Reseda, California, and my father had free time from doing absolutely nothing and decided to help him with his karate war, which if you ask me, it's stupid as hell.

Seriously, those fifties are going to end up breaking something, especially if they are kicking each other's asses every two seconds, how do I know? Easy, I googled karate in Reseda and there was hella lot of information, something about a brutal school fight that ended with a boy in a coma, others expelled and most suspended for 2 weeks. Fights between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do students in broad daylight, I begin to believe that the police are incompetent, or are afraid that teenagers will kick their asses, I used to be a cobra, but I preferred the performing arts to the martial arts and everything went to hell from there, although I am still guided by its beautiful teachings of no mercy, or striking first and hard. 

The All-Valley tournament is coming up, and that's why my father is there; I remember an interview that I saw, he said something about a car salesman who has a hero complex, and a treacherous cobra who needs an appointment with a psychiatrist, do you understand me when I say it is a stupid karate war? My plane is about to leave without me, even if I'm the one that owns it, I swear the world has conspiracy against me and my mental state.

Those were the longest six hours of my life, I feel like they just took 16 years of youth away from me, I bet we already live on Mars, it's barely noon, I'll go to the hotel, I'll settle in and at 4 I'll go and receive my karate free class.

~~time skip of 3 hours~~

Hello there, wonderful world, it is 3:04 in the afternoon, let's get ready for a great  adventure! No, I don't even believe that fake mood, I have to go to shitty class, to see my shitty parent and tell him to give me his damn signature, it's a great plan for Friday afternoon, I could be on a club hooking up with a girl or even having lunch or doing something with my life, but no, I need to go to the damn dojo. I will go on my motorcycle, it just arrived from New York and needs to have a tour.

I've already arrived, and the first thing I see is a cobra in a cage, I must admit that it looks quite cool and gives the dojo a rough appearance, there is also blood on the ground, a first aid kit that I would say they use daily, a lot of weapons that I recognized instantly, but most of all, Cobra Kai's philosophy on one wall, and its inspirational quotes on other walls around the space.

There were a lot of guys and girls in their karate gi with the Cobra Kai logo on the back. Strangely they were all white belts, I remember being a black one since I was 8, going down in history as the youngest girl to get one, my father was so proud that day. Until I went and sent everything to down way to hell. 

I saw a girl who caught my eye, she had brown hair and golden locks, she was very pretty, and she was talking to a couple of guys, one who looked Asian and the other with light brown blonde hair. I could tell you that she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, well, except when I look at myself in the mirror. An elderly man entered, and ordered us to settle in to make room for a fight.

"Class!" the old man spoke "today we have fresh meat, the new ones will face an already trained student" he paused "the last one standing wins the position in the team, understood?"

"Yes, sensei," the cobras answered in chorus.

"Good" he looked around "you" he said pointing to a boy next to me "Keene, show him what you have".

The named Keene positioned himself in the middle of the square, saluted and attacked the boy, leaving him on the ground a few seconds later.

"Ouch" I said in a low voice when I saw how the boy got up and left quickly without looking back for a second.

"Did I hear something?" Kreese asked.

"Considering how old you are, I don't see it very possible" I answered without thinking, damn, damn, damn, I'm already dead, hide it and give him a smirk, Jade.

"You have guts, lady," the old man looked me straight in the eyes.

"You have no idea," I replied with my smirk growing, trying to sound confident.

"Nichols, teach this girl some manners," he said, looking at the pretty girl with the dyed hair.

"Yes, sensei!" Nichols answered, almost yelling, getting into the square and in position.

I got into the square, saluted her and got into position, let the hunger games begin.

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