Any Girl Like You Deserves a Gentleman, and You're Scared To Be Lonely (24)

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Sam's POV:

Seven weeks later.

I am arriving at the jail, where my mom was being held, I mean it could've been less time if she hadn't tried to run away with Jade's wallet. Trying to regain some of the money that she basically stole from us, bad part? Jade didn't have cash, only her cards, other bad part? My mom hit her multiple times to take her wallet, that made that she was sentenced to 4 months in jail, for assaulting a minor and trying to mug her, also, we needed to pay a fine of 700 dollars to Jade. 

Yeah, everything went horribly wrong, at least she is free now, with probation. We decided, to not try to make that Jade look guilty of the scam, as half of the proofs led to my dad, and he could be in prison from a year to more. Terry would be there too, but it would be stupid, so we made a deal, after all, our credibility went downhill thanks to Bonnie and Clyde.

Guess what happened? Looks like, the fact that my mother tried to beat up and mug Jade, wasn't good-looking in their eyes, and they sent the letter, with a cute postscript of a photo Derek took after what my mom did, and it wasn't cute at all, and as she is a famous girl it was worse. 

Last I heard about Mr. And Mrs. Smith, is that they are in Milan, also in New York, Monaco, Paris. I don't know if it's real, as they see a couple with sunglasses, and caps and instantly say that they are Derek and Jade. Yeah, they are obsessed with them, and that's coming from the girl that drugged Jade into liking her.

They came out as a couple the day after "The Great Karate Scam", as we decided to name it, and honestly, Tory took the worst part. Jade said that it wasn't a meaningful relationship, as it was used with other motives and feelings, but love, yep, Tory cried, we became frenemies, and I kind of helped her out.

Returning to the criminals, Jade's gonna receive a prize of 'the hottest female teenager of the year', along with 2000 bucks, and Derek's gonna receive a prize for being 'the hottest male teenager of the year' with another 2000 bucks, and if it wasn't enough, they are gonna receive the award for "favorite couple" with 3500 bucks. I hate them. But everyone else in the world loves them, they literally swept the floor with the other candidates.

I see how my mom is pushed towards the entrance, cuffs in hands, but in her normal clothes, she signed some papers, and I saw how they truly pushed her to the exit, falling in her face, I immediately went to her, I was shocked with her appearance, she was skinny and had several bruises.

"Mom! What happened to you?" I asked, she glared at me, and got up.

"Prison, Sam" she answered, with a bored and wearied tone.

"Who did this to you?" I asked, a little offended.

"The Silver Medal prisoners" she sighed, the Silver Medals was the name that Jade's fans were referred like, "Along with some Archers" Derek's fans, of course, "And the Silver Archers too" fans of both of them and their romance, I shouldn't have asked.

"Come on, let's get you home" I said, entering the car as she did the same.

"What happened while I was gone?" She asked, plugging her seatbelt.

"We made a truce with Cobra Kai, as our reputations are both in hell" I answered, mirroring her action.

"I hate that girl" she sighed deeply, while rubbing her temple.

"She is worse than her father" I started the engine, we were meeting in Miyagi-Do.

It was a nice car ride, everyone was in there. I must say that Bonnie and Clyde, somehow, brought peace to the dojo fight we were having

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