Time Travelling and Acting (Chapter 5)

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Third-person POV:

Tory and Jade were having a ride around the city, Tory felt safe holding into Jade's hips, like if there was nothing else that mattered, Jade's leather jacket was waving because of the wind, that was what she loved about motorcycles, all the wind in her face, she felt like all the preoccupations disappeared.

10 minutes later they arrived to a restaurant, that had a 50s atmosphere, there were waitress in rollerblades and dress and other waiters with leather jackets and slicked hair.

"Wow" Tory said, amazed.

"I know, I used to come here when we were filming, 2 years ago," Jade said with a smile.

"It's a nice place, it smells delicious" 

"Yep, let's take a seat," the thespian chuckled.

They sat in an empty table around the corner, Jade pulled up her hood, and some shades.

"Hello! My name is Alice, and I'm gonna be your waitress," a blonde girl announced.

"Hey, can you give us some menus? Thanks," Jade asked politely.

The waitress zoned away a little, and stared at Jade, analyzing her.

"Can you, please?" Jade asked again.

"Sure thing, pretty," she handed the menus.

"Thanks, we will let you know when we are ready to order," Jade said smiling, dismissing the waitress.

"What do you usually order?" Tory asked her.

"American breakfast" Jade said pointing at the menu.

"Is it good?" 

"Yep, it's enough for having energy until lunch"

"Guess I'm picking that"

"Kay" she raised her hand calling the waitress.

"You ready to order?" Alice asked.

"Yep, we will have 2 American breakfasts" Jade answered, returning the menu.

"Sure, what would you like to drink? A pretty girl needs to drink something," she wrote down the order and winked at Jade.

"I will have a light coffee, 3 sugars, please," Jade told her.

"And you?" she asked with zero kindness.

"An orange juice" the waitress wrote down and left.

"Aren't you uncomfortable?" Tory asked, "I mean, she was clearly hitting on you".

"I don't know" Jade sighed, "I suppose I'm used to it"

"How can you get used to that? It's horrible!"

"I guess I'm used to being used," Jade said with the gaze down and in a lower voice, almost inaudible.

"Hey, follow my lead," Tory said, taking her hand. Jade nodded, took off the sunglasses and waited until the waitress arrived.

"2 American Breakfasts" the waitress gave to them the dishes, "a light coffee with 3 sugars" she gave it to Jade winking at her, "orange juice," she said giving the cup to Tory reluctantly, spilling a little.

"Hey, gem, there it's everything that you ordered?" Tory asked Jade, winking at her.

"Yes, baby girl" she said, holding her hand, "but you are everything and more than I ordered" she caressed her cheek with her other thumb.

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