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Wednesday January 6, 1993 the day everything change. The day Deena Johnsons life was officially full of bad luck. The day the memories rushed through her head. The day she lost another piece of her life.  

"So what movie are we watching tonight?" Simon asks as he sits next to Deena. "Dude, it's Wednesday, movie night is on Friday" Deena says letting out a low laugh.  She has met Simon in the 1st grade, they've always been very close to the other. Although he was annoying Deena loved his antics. "Hello lady killer" Kate says sitting on the other side of Deena. "Hello K-" Deena was cut off by Simon. "Oh, Hello to you too Kate" Simon says sarcastically "Simon, I've seen you five times this morning" Deena and Kate start laughing.

"I'm exhausted" Kate says "I wanna go home already, I'm glad we're only missing two more classes" Simon says looking at his watch. "I can't wait to leave this hellhole" Deena complains. "Hey, are we still going to the river this Saturday?" Kate asks "Yes" Deena and Simon say in unison. "This weekend is gonna be so fun" Simon says doing a little dance. Both Kate and Deena start laughing at Simons actions.

"Good afternoon class, today we will be taking the test on the history of art" the professor says. "You will have till the end of clas-" he was cut off by the school principal walking in. "Good afternoon Mr, what can I help you with" the professor asks. "Come here, please" the professor walks outside with the principal. The whole class started making bets on what they were talking about. "He's probably getting fired" Kate tells Deena and Simon. "Why though, he's been a great professor" Deena says "You never know, he probably slept with a student" Simon joked "Simon!" Deena and Kate says softly slapping his arm. "Wow wow, I was joking. No need to be so aggressive, ladies" He giggled.

"Deena Johnson" there giggles suddenly stoped. Deena quickly looked up at the door. "They need you in the office" Deena nodded in confusion and looked at Kate and Simon. The three of them were very confused.

On the walk to the office she thought of the reasons she could be getting called to the office. She hasn't done anything wrong lately. Her grades are on point though, maybe she's getting a price or something. When she walked into the office she saw her brother Josh standing in front of Officer Goode. What did you do now?. Deena asked herself but then noticed Josh was as confused as her.

"You guys should take a seat" Offices Goode suggested. "Just get to the point Goode" Deena says rolling her eyes. "Well... your father has sadly passed away" Goode said not being able to make eye contact with neither Deena or Josh.

Deena felt as if everything around her went into a blur. She pinched herself hoping she was just in a dream. "W-what did he die of?" Josh asked through tears. "Car crash" officer Goode said "he had a heart attack while driving and crashed" Deena's eyes were focused on the window. "Deena?" Josh said. "Deena" officer Goode called again.

She looked up at Josh and Goode speechless. She didn't know what to do. As much as she hated the fact that her dad drank a lot, did not mean she didn't love him. She loved her father. Now, Josh was all she had left. She felt like exploding but no tears would come out. Her whole body just stopped working.

"Deena. Josh. We called your aunt Deanne and she will be your guardian since that's the person your mother and father had written just incase something happened" Goode explained. Both Deena and Josh stayed quiet. "Well... follow me" Josh followed Goode but noticed Deena was still gripping to the back of the chair. "Deena, come on" he said grabbing Deenas hand.

On the way to the station neither of them talked. Deena just looked out the window The whole ride. She tried remembering something nice but It felt as if every memory in her mind had been erased. It felt as if it was only her in the car and in the world. She felt her hand being touched. She flinched at the touch that came out of nowhere.

She looked at Josh and saw his eyes all watery and the tear drops coming down his cheeks and slowly falling on his jeans. He looked at her in the eyes, not knowing what to say. She nodded and tried to bring herself to say something. "It- it's gonna be okay" she whispered, he gave her a half smile.

The ride to the police station felt like an eternity to Deena. When they arrived at the station they were both seated down. "Your aunt is gonna be here in a couple of minutes, you guys will live with her since she's the only guardian we've been able to contact" Goode explained.

After a long 20 minutes a lady around her thirty's came in the room. "Hello, I'm Deanne Verman. I came to pick up my niece Deena Johnson and Josh Johnson" she then looked to the side and saw then sitting their. Josh with his head down playing with his finger. And Deena looking at the tile, not moving just staring at it.

Deanne signed the papers officer Goode and a man in a suit standing next to him gave her. Deanne sat down in front of Josh and tried starting a conversation. "So, I haven't seen you in a while" she said, he looked up at her. "Yeah... it's been a while" Josh felt weird looking at his aunt Deanne. She looked just like his mother, after all they are twins. "I don't really know what to say. But it'll be alright  in a bit, it will hurt a lot when you think about it but soon you'll make peace with it. I think, everyone copes differently"  Deanne tried comforting. She pulled him into a hug as he started sobbing.

After a couple of minutes Deanne walked up to Deena and squats down in front of her. "Dear?" she tries to look at Deena in the eyes. "Deena?" she calls her again. "She hasn't spoken since she left the school" Goode says putting the paperwork down. "She whispered something in the car but t-that's all. Give her time to process everything" Josh says.

They got in Deanne's car and she drove them to Deenas and Josh's house. Deena looked at Deanne by the car mirror and it was like looking at her own mother.
They had the same fair skin, light brown hair, green eyes, the light freckles on their cheeks. She felt comfort and sadness at the same time. But it brought the memory of the time her mother killed herself right in front of her.

Deena closed her eyes and held on to the seat. Being in a car scared her. The feeling that she would crash and die the same way her parents did scared her. This scared her. Being in the backseat of the car, seeing cars get close to the one she's in, speeding up a bit. All of it scared her.

It was late at night, Kate and Simon went over to Deenas house as soon as they found out. Deena never called them to tell them the news, she just stayed in bed all day looking at the ceiling and drifting off to sleep. Kate and Simon bought Chinese food for all of them. Deenas and Josh's favorite food was Chinese food other than cheese burgers, so whats better than bringing someone their favorite food when they are feeling horrible.

Kate laid down next to Deena, and Simon laid on the other side of Deena. The three of them were looking at the ceiling with her. They noticed Deena had never taken off the stars in the ceiling from when they were little and begged Deenas dad to placed them in the ceiling.

"Deena" Kate said softly. "I know you can hear me. It's okay if you don't want to talk or aren't able to bring yourself to talk due to the tragic event" Kate tried to talk to her and comfort her. She wasn't the best at this but she tried. "We brought you Chinese food, maybe you want to eat it with us? It's not Friday or Saturday or Sunday but we can brake the rules once in a while" Simon said trying to lighten up the mood. Kate moved a strand of hair that had gotten on Deenas face. She looked at Deena and she finally moved her eyes from the ceiling to Kate.

Kate and Simon stood in silence knowing that she was gonna say a word at least. "I don't" she paused "I don't know what to do, it feels as if I'm stuck somewhere I don't even know" Deena said as she looks at Simon too. Both Kate and Simon were trying to think of what to say. As they were about to say something Deanne knocked on the door. "May I?" She asked "yeah" Deena said.

Deanne walked in the room and closed the door behind her. She smiled a bit when she saw Deena looking somewhere else that wasn't the roof or a specific point. "Uh... I have some news and it's not gonna be now but on Sunday your brother and you will be moving with me to Sunnyvale" the faces of all of the dropped. Kate and Simon were happy for Deena but it hurt them deep down that they won't be able to see each other everyday and make jokes everyday. "Oh" was all Deena could say.

This is like an Intro, I think. It's the situation that would lead to the rest of the story :)

(that picture of Deena... OMG 🧎🏼‍♀️)

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now