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Deena was sitting in the bleachers waiting for Sam to finish with Cheer practice, she remember when Kate use to scream at the cheerleaders when they did something wrong and when Kate made her join the cheer team in sophomore year. She snapped out of her thought when Sam walked up to her. "I'm so tired I can use a thirty hour sleep" Sam said before drinking water. "Pretty sure the tempeature isn't helping. I'm just sitting here and I'm hot" Deena said "Have you ever done any sports?" Sam asked "Yes" "Which ones?" Sam was curiouse on what sports Deena had done. "Soccer, Cheer-" "CHEER!?" Sam questioned "Yes, last year. Kate made me join the cheer team of Shadyside High" Deena facepalmed at the memories. "Wow, I would have liked to see that... you should join our cheer team; we have a spot open" Sam suggested "No no, I am not going through that again, plus I have to deal with the art club" Sam pouted trying to make Deena agree "Pretty please, cupcake". Deena knew what Sam was doing and she wasn't gonna give in she tried telling herself to not do it but completely failed "I'll think about it".

After cheer practice was over Sam and Deena drove to Sams house which wasn't far from hers. "Im gonna go shower cause I'm too sweaty" Sam said as she grabbed her towel. "Okay, I'll wait here. Can I use your phone to tell my aunt I'll be at yours till later?" "Of course, Mi house es to house? I'm not sure how to say that" Deena laughed at Sams attempt to speak Spanish "It's Mi casa es tu casa" Deena corrected, Sam nodded and went to shower.

Phone call

Deena: "Hey, Tita"

Deanne: Hello Sweetie, is something wrong?

Deena: No, not at all. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be at Sams till later, I didn't want to worry you.

Deanne: Oh, it's alright sweetie. Do you need me to pick you up later or will Sam drive you back?

Deena: Sams driving me back. Also Josh's at the house already if you were wondering.

Deanne: I was about to ask about that.

Deena: Well, bye... love you

Deanne: Bye Sweetie, love you too

End of call

Deena looked around the room and saw baby pictures of Sam and she saw other that seemed more recent. She had a bright smile and it seemed that it was taken by herself. "I'm done" Sam said as she dried her hair with the towel. "What do you want to do?" Sam asked Deena "I don't know... do you want to ride bike all the way to the arcade place that's 10 minutes away?" Deena asked "Uh... I- I don't know how to ride a bike" Sam said feeling embarrassed. "You've never learned? well, I can teach you" Deena offer "okie, my dad has bikes in the garage. Let's go" Sam was excited to finally learn her mother didn't let her ride bike when she was smaller for some stupid reason.

"Okay, when you ride a bike you always need to look forward, okay" Sam nodded and looked forward. "Okay now pedal" Deena was holding Sam as she pedaled. "Okay that's good" Deena says "Really?" Sam looked at Deena, as she got off the bike. "Now, you're gonna try without me holding you" Deena says "No, no what if I fall?" Sam asked nervously "I promise I'll catch you" Sam smiled at Deenas respond. The way she said it softly. Sam attempted but her hand got a bit shaky and fell; luckily Deena was right next to her and held her before she could hit the floor. "Oh my god" Sam said laughing "That was close, you actually caught me" Sam smiled "I promised... now come on, you ready to try again?" Deena asked, Sam nodded and got on the bike.

After two hours full of many falls and catches Sam finally did it. "Oh my, you did it!" Deena says clapping her hands "Yes, I did it! omg I did it!" Sam said running up to Deena and hugging her "Thank you thank you thank you" Sam repeated "You're welcome, now do you want to go to the arcade?" Deena asked "Yessss". They both got in a bike and rode there. The arcade wasn't that full. "Ouuu I love this one" Sam said grabbing a small hammer and hitting the small squirrels coming out of the game. "OMG YOU GOT THEM ALL" Deena laughed. "Do you want to race?" Deena asked looking at the Daytona USA game. "Lets see who drives better, cupcake" Sam said running to the game. "1" "2" "3". They started racing both laughed when they kept crashing with other drivers "Deena!!" Sam said when she noticed Deena passed her "Not fair that car pushed me "That's the point of the game, blondie" Deena laughed "ughhh that car messed with the wrong person" Sam said boosting her car. Deena was in first and Sam in second. "Ha ha baby I win" Deena said doing a small victory dance with her hands "Haha, try to beat that, Blondie. You Can't". Sam crossed her hands and flipped off Deena. "I'm hurt babe" Deena joked although Sam felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter at the fact that Deena called her babe even though she was joking.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now