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Sam woke up to the warm feeling of Deenas body against hers and the smell of lavender; something she hadn't felt in a long time. She's pretty sure she's told Deena thank you at least thirty times already.

Sam softly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Even though the past few days had been devastating she still had to go to school. She had missed enough days this year and she really needed to graduate next year. Once she was done getting ready Deenas alarm rang. Deena groaned as she shuffled in bed but suddenly paused when she didn't feel Sam around her. She quickly got up but was soon calmed down when Sam came out of the bathroom.

"Good morning, gorgeous" Sam said. "Good morning" Deena was still trying to calm herself down. She thought Sam was in trouble again. "Where are you going?" Deena asked once she noticed Sam was all dressed up. "School, let's go. We can't keep missing" Sam walked up to the bed and sat down "are you sure you're okay with going to school after all that happened in the past few days?" Sam nodded "yeah, I really want things to go back to normal. Plus tomorrow is our four month anniversary and I want things to be perfect" Deena smiled at the fact that Sam hadn't forgotten their anniversary. "Yeah, that's true. But we will have to talk about that someday".

They were standing in front of the school building. Deena looked at Sam making sure she was alright. "Im okay, D. We have first period together so im fine" Sam smiled and held Deenas hand. "Are you sure you want them to see us?" Deena asked before looking at their connected hands. "Yes, I don't care about what they think anymore. Plus, new year's is in like 3 weeks and I want to start the year being myself" Deena smiled and they made it through the door.

As much as Deena tried to stay calm she was a bit nervous about what could happen to Sam when she's not there. Sams use to be friends are crazy and Deena doesn't trust any of them. Even though she knew Sam could fend for herself she was still worried.

"Sam. Where have you been, babe? And why are you with this dyke?" Peter asked. "I'm not your babe" Sam snaps which caught Deena of guard. But it made Deena proud that Sam was finally starting to embrace herself. "You will, one day" Peter laughs "I'm not joking idiot" Sam takes a deep breath and thinks about the consequences that can come up next. "Don't you ever bother Deena" Sam demands. "Pft. Why are you being so protective about her all of a sudden? She's a weird gay bîtch" Sam had enough and slapped Peter. Deena just stood there watching both of them argued. She tried to hold back a laugh seeing how Peter was a bit frighten. "Listen up asshole! Are you listening?" Sam screams at him. All Peter did was nod. "Deena is my girlfriend" Peter suddenly stops moving. "So, I don't want you or anyone else because my heart belongs to another person. I only want her" the silence between Sam and her 'friends' was very uncomfortable. Neither of them had said anything yet. "You're just confused. There's no way you're a dyke. Didn't you had a crush on Peter like 2 months ago?" Emma asked "no, I never liked him. You guys just wanted a football player and a cheerleader to date" Sam explained. "So You're a disgusting dyke now?" Deena walked up to Peter and slapped him. "You really haven't learn your lesson?" Sam asked before walking away.

Sam felt shaken at first but pulled herself together. Deena was next to her and she knew Deena wouldn't let a single thing happen to her. "This is gonna be hard" Deena said. "No one said it was gonna be easy" Sam stopped and wrapped her arms around Deenas shoulders. "You know, you make me so happy and there is so many words I want to says to you" Deena smiled at Sams delicate words. "Then say them" Sam cupped Deenas cheek and pulled her in. "Not now" Sam smiled and pulled her in for another kiss but this one more passionate.

The stares that could burn a whole on your back where a bit uncomfortable during the day but neither of them expected everyone to take it as something normal.

"So... tomorrow" Sam says "what do you want to do tomorrow?" Deena asks "well... i don't know. Anything really, I just want to be next to you." Deena knew these past few months had been challenging for both of them but somehow both of them had hope that things will get better when they're around each other.

"Love, gross" Josh says sitting in front of them at the lunch table. "Oh please Josh just because you're single doesn't mean other people can really like each other" Deena explains. "Says you? Ms. 'Everything is doomed' and 'loves not real' huh?" Sams laughs at their interaction. It was true Deena didn't believe in truly getting attach to people but Sam slowly shifted her full mindset and she shifted Sams.

SHORT CHAPTER BECAUSE I'M INCREDIBLY TIRED. School has be tough and my mental health is poop but I'm trying 😀. I love writing stories for you guys but It's a bit hard to keep up BUT I'll still update cause I can't keep y'all waiting and I HATE taking long to update cause then you guys with forget what happened in the previous chapters... you know? That happens to me when I read stories that writers take a month to update 😭🤚🏻. I love them tho.

Anyways, how's everyone doing?


Ps. Love y'all

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now