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"What if I just" Sam says passing a paintbrush by Deenas cheek "Sam" Deena gasps. Deena quickly grabs a paintbrush and dirties Sam. "I hope you like glitter" Sam says as she sprinkles a bit of glitter on Deenas face "hahaha you're shining, Deena" Sam giggles. Deena grabs a bottle of blue paint and squirts it in Sams shirt. "Deenaaa" Deena starts laughing but stops when Sam does the same to her.

They both heard a knock on the door and pause. "Oh shit" Sam says looking at Deena. "Who do you think it is?" Deena asks "I don't know but I really hope is not the art teacher" Sam giggles. Deena walks to the door and panics when she sees the principal "we're dead" Deena says before opening the door. "Oh, wow you look... shiny?" The principal says as he walks in "haha yeah the glitter kinda spilled" she said nervously. Sam was facing the desk of supplies acting as if she was picking it up so she wouldn't have to face the principal. "Hey, Samantha" he greets her "heyy" Samantha says not turning around. "Well, I hope today's class was fun, have a nice day ladies" he says waving and exiting the room.

As soon as he exits Sam burst out into laughter. "Told You. You looked shinny" Sam says making Jazz hands "Really?!? I didn't notice" Deena jokes. "We should draw each other" Sam says "and ruin our whole friendship?" Deena jokes. "Well... let's find out" Sam says raising an eyebrow. "Okies".

They had been trying to paint each other for 10 minutes. "Wait, don't move for a second" Sam says drawing Deenas lips. "How I'm I supposed to draw you if I don't move" Deena says. "Okay, you can move" Sam smiles. "You know I've never drawn a person in my life, except those stick mans with a deform face and a bended body" Sam explains looking at Deena "okay, now I'm scare to see your drawing of me" Deena jokes "not everyone has an artistic side like you" Sam scuffs. Deena didn't need to look at Sam in order to paint her. She already knew every single detail in Sams face. Her beautiful blue eyes that can fill a whole ocean. Her soft thin lips that she'll die to kiss. Her beautiful dimples that are more visible when she smiles. Her cute little nose. Her porcelain skin and her rosy cheeks.

After an hour of drawing, Deena and Sam were finally done. "Okay on the count of three we show them to each other" Deena says "well before I turn this drawing around, it was amazing knowing you" Sam joked. "Okay you're scaring me but same to you. 1... 2... 3...". Deena bursted out laughing when she saw Sams drawing. "Okay, never take a career path in Art" Deena says laughing. "How did you drew me so perfectly. I- like how? I can't even draw the lips correct" Sam says. "Well... the eyes look quite nice" Deena giggles. "Okay okay, no need to offend my drawing" Sam said as she got down from the chair. "Well, let's take them home and hang them in our walls. I made the drawing match with your room decor" Deena says with a smirk. "Uh... good luck hanging this one in your room. You don't have to hang it" Sam laughs. "No, I'll hang it" Deena say. Sam though she was joking and nodded.

As they were picking up they started putting the painting the other students made in a drying rack. "Well... if you though you drew bad look at this drawing" Deena showed Sam a drawing another student had created. "Well... i don't know if I should be offended or take it as a compliment" Sam says as she cleans the desks.

"And we are done... tada" Deena says looking at Sam. "Finally I'm exhausted" Sam yawns. "Me too, we should get pizza" Deena suggested. "Then, Pizza it is. Yayyyy" Sam said doing a small dance. "You dance?" Deena asked "nope, no, not at all. I only know that chachachá dance... you know? And well I dance in cheer" Sam says "Yup, I think you'll dance better than painting" Deena joked, Sam tried not to laugh but failed "probably". 

"What pizza place should we go to?" Sam asks "I don't know the only Pizza place I've been to is in Shadyside" Deena says "well then Shadyside it is" Sam says turning the car to the Shadyside direction "what? You're gonna drive all the way to Shadyside for pizza?" Deena asked surprise "yes, why not? I wanna try the Pizza you've eaten... maybe it makes me pretty like you" Sam winks at Deena "well then what do you eat because you are gorgeous" Sam cheeks flushed "I- not as gorgeous as you" Deena rolled her eyes and smiled at Sam. "I know where this is going" Deena says "where?" Sam asked "well... we're gonna be arguing about who's prettier when both of us are pretty to the other so no more. You're gorgeous to me and I'm gorgeous to you" Sam smiled at what Deena said. "Also turn right on the next road"

The drive to the Pizza place was 40 minutes but it felt like less. "Here we are" Sam said as they both got down of the car.  Sam was surprised, the place was decorated with beautiful fairy lights, the waitresses were dressed in beautiful polka dot dresses and the guys with polo shirts and black dress pants. "This place gives me Italy vibes" Sam says looking around "yes, it's supposed to" Deena giggled. "Deena?" A waitress says "hi, Laura" Deena greets the waitress and Sam gives a small wave. "Hi..." Laura says waiting for Deena to tell her Sams name "her name is Sam" Deena says "hi, Sam".  "Just to let you know, Isa is working today so yeah, you know how she is" Laura says "yeah yeah. Well it wasn't even serious she need to move o-" Deena was cut of by Laura "Yes I know, no need to get into detail my little munchkin" Sam tried not to laugh at the nickname "Lauraaaa I'm not an 8 year old anymore" Deena says facepalming. "Haha sure". "Deenaaaa" a little girl come running up to her. "Hey, Cinthia" Deena says with a smile. "Hi, I miss you so much... also my mom bought me the rainbow lollipops you use to get me all the time" she says with excitement "awe that's great" the little girl turns to Sam and smiles "hi, pretty girl. Are you Deenas girlfriend?" Sam giggles at the little girls question, she wished she was more than Deenas friend.  "No, she's my friend"  Deena smiles. "ooh okie, sorry" "no need to, sweetie" Sam says.

"Well, what would you guys like" Laura asks "cheese pizza with pineapple " Deena says "and you? Sam" "cheese pizza with pepperoni on top" Sam says smiling. "When Deena was 8 she use to order that all the time but she discovered pineapples and now she won't change it for anything" Laura says making Sam and Deena laugh.

Isa looked at Sam and Deena and rolled her eyes, this didn't go unnoticed by neither of them. Isa was a girl that Deena was friends with benefit with and then Isa said she wanted to have a serious relationship with Deena but the second week Isa cheated on Deena with a guy name Carl. "Why does she hate you or us?" Sam asked "unimportant story" Deena says looking at Sam.

After they ate their pizzas and payed. They drove back to Sunnyvale. "I love that place, totally worth the drive" Sam says "yup, I love it too" Deena smiles  "the little girl is so adorable and that nickname Laura called you is definitely my favorite and I would not forget about it, munchkin" Sam laughed "oh no please, don't call me that, it makes me feel like an eight year old" Deena says trying to hold in a laugh. "The little girl is quite adorable, she lost both of her parents in a fire, three years ago, shes 7 now. She calls her grandma Nina her mom, well we all kinda do but since I had lost my mom I felt kinda conected to her so I use to take her to the fair and buy her lollipops every time I went by the pizza place" Deena explains. "Oh okay, that's very nice of you. You're a very amazing person" Sam says keeping her eyes on the road. Deena looked at her and smiled.

"So this is me" Deena says once Sam stops her car in the front of Deenas house "i guess this is you" Sam frowns. "Do you want to stay over?" Deena asked "no, it's fine. I'll go home tonight plus I gotta hang that painting, ya know" Sam giggled "well, if you miss me already then call me when you get home" Deena winks "for sure will, munchkin" Sam says laughing "you know what, don't call me" Deena joked "sure sure, well bye Deena... thank you for today" Sam said waving "thank you, Sam... bye" Sam smiles and drives off. Deena enjoyed spending time with Sam, not just because she was the only person that she spent time with in Sunnyvale, but she had something special.

As Deena was about to lay in bed the phone rang, she thought it would be weird getting a call this late at night. "Hello?" Deena says "hello, is this Deena Johnson I'm talking to?" A weird voice says "yes... why?" Deena is confused on why this person knows their name "hello my name is Ibeth and I'm calling from your local radio station" "okay..." Ibeth lowly coughs "well we've got tickets to see the Pixies and in order to see them you have to answer this question correct... you hear me?" The girl says, "yes..." Deena says "if a cow laughs really hard, would milk come out of their nose?" Deena thought this was a dumb question but still answered "cows don't drink milk" Deena says. All she heard was laughters, a laugh she recognized. "Samantha Fraser" she says trying not to laugh "I'm so sorry, I had to" she says in fits of laughter. "Are you that bored?" Deena asks "no, I just miss you" she said as she controls her laugh. Deena though she was joking but Sam did miss Deena. Deena is the only person she can be herself around. "I knew you would blondie, but I miss my bed" Deena joked "Wow, also I hanged your painting in my wall. It looks beautiful" Sam says "Yay, I hanged yours too, looks...unique" Deena giggles, Sam rolled her eyes and they both stayed in silence. "Well... goodnight, Deena" "Goodnight, Sam". Neither of them wanted to hang up but both were very tired.

Idk what to think of this chapter 😭😂 I wish I had a Sam or a Deena in my life, I blame them for my high expectations.

Also this chapter is 1847 words but I'm posting 2 chapters today 😌💅🏻 but I might post the other one later 😊

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now