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"No! The Adams family is better than the nightmare before Christmas" Sam yelled throwing herself in the bed. "No it's not, I swear sick Sam on her period has no taste" Deena says picking up the pillows Sam had thrown her for insulting the Adams family. "Ughhh, you're so annoying. You know what, whatever I'm not arguing with you about this. I know Adams family is better. Can you bring me water? My throat hurts from arguing with you" Deena rolled her eyes and before walking out of the room she looks at Sam "your throat hurts because you're sick" Before Sam could say something Deena ran down the stairs giggling.

"Hello Deena" Mrs. Fraser said as Deena grabbed Sam and hers water bootle. "Hey Mrs. Fraser" Mrs. Fraser doesn't really talk to Deena a lot. She'll say hi but it felt as if she was just being 'polite' but she was very rude to Sam. Luckily she hadn't notice Sam was dating her. Mrs. Fraser use to make fun of Cindy. Deenas aunt.

"Baby, come here" Sam pouted putting out her arms. "Cuddle me please" Deena giggled at Sams mood swings. "Are you feeling better?" Deena asked "a little, but because you're here. Don't leave me stay over I have lots of your clothing here" Sam said before drinking a bit of water. "Yes, I can tell. You literally have my whole closet here and you're wearing my favorite sweater. You know we have to wash it right?" Deena asked "nope, I need another one so I can wash this one I need you VERY close to me" Deena pecked Sams lips and Sam quickly pulled away. "Baby I'm sick and you'll get sick" Sam said cupping Deenas face. "I don't care, I'll get sick with you then" Sam smiled and pulled her in for another kiss.

"So what are we gonna watch?" Deena asked Sam "The nightmare before Christmas" Sam said holding Deenas free hand. "What? But you don't like it" "Just because I said the Adams Family is better doesn't meen I don't like the Nightmare before Christmas" Sam explains. "Well, then we're watching the nightmare before Christmas".

Halfway into the movie Deena slowly fell asleep. Sam looked up and smiled at Deenas sleepy face. She caress Deenas cheek and kissed them. Sam knew Deena deserved sleep; Deena had stayed up all night taking care of her. She had kept track of her medicines and making sure her fever was going away. Sam thought it would be nice to make something for Deena.

Sam was standing in front of the stove thinking on what she could make before Deena woke up. She remembered Deena liked Spaghetti with meatballs so she thought about making that and maybe a small cake. She quickly put the cake in the oven since it was gonna take the longest. She added salt on the water before boiling the spaghettis and made the meatballs. "What are you doing?" Sams dad asks as shes cooking. "I'm making food, spaghetti and meatball. It's Deenas favorite and since she's staying over a lot to take care of me and barely sleeps to make sure I'm doing good; I decided to make her Spaghetti and Meatball" Sam smiles and looks at her father. "Oooh that's nice, so what's going on between her and you?" Mr. Fraser asks "what?" Sam had heard him but didn't know what to say. "What's going on between the two of you?" he asks again "nothing, we're just friends. Why?" Sam tried staying calm and it was working. "Well I don't think friends look at each other both of you do. Plus you guys went two weeks without talking and I though it was quite weird. I know there's something going on; like don't lie to me Deanne was like my best friend and I kinda got her and Crystal to date back in the days. I know when gays like other gays" he giggled. Sam was surprised. How did his very diverse father married her horrible close minded mother ? "I- you are supportive of the Lgbtq?" Sam asked making sure she heard everything right "yes, of course. Don't tell mother though she's kind of a bitch when it come to that" Mr. Fraser said before grabbing a bottle of soda. "Well goodbye, say hi to Deena from me" "I will, bye father".

"Sam?" Deena said in a tired voice. "Deena, you're right on time" Sam said a bit tired and falling to the sides. "Sam, you're overworked. You need to lay down" Deena grabbed Sams hand and walked her to the counter chair. "I finished making the spaghetti and meatballs and the cake" Deena smiles at how cute Sam is. "Thank you my beautiful angel, but you're too overworked and you're a bit warm so I need you to lay down for a while. Are you hungry?" Sam nodded. "Okay well I'll give you food" "I'm not a baby" Sam said "no but you're sick and you can't even lift a finger now" Deena said as she served Sam spaghetti and meatball.

She sat in the chair in front of Sam and faced her. "You ready?" Deena asked waiting for Sam to open her mouth. "Oh my I'm such a great cooker, you need to try them" Sam said "I will, once you're done". Deena did an airplane sound and put the food in Sams mouth "you went overboard, I'm sick not a baby" Deena giggled as she gave Sam the cup of water. "Nope, but you're my baby" Sam smiled and kiss Deena. "Holy shit, Sam they are so good" Same smiled and nodded. "Wait until you try the cake" Deena looked like a child when you give them candy.

Both girls sat outside in the chair swing looking at the moon. Sam looked at Deena and noticed the soft smile on her face. She wanted to see it everyday. The feeling of Deenas hand touching Hers made her whole body enter into a calming mode. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Sam asked looking at Deena. Deena quickly looked at Sam and smiled "yeah, it's very beautiful" they didn't exactly know what they were saying but they did know that both of them had the exact same feeling for the other.

"I'm scare" Sam said laying her head on Deenas shoulder. "Of what?" Deena knew they were many things they should be scared of just didn't know which one Sam was talking about. "About this" Sam noticed Deena was confused and continued "I'm scared to loose you. You make me feel content... well that word doesn't even go as far. And I'm scared that one day this ends. Either because of someone or because of death. I am scare of my mother and school 'friends' finding out about us and bothering us and keeping us from seeing each other but I don't care because as long as I'm with you I can live like there's nothing else to loose" Sam eyes were a tad watery. "Nothing in this world could ever tear what we have apart". Deena cupped Sams face and kissed her gently. "I'll never get tired of kissing you" Deena whispered "well, me neither but I'm pretty sure you're gonna regret kissing me when you wake up with a runny nose and fever" Deena giggled and kissed her again "I don't care because you'll be there with me" Sam smiled and kissed Deena again "damn right I will".

They both cuddled with each other on the backyard swing chair as they looked at the stars.

Hi guys, so I've been very busy with my life right now but I've manage to write a chapter in school today. I thought it would be cute to write a short chapter with one of the catching a cold. Also I am coming up with ideas on how to get them to say "I love you" 😂. Well it's pretty late and I'm gonna go to sleep✨

Ps. I just notice I didn't posted this story 2 days ago 😀 I'm so so sorry guys. Anyways have a nice day. 🤍✨

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now