Authors note

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in weeks :( School has been very hard as I have a lot of homework because I accidentally signed up for Cambridge last year and I'm already in another magnet program so the Homework is A LOT and I have little amount of time to do other stuff. I haven't even been to the gym in 2 weeks (I have an ED so I currently feel like shit) Once I have stuff balanced out I will start posting more chapters (probably this coming week). My mental health is currently trash and I don't want to write a half ass chapter that comes out as boring. I want you guys to enjoy and laugh, cry or any feel every emotion I write. I want you guys to be into the chapter :)

So I will try to update this story this coming week. I hope you guys haven't forgotten the plot or even the story. :(

Have a nice day, I love all of you guys :) you guys are one of the reason I still have a bit of happiness in me.


Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now