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Both Sam and Deena stood in front of the other without saying a word. Neither knew how to start the conversation. "I- I was looking for you" Sam says barely hearable. "Okay, why were you looking for me?" Deena asked, even though she knew why Sam was looking for her. Why she drove all the way to their so call spot. "I want to talk. I don't want you to run away and ignore me. I just want t-" Sam was cut off by Deena "okay, I'll listen" Deena sat down remembering what her aunt had told her.

"So the kiss with Peter?" Deena asked "I need you to trust me Deena. When we were in the field Ashley kept talking about Peter and me. Peter started flirting with me and I told him to stop because I didn't like him. When I turned around to tell him to stop because I was taken, he kissed me. I pushed him away but he kept pushing me In I pushed harder and quickly got away and told him I didn't like him and that I was happily taken. I stood next to Emily who was in between Peter and me. I had an argument with him the other day and called him a bunch of things which led to me having a couple of scratches and he got a punch in his stomach" Deena clenched her fist when she heard Peter had harm her. She really wanted to kill Peter now. "He harmed you?" Sam nodded but continued.

"I really want to fix this. I want you. You're the only person that I want to be with all my life. I want to be the first person you kiss when you wake up and the last you kiss before falling asleep. I want to be next to you when you get a stupid cold even though I can get it too. You make me feel like a little kid with a lollipop. You make my head spin, because even the littlest thing about you grabs all my attention, because all I want to do is kiss you forever. I want to be with you and I don't want some stupid boy ending all of this. The kiss with Peter felt like nothing, it felt terrible. By far the worst thing I felt in my life. It gave me 100 reasons why I want to kill him. But your kisses feel like Summer rain. You addictively invaded all my senses. I'm sure time definitely stops when you kiss me" Sam giggle through tears at the end.

Deena cupped Sams face and smiled. "I don't ever want to loose you, Sam. I like you too much to let you go. These last two weeks have been torturing for me. I only want to be with you Samantha Fraser. You have turned my whole world around. When I'm with you I feel completely alive. And yes time stops when you kiss me. The earth stops spinning when we're together" Deenas words made Sams heart flutter.

Deena softly pulled Sam into and hug. Sam could smell the scent of Lavender from Deenas perfume. The only reason she had survive the last 2 weeks was because she had Deenas favorite sweater. "I missed you" Sam whispers still in Deenas embrace. "I missed you too, Sam".

"I came here the other day to watch the stars but it didn't feel the same as when you come with me. They felt far and lonely." Deena  said looking back at Sam. "I couldn't bring myself to come here; I felt as if I came here alone It would be like  a It's the end of a relationship. And I didn't want to remind myself of that".

Sam had told Deena to stay over at hers since her mom wasn't home and she wanted to spend time together. Of course Deena said yes. Deena looked around Sams room and smiled, she missed the the feeling of it. When Deena was changing into Sams clothing she noticed Sam was wearing her favorite sweater. "You really like that sweater. You can keep it" Deena commented. "Nope, It's your favorite plus if I keep it, it won't smell like you" Sam said jumping in the bed. Deena laid down next to Sam and faced her.

She missed those blue eyes that shined like the stars and those dimples that made her heart melt.

"Are we still together? Or did I fucked us up?" Deena laughs and cups Sams face and pulled her in. All she could think of were Sams soft lips. It was something both of them desired. It was as if the entire universe conspired to help them find each other. Both of them could feel the sparks as if it was something they've never done before.

Deena smiled into the kiss when she felt Sams hand going under her shirt. They missed each other's touch. The feeling of Deenas skin made Sam warm. She wanted every inch of her body. "You're so warm" Sam says pulling Deena closer to her. "Mhm... I miss this" Deena pecks Sams lips and Sam giggles.

They both fell asleep but where woken up by the sound of thunder. "What time is it?" Sam asked "it's 4:20AM, let's go back to sleep, cuddles?" Deena pouted, She patted the side of Sams bed and open her arms so they could cuddle "yayyyy" Sam moved the brown curly strand of hair from Deenas face and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You're Gorgeous" Sam whispers, "if i'm gorgeous, perfect doesn't even go far enough for you" "stopppp let me compliment you for once" Sam argued "but it's true" "no, but you know what's true?" "What?" Deena asked "you are the smartest, most gorgeous, most brave, and the best girlfriend I could ever ask for" Sam said getting on top of Deena and tickling her, Sam though Deena was so heavenly. "Sam stop, it tickles" they were both laughing so much their belly's were hurting, Deena though Sams laugh was so beautiful, once they both calmed their laughs Sam stayed there laying on top of Deena "Deena" Sam whispered "yes Sam" "remember that time we went to the arcade and went in the photo booth to take those pictures?" "Yes, of course" Deena softly caress Sams hair. "I knew I liked you that day. It was the official;
fûck i really so like you, moment it was scary but you made me feel comfortable. You actually showed you cared and I noticed I could be me around you" Sam lifted her head from Deenas chest and noticed the smile on Deenas face.

"I like you a lot Sam Fraser, I will go anywhere for you" Deena said. Sam placed a kiss on Deenas lips and pulled away "can you carry me downstairs so I can get a cup of water?" Sam pouted. "Not that face; fineeee" Deena laughed as she got up with Sam on her.

I AM SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO UPDATE I LITERALLY WANNA CRY😭 I Started school today and have been quite busy and I wrote this chapter the other day but I was editing it in school but the internet there sucks cause they block certain sites but I'm downloading a VPN.

Ps. Who do you think is a top? Sam or Deena? Or are they like switches BUT WHO GIVE MORE TOP ENERGY:)

Pss. I JUST NOTICE THIS STORY HAS 1.91k READS AND 70 VOTES OMG. TBH I NECER REALLY NOTICED IT TILL MY FRIEND TOLD ME 😭 I love writting a lot so I get lost in this world that I don't notice other stuff you know. Anyways thank you so much and I love you guys so much🤍✨

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now