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It was Monday, again. Deenas aunt had taken them to school and for once Deena wasn't scare. "Have a good day" Deanne said with a smile "you too" Josh and Deena. For some reason Deena felt a bit happy about going to school, could Sam be the reason?. That didn't go unnoticed by Josh. "You seem happier than before" Josh say "Especially for school, got something you haven't told me about?" Josh added. "Nah, just feel a bit more comfortable, I guess" Deena says. Josh smiled at the fact that his sister was finally smiling more and had finally started sleeping well. "Well, bye sir silence" Deena says playing with Josh's hair. "See you later Deen".

Deena was putting some of her books in her locker when she felt someone tap her shoulder. Deena flinched when she felt the tap. She turned around and saw those beautiful blue eyes and the cute dimples. "Good morning, Sam" Deena said giving her a half smile. "Good morning, Deena. How did you sleep?" Sam says looking at Deenas beautiful brown eyes. "Surprisingly good, and you?" Deena asks as she turns to get her book. "Very good" Sam giggles.

They walked to class together. Both ignoring the fact that if Sams friends sees them they will start asking questions but Sam was her guide last week, why not be her "guide" this week too?. "Well... I'll talk to you later" Sam says as she walks into class. Deena knows she can't talk to Sam in school so often because of Sams friends. She sat down in the back, like always. She took out her notebook and started copying what was on the board so she could finish faster and daydream for the rest of the class. She also hated being last.

A girl next to her handed her a folded paper. She was confused on why she was giving her a paper. Once she opened it she read it was From: Blondie. She looked up at Sam who gave her a wink and smiled.

From: Blondie To: Ms. Johnson
Let's hang out later... See you at 8pm?
Circle Yes or No

She silently giggled at how childish the "Circle yes or no" sounded. She circled yes and told the girl to pass the letter back to Sam. Sam smiled once she received it.

While she was copying her notes she heard her name being called. "Deena" she looked up at the profesor and noticed everyone's eyes were on her. "They need you in the office" her chemistry professor says. Her heart started racing so fast she's pretty sure that if someone stood next to her they would be able to hear it. Last time she was told those words someone had died. "Okay" As Deena was about to walk out the profesor stops her. "Wait for Samantha, Deena. She will guide you to the principals office" Sam stood up and walked out with Deena.

Sam noticed Deena seemed tense. "Are you alright?" Sam asks "yeah" was all Deena could say. The walk to the principals office was quiet. Once they got there the principal told her and Sam to sit. "Well...Deena, you must be wondering why I have you here today" he says, Deena nodded. "So I heard you were president of the Art club in Shadyside High, I'm I right?" Deena let a sight of relief that no one was dead. "yes" she said. "Well, this school doesn't have an art club and we've always wanted one but no one has volunteered for it cause it might be a bit hard to deal with a couple of teenagers" he explains, Deena nodded "I was wondering if you'll like to start an art club and be the president of it" he adds "well, I would like too but i don't think people would like a Shadysider to teach them about art and help them draw" Deena says "Forget about that, whoever joins wouldnt mind to be boss around by you. Plus you're technically a Sunnyvaler, you live in Sunnyvale and you go to school in Sunnyvale. And your art is amazing" The principal explains "thank you, sir" Sam just sat there looking at them talk and wondering how Deena painted. "So what do you say?" The principal asks. Deena looks at Sam and she nods with a smile. "Yes" he claps his hands together and thanks her. "Well, I'll put up the papers by the end of today and you just tell me when you would like to meet up with your classmates" he says "well, Tuesday's are good, right after school" she informs him. "Well, okay you are dismissed now" he waves and they walk out.

"So... president of the art club" Sam says holding both of her hands and standing in front of her. "I guess so, blondie" Sam giggle at the nickname. "You're getting to comfy with that nickname" Sam says "yeah, it suits you" Deena responds. "You know you're gonna fall back if you keep walking backwards" Deena tells Sam "yeah, but you'll hold on to me so It won't be bad" Sam says walking next to Deena. Deena smiles at the thought that Sam knows she will help her.

"You know, we don't have to go back to class, right?" Sam says "what do you mean?" Deena asks "we can skip the rest of class and not get in trouble... they will think we're still at the office" Sam looks at Deena with a smirk. "Is Samantha Fraser being rebellious? We're gonna get in trouble. Plus were are we gonna go?" Deena asks "umm... i don't know, I guess we'll have to find out. Let's think about it in the bathroom" Sam holds Deenas hand and runs to the bathroom. Once they get there Sam starts laughing. "Shhh, We're gonna get in trouble" Deena says giggling. "Nope, no one will see us, Coffee bean" Deena raises an eyebrow at the nickname "Coffee bean?" Deena asks "yeah, you call me blondie cause of my blonde hair, I call you Coffee Bean cause you have brown hair" Deena giggles at her explanation. "Well, Blondie... were are we gonna go?" Deena asks "hmm, wanna go get cheese burgers? I brought the car today" Sam smirks "yup, I'm down to brake the rules, now" they both laugh.

They quickly ran to the front of the school. Thankfully there weren't any cameras on this side of the school. Come on, get in" Sam says laughing. "God, we are gonna get in so much trouble" Sam says still laughing "nows that you realize?" Deena jokes "yup, but we won't be if no one finds out" Sam sends Deena a wink. "Oh my, Sam. You aren't as bad as I expected" Deena says looking at her. "Hmm, how did you think I was?" Sam asked "well... I don't know. I thought you would be a girl that think she's better than the rest, I thought you would hate me and bother me because I was a Shadysider" Deena explains. "I'm not like them, you know" Sam says "I know" Deena tells Sam.

They arrived at the restaurant that sold the best cheese burgers. They ordered 2 cheese burgers, fries and 2 shakes. After they ordered they decided they should go to a place in the woods they knew and enjoyed. "We still have an hour for class to end so we are perfectly fine" Sam informs Deena.

Once they got their Sam placed a blanket on the ground and they both sat down. "You know when I was a little girl I use to think that the moon was the same size as the Sun and they were like right next to each other" Sam said making Deena laugh "what? You probably thought the same" Sam says "yes, I did too. But I thought the moon would switch places with the sun, like the sun would go around earth and then it would be the moon right behind him" Sam laughs this time "oh my, we were such smart kids" Sam says "yup, we need a diploma of how smart we were" Deena adds.

They both started telling stories from when they were small and spent the time laughing and finishing their cheese burgers. Once they were done Sam looked at Deena with a smile as Deenas laugh started diminishing.She liked how cute Deenas laugh was and her eyes had that sparkle that made her tummy turn into loops of happiness. Deena looked at Sam and smile.  They felt as if the whole world had stopped. They stayed looking at each other in the eyes with a smile. Deena though lots of things had change in a short amount of time; specially the friendship between Sam and her. "We're still hanging out later, right?" Sam asked "Yes, ofcourse" Deena responded "So... I'll take you home after cheer practice and we can hangout at mines?" Sam asked "That sounds perfect". "I think we should head back" Deena says. "Yeah, we should". Both of them went back and went on with their days. They would smile at each other in the hallways and steal glances once's in a while.

That 'circle yes or no' gives me middle school vibes 😀 (6th grade me asked my crush like that... I would love to forget that) 😭

Expect lots of fluff coming in the next chapter :)

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now