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Deena sat down in the art room looking at the ideas the art club had for the winter formal. She had never hosted one of these; she had helped Kate but this was up to her. She flipped through the drawings and books of ideas and a lot of them where good and others where hard to look at.

She felt cold arms wrap around her waist "Sam, not now" she giggled but it felt different. Sam didn't smell like mint and Sams hands where a bit more gentle. "You really don't know Sam, Do you?" Deena moved away and saw Erica giggling "what do you want?" Deena asks "nothing... just wanted to uh... see if you needed any help" Erica says trailing her fingers on the book of ideas. "So, you're having a hard time choosing as I can see" Deena stood as far away from Erica as she could. "Samanthas gonna help me with it" Deena says. "Well... I don't see her here" Erica gets closer to Deena. "She is here, she's on her way back from getting me food" Erica laughs and walks one step closer "better for us then... we have time to do whatever we want" Deena rolls her eyes and moves to the side. "So you want me to bury you six feet's under the ground?" Deena asks "no need to be so aggressive my beautiful Deena" Deena wished Sam would hurry up a bit more, she couldn't stand Erica. "Look I don't like you, I'm in love with Samantha. I'm dating Samantha Fraser" Deena explained. "Yeah, right. Well you keep flirting with me and helping me out with things. Pretty sure you don't like m-" Deena cut off Erica "I don't like you at all. I was just being nice. The only time I helped you was drawing a landscape because I'm president of the art club. And I'm technically nice to everyone"

Erica was about to speak but Sam came in giggling. "You should have seen the lo-" Sam looked at Erica then at Deena as she placed the bag of food on the table. "Uh... hi?" Sam says. "Hi, Samantha" there was a weird silence between all of them which neither of them liked. "Well I'm gonna go now" Erica looks at Sam and starts walking to the door "think about it Deena. I'll be waiting" Deena rolled her eyes at how stupid Erica was being "well then keep wai-" Erica winked and closed the door.

"Ughhh i hate her I swear" Deena says before taking a sip of Sams juice. "Hey! That's ones mine" Deena giggled and grabbed her other cup. "What was she talking about?" Sam asked "she thought I liked her because I helped her draw a meadow during art club and says that I'm nice to her so she made an assumption that I liked her; and I told her that I like you and only you" Deena explained. "Ooh, well I wouldn't blame her. You're very charming. But. She better stay back because I would gladly be her worst nightmare" Deena laughed and fed Sam a French fry. "That's gonna be her if she doesn't stay back" Deena says as Sam eats the fry. "Yup, she's gonna be left in little pieces" Sam added.

"Okay so this one seems nice. It's a mix of everyone's drawings" Deena says showing Sam the things she had drawn. "Wow, that's gonna look beautiful" Sam says as she gets the paper. "We should name it the Yule Ball. You like the name?" Sam asked "yeah, sounds perfect to me" they high five each other at the accomplishment. They had just planned a a winter formal; now they only had to write down everything that had to be bought and give it to the principal so the school can start getting those supplies.

"I'm so tired I c-" Sam and Deena looked up and saw Veronica and her 3 musketeers standing right behind him. "So you're a dyke now?" Veronica asked "what do you want?" Sam looked at her and the other girls behind her; she cringed at the sight. "nothing, I thought you were only hanging out with this dyke because you were forced to bond or some bullshit like that" Deena rolled her eyes and held on tighter to the book she was carrying. "It's none of your business who she hangs out with" Veronica laughs at Deenas words "who said I was talking to you, stupid dy-" "is there any other nickname you guys have? That ones getting very old" Deena says faking a yawn.

"Oh please. Samantha you should be careful this shitty shadyside doesn't screw you up. Maybe you turn into a disgusting lesbian like he-" Sam punched Veronica straight in the nose. Before Deena and her could process it, one of Veronica's friend hurts Sam. Deena was infuriated and quickly grabbed the girl by the hair and dragged her back. A tall brunette slapped her but Deena quickly punched her before she could hit her again. Sam and Veronica where still fighting while the other three girls laid in the floor, they had given up. Veronica had slammed Sam against a locker so hard that she was bleeding by the back of her head. Sam quickly grabbed Veronica by the neck and pressed her against the wall. "Come on Sam" Deena said grabbing Sams hand and running.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now