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Finally Thursday, one more day till Friday. Deena had been excited for school the past few weeks Sam and her would joke around in the bathrooms and talk a lot behind the bleachers, during lunch. But during the past two days there was no sight of Sam. Deena did notice Sam was a bit distance from her on Tuesday but sometimes we all need our space, Deena was one that also needed space from humans most of the time. She couldn't ask anyone about Sam because the people that knew her weren't the nicest. She tried calling but no one would answer.

Deena tried to concentrate in class but her thoughts linger back to Sam. Where is she? Was all she could ask herself. Sam wasn't the miss school type of person, of course they did skip a class one Monday on the second week she was In school to get cheese burgers but no more. Once school was over Deena was gonna walk to Sam's house since it was a couple streets away from hers. She kept looking at the clock waiting for it to hit 2pm. 5...4...3...2...1, 2pm. She quickly grabbed her bag and left class.

"Josh, come on" she tells Josh as they walked home. "Why are you in such a hurry?" Josh asks "because Sam didn't go to school today and she normally doesn't miss" Deena explains "do you have a thing for Samantha Fraser?" Josh asks "no, no we're just friends" Deena starts walking faster. "You know you're worrying too much, right" Josh says trying to catch on. "She's probably sick or something?" Deena thought about it but if Sam was sick, then why didn't she call Deena to tell her. It had been two days already.

After a 10 minute walk they finally reached the Fraser's house. "Okay, wait here" Deena tells Josh. She walked up to the door and ring the doorbell. After 2 minutes Mr. Fraser opened the door and gave Deena a warm smile. "Hey, is Samantha home?" Deena asks "no, she's probably still at school, why?" Still at school? Samantha wasn't at school today. "Oh, no just wanted to give her something" Deena lies "well, you can leave it here and I'll give it to her" Clayton says. "No no it's fine, I'll give it to her later".

Deena walks home and then it hit her. Sam might be at their spot. The one that Deena showed her. "I'll be back later, I'm going somewhere quick" Deena tells Josh "okay, careful" Deena gives Josh a thumbs up. She grabs a bike her aunt has and bikes all the way to the forest. Deena was sweaty of how long the ride was and the anxiety she had wasn't helping. Sam had a car, didn't she? What if she crashed. Those thoughts ran through Deenas mind and she tried to push them away. Now she just had to get to the spot. She walked in the forest and that's when she saw her. The blonde girl.

She slowly walked up to her and noticed Sam was asleep. Sams was leaning on a tree. She looked quite peaceful.  "Sam" Deena whispers. "Sam" she says again but Sam punches her "ouch! Sam" Deena says and that's when Sam noticed it was Deena "oh my, I'm so sorry... I thought you were a stranger" Sam says placing her hand on Deenas cheek. "It's okay". Deena noticed Sams bloodshot eyes, which meant Sam had been crying. "Sam, what's wrong?" Deena asks. "Nothing..." Deena kneeled down in front of Sam and looked at her. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Deena says "yeah... but if I tell you this you'll probably never talk to me ever again" Sam says looking back at Deena. "Nothing will make me stop talking to you, Samantha" Deena softly meets Sams hands.

"I have this feeling that I can't push away... I've tried for so long but I just can't. My mom found out about it when she was going through my stuff and she was angry, which made me ignore the feeling for a while... but I can't anymore. You've helped me prove this feeling is real" Sam explains, Deena tilts her head a bit giving Sam a sign to elaborate.

"When I'm around you I feel as if it's just you and me, in the world. As if everything is just fine. It feels as if anything i do is better cause you're next to me. Before you came I had always played an act, i agreed to anything my "friends" said, I've even made fun of people because my friends would tell me so... all so I can fit in. But You make me, feel like me. You've helped me bring out the true parts of me. You make me wanna take risks. You make me do what I want and not what others want me to" Sam explains with tears sliding down her cheeks. Deena brings her thumb to Sam's cheeks and softly wipes the tears off. "There's no going back, Deena. I don't know how to get rid of it" Deena nods at Sams words.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now