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When you're a little girl they always tell you stories about a girls growing up and having a very fun adventurous life. Like Running through meadows, riding horses, tea parties, and getting up in the morning to the sound of birds singing their "morning song". But that's all a lie. A fairytale.

They never tell you about depression, insomnia, the drunk dads, the bullying, the heartbreaks, or how to even express you feelings. They don't teach you grief. They make you think that a "charming" prince will come and solve all your problems. Bullshit.

Deena laid in bed looking at the ceiling of her room wondering when all of it was gonna be over. Her thoughts where interrupted by the alarm clock on her nightstand. She stood up and turned it off.

As she was walking out of her room she turned around and looked at the pictures with Sam in it and the painting Sam had made her. She had forgotten to take them down. No. She couldn't bring herself to get rid of all the things that reminded her of Sam. It had been two weeks since they last spoke. Of course Sam had called a couple of times but once she heard her voice she would hang up.

She quickly walked downstairs and grabbed herself a bottle of ice coffee. "Josh, are you ready?" Deena asked grabbing her car keys. "Yes". Deanne had bought Deena a car so she doesn't have to depend on others to give her a ride and she knew Deena was finally comfortable with driving. "Deena" Josh said as Deena was driving. "Yeah?" Josh didn't know if he should bring up the topic of Sam but she was his sister and he wanted to help. "You know, you should talk to Sam. I know you guys are in very bad terms but being in silence isn't calling it quits. Both of you need closure if you guys decide on not being together" Josh explains "Since when are you good at advice?" Deena asks trying to change the topic "I've always been good; I just never had to give you one" Deena smiles at Josh then looks back at the streets. After about 2 minutes Deena decides to speak "Yeah, I know we have to talk but I don't know what to say, so I think it's better to speak when I have the right words" Josh wasn't gonna push his sister to say something, he simply just nodded and looked out the window.

What bothered Deena the most is that she was trying to avoid Sam but Sam was in most of her classes. She was everywhere. When Deena was switching classes Sam was there. When she was going to lunch Sam was there. When she was leaving the bathroom Sam would be on her way in.

Sam was sat in the back of class were Deena would always sit but she was surprised when she saw Deena sitting on the first seat. Sam wanted to talk to Deena but every time she tried Deena would walk away and ignore her existence.

It was Tuesday which meant she could maybe attempt to talk to Deena after art club. She looked out the window and noticed the drops of water racing down the window. She smiled remembering that time Deena and her slipped on the house floor because there shoes were wet from the rain. "Ms. Fraser?" she quickly looked forward and saw her profesor standing in front of her "oh, sorry. What happened?" Sam asked hoping no one saw her smiling like a fool. "I said you got a 99 on your test. You came second, Deena and you got the highest score in the class" Sam nodded and looked at her test. Yes, she had passed but it was because of Deena. Deena and her would stayed up till 3am studying and testing each other for the exam. Sam looked at Deena but quickly looked away when Deena looked her way. God she missed Deenas smile.

After school Sam hurried to art club. But it had been canceled. It was as if the world didn't want Deena and her to get back together. Sam leaned her head on her driving wheel trying not to cry. She hated Peter with all her life, she truly wanted to murder him. She just wanted to speak to Deena and tell her why actually happened; she just wanted Deena to listen for just 2 minutes. Even though maybe they weren't gonna get back together Sam at-least wanted her as the friends they were before dating. As much as Sam tried not to cry the knot in her throat broke and she bled from her eyes. It was a relief and a weight at the same time. She had to fix this. She lifted her head and thought about going to Deenas house but before she had to go home and think about what she was going to say.

Deena sat in the small bench that was in the backyard. She looked up at the cloudy sky and felt the cold wind softly messing up her hair. "Deena" Deanne said sitting next to her. "Yeah?" Deanne knew Deena was going through a rough patch with Sam; and since Deena had no parents she was the adult that might give her the push. "How are you?" Deanne asked "well, I'm doing alright" Deena says looking at the sky. "Hey, I know we haven't really talked much about certain stuffs but I wanted you to open up to me about your problems. Remember I'm your aunt, you can tell me anything and I'll be like your sister" Deena smiled and looked at her aunt. "Well, Sam kissed Peter at the game and I got mad at her. She tried talking and telling me she didn't kiss him that he kissed her but it's the same thing honestly. She tried talking to me at the game but I walked away. I didn't know what to say" Deena let go of a bit of things and she felt as if a part had fallen. "Well, I'm no expert at giving advice but. I've seen the way Sam looks at you. Although you guys have been dating for 4 weeks, she looks at you with love. You don't need to date in order to love someone. You guys spent 2 months together; going to arcades, studying until both of you fell asleep, going in late night rides, running in the rain. You guys spend every minute together and even when Sam goes home you guys stay on the phone till god knows what time. I know you guys have very meaningful conversations and both of you understand each other's weirdness. Don't let all that go away this quick. Talk to her. Did Peter kiss her? Did she felt anything? You don't know any of it.  Before you end all of that remember laughs the tears the happiness, all the memories. And remember you may loose her a a girlfriend but don't loose her as a friend. Listen to her part and how she felt then let her listen to you." Deannes word made Deena rethink what she had done the past 2 weeks. She shouldn't have ignored Sam. Instead she should have talked it out.

"Thank you, Tita" Deenas voice cracked as she tried holding the tears. "No problem my love. I made pie, you should come eat some of it" Deanne suggested. Before Deanne walked inside she turned around. "Also D, it's okay to cry when there's too much on your mind. The clouds rain to when things get heavy" Deena stood up and pulled her aunt into a hug. "I love you so much Tita, thank you for everything" Deena said "I love you too, my dear".

Deena decided to drive to her spot. She needed time to think about stuff and she needed to figure out what to tell Sam. What ti ask her. It was 6pm which meant it was about to get dark. She grabbed some flashlights, water, popcorn and gummy's. She was gonna watch the stars and maybe make a couple wishes.

Sam was walking from one side of the room to the other figuring out what she was going to say, she needed to think. She realized what truly is holding her back is the fear of loosing Deena. Sam ran to the phone hoping Deena would answer.

"Hello?" Deanne says
"Hi, it's me Sam. Samantha"
"Oh, hi dear, how have you been?"
"I- well it's been okay, is Deena there?"
"No, she left 20 minutes ago somewhere. I don't know where but she took a flashlights so I hope she's not up to something bad"
"Haha don't worry Ms. Verman, she's not up to something bad. Well thank you"
"No problem sweetie"
*end of call*

Sam knew where Deena was and she knew this was the time. She quickly got in her car and drove off. She might have taken a couple of red lights but she was in a hurry. She knew Deena would kill her if she was sitting next to her. Sam saw Deenas car parked on the grass a but far from the road. She parked hers too behind Deenas and grabbed a flashlight.

Deena sat in the grass looking up at the moon and telling her everything. She remembered what her aunt had told her.
'it's okay to cry when there's too much on your mind.'  She let a couple tears fall as she spoke. She begged every star, planet, moon, the whole entire universe, even every ancestor of hers to please make things right. 

Deena heard a soft sound coming from the trees and quickly stood up as she dried her tears. Everything was dark, she grabbed her flashlight and walked a bit forward till she saw another light come out of nowhere. Deena screamed when she saw someone coming her way. "Shut up, it's me!" Sam screams trying to make Deena stop screaming. "You're okay".


Dun dun dun. Lmfao anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter. I kinda liked Deannes words :) I love how I can write advises but I can't take them 😂🤚🏻. Anyways I have school on Monday 😀. It's currently August 22 SUNDAY 1:53AM 😀 goodnight :)  (I didn't proof read this. I'm too tired🥺)

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now