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"Wake up!" Kate says hitting Deena with a pillow. "Five more minutes" Deena groans as she shuffles in bed. "You said that 20 minutes ago" Kate checked her watch and notice it was 6am. "Deena! It's 6am and you have to drop Simon and me at our hell hole" Deena didn't answer and grabbed the cup of water that was on Deenas nightstand. She got the cup closer to Deenas face and tilted it a little; making sure a bit of water fell. "Fuck Kate! That's cold." Kate smiled and placed the cup back on the nightstand.

Deena was exhausted. Sam was on a camping trip with her mother somewhere in the United States but it felt kind of weird to Deena. Samantha Fraser's mom in the woods? She laughed at the thought. But today she was gonna be back and Deena was excited for it.

"No, not that one. I don't like it" Simon says changing the radio station for the 20th time "Simon pick a goddam song" Deena says a bit annoyed at the mix of songs playing. "This is why we don't let you sit in the front" Kates added. "Ugh fine, I'll just leave this one" "no, changed it. I don't like that one" Simon turns around and looks at Kate "women, make up your mind". Deena laughed at her friends silly arguments.

She loved this little moments. The ones where they all laughed and listen to music. The funny arguments they would have. Even though the drive to Shadyside high was 30 minutes she didn't care; she just wanted to spend time with her Best friends. No. Correction, Family. Ever since a young age she knew Family was barely even blood.

"So, this is our stop" Deena says looking at her two friends who weren't excited about getting off the car. "Well, see you tomorrow? Simon and I have to babysit today" Deena nods and smiles "see ya" Deena says as both of them get out of the car.

Deena sat in biology class and noticed Sam wasn't there. She wondered if she was to tired from camping and decided to sleep all day. I mean Sam would have called her. Wouldn't she?. Deena had a gut feeling she kept trying to ignore. Maybe her aunt knew about it, maybe Sams dad. Once class was over she called her aunt and thought of what to say.


"Hey, D. Do you know anything about Sam?"

"Not really, she went somewhere with her mom... Washington. I think?"

"Sam told me her mom said they were going camping and she was returning today but I don't know. She hasn't called or attended school"

"Well... I don't know Deena. Try calling her number again. Maybe she answers now"

"Okay, thank you. Bye"

"Bye, sweetie"

*end of call*

Washington? She didn't mention Washington. She quickly typed Sams house phone number.


"Good morning, who is this?"

"Good morning Mrs. Fraser, this is Deena"

"Oh. What do you want?"

"Is Sam there?"

"No she's not home and she won't be for a long time. So stop calling. I don't want you near her . All you've done is ruin her life"

"W-what? Ma'am I haven't done anything. What do you mean?"

"You've turned her into a sinful girl but she will be taught to be normal"

*end of call*

Deena was infuriated and nervous. Where was Sam? Did she actually go camping? Did she moved with someone else in the family? Was she locked up in her room?. That's when it hit Deena. sinful girl. Sinful girl!. Sams mom had found out about them. Deena was shaking. Sam had to be somewhere. She will be taught to be normal. She had to be in a conservation place!. The closest one was a 2 hours away from Shadyside. And it's in the woods!. Deena quickly ran to her car and thought about what she was doing. What was she going to do.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now