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They were now standing in front of the house. "Is it to late to back out?" Deena jokes when she sees the amount of people in the party. "Nope ladykiller, you're coming in now" Kate says dragging Deena to the front door. Sam just followed behind Deena and held on to her hand. "Scare to get lost?" Deena asks Sam "yup, there's lots of people here and in those lots of people are horny teenage boys and I want my girlfriend near me" Sam says. The word girlfriend made both of there hearts flutter. The something they wanted had finally happened.

As soon as they walked in they were greeted with drinks and hugs. "Deenaaa you came!" Erica says hugging Deena. Deena was super confused she didn't even know Erica. She quickly disconnected from the hug. "Well I'm so glad to see you, you look very pretty and you guys too" Erica says with a wink. Sam felt a pang in her stomach seeing Erica flirting with Deena. Yeah she knew Deena pulled back from the hug and tried to avoid things but she felt as if Deena would choose Erica or any other girl over her. Deena holds on to Sams hand and Sams feel a bit of comfort but the thought of Deena choosing someone else scared her.

"Beer pong?" Sam asks "I'm so down" both of them walk up to the table and start playing. "Tada" Sam says as she made another ball in. "Haha look at that, me too" Sam rolled her eyes and drank the beer. "Hey, Deena" Erica says again. Deena rolled her eyes when she heard Ericas voice and turned around "hi". So, my friends and I are going to have a sleepover... do you maybe wanna stay over? we can cuddle if you like?" Erica tries to tuck a piece of Deenas hair behind her ear but she quickly moves back "I don't like you and I have a girlfriend" Deena informs her "she doesn't have to know, the parties big" Sam taps Ericas shoulder and she turns around "I'm the girlfriend, so move" Deena giggles.

"You should've seen the look on her face" Deena says in fits of laughter "yes, I saw" Sam gave her a short laugh. "Kiss me" Sam said. Deena leaned in and connected their lips. Sam wrapped her hands around Deenas waist and pulled her in. Deena quickly parts their lips "Sam, your friends" Deena says "shït... oh well I don't care, come on let's go somewhere more private" Sam says "wait before we go let's dance to one songs" Deena smirks. Sam remember that conversation they had when they were painting not long ago that Deena asked her if she danced well. "No Deena, I dance horribly" Deena giggled "but you're a cheerleader" Deena says "it doesn't mean I can dance other dances" Sam explains. A soft song was playing and Deena decided to joke around a bit. "M'lady, would you do me the honor and dance with me?" Sam rolled her eyes and tried not to smile "fine".

Deena guided her across the dance floor as if they were in a dream. Deena kept her eyes on her, yet still, she knew exactly where to take her. Every moment, every angle seemed to be planned in advanced. Nothing felt forced; Sam thought she was floating. "Deena," Sam whispered, "everyone is gonna look at us." She squeezed Sams hand slightly and smiled. "Really?" Deena chuckled softly, "I haven't notice." Sam rolled her eyes "I'm not kidding, what if I fall and embarrass myself" Sam says a bit shy. Deena though it was because of them dating but it had nothing to do with it "I'll catch you, I won't let you fall or trip and if you do then you'll see me in the floor next to you plus we can blame it on the alcohol" Sam chuckled at Deenas words. Sam felt a bit shy but the feeling of Deenas hands in her waist and the soft music playing in the background made everything better. She felt as if it was only them in the room.

They dance all their worries away; Forgetting yesterday.

They danced slowly, swaying to the music "Relax Sam, it's just a dance. It's supposed to be fun" Deena said with a comforting smile. Sam felt a bit shy but the feeling of Deenas hands on her waist and the soft music playing in the background made everything better. And even though people around them were looking and some whispering stuff she felt as if it was only them in the room. "You're gonna twirl" Deena says "what?" Sam asked not knowing what she meant. Deena held Sams hand and she twirled softly. Sam had a wide smile that warmed up Deenas heart.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now