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Sam felt a small warm movement, one that felt familiar. She noticed her arms felt as if they were under someones shirt touching their soft warm skin. As she slowly opened her eyes, her thoughts were confusing. Had the 'dream' she had yesterdays night, wasn't really a dream. She noticed her head was buried on Deenas neck. This morning was different. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, It felt different. Even though she was half- asleep she was joyous at the fact that she had woken up next to Deena. The warm feeling of Deenas skin connected to her felt comforting and welcoming.

She smiled at the sigh of Deena in a peaceful sleep. Deena softly moved at the feeling of the warm in her neck no longer being there. "Good morning, angel" Sam says "Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?" Deena asks "I slept amazing, best sleep I've ever had". Deena softly sat up and smiled at Sam. Sam leaned in and kissed Deenas cheek, making Deena giggle. "Can you stay close to me, the warm of your body is comforting." Sam pouted "let's eat breakfast then we can lay down and stay close for the rest of the day" Sam smiled and hugged Deena. "You're amazing" Deena whispers "so are you".

Once they finished showering they went downstairs to make breakfast. "So, do you know how to cook?" Sam asks Deena "well, I've tried" Sam looked at Deena and took that as a no. "Okay I'll make us pancakes and you just sit down and watch." Deena did as she was told and just stared at Sam in bliss. She capture every small move Sam made. The way she tapped her fingers on the table while she looked for the next ingredient, how she slowly mixed the ingredients  and then a bit faster. She looked at Deena and smiled. "Tell me if the batter is missing something, cupcake" Sam said as she gave the spoon to Deena. Deenas eyes brighten at the taste of the pancake mix "holy shit, Sam. How did you learn how to cook?" Deena asked. "Haha I'll teach you soon" Sam winked, leaving Deena a bit speechless.

Deena slowly walks behind Sam and softly wraps her hands around Sams waist. "You're so warm" Deena says before placing a gentle kiss on Sams neck. Sam slowly turned around and pecked Deenas lips. "I want you close to me forever, but I have to flip those pancakes before they burn" Deena giggled and kissed Sam one more time.

After a couple of minutes they had finished eating. They both cuddled up in the sofa. "What movie do you want to watch?" Deena asked Sam. "Anything really" She whispered as she placed her head in Deenas chest. The scent of Lavender made her whole body melt. "Okie" Deena giggled as she looked at Sams smile; god she wanted to see that smile everyday. "Hey, girls" Deanne said as she enters the living room. "Hey, Deanne" Sam says in a sleepy voice. "Hello there, Sam" Deanne smiles at how both of them where so close to each other "she's very tired from yesterday" Deena says, Deanne's eyes went wide "no, not that. We didn't do that. She's tired from the walk from yesterday" Sam and Deanne giggle at Deenas explanation. "It's alright, both of you remind me of my wife" Sam and Deena looked at Deanne confused "you had a girlfriend?" Deena asked "yes, her name was Crystal. She had beautiful crystal eyes, porcelain skin, and a fiery red hair that could burn down a whole forest. I miss her a lot" Deanne says as she sits down. "What happed to her?" Sam asked "she died of cancer a year ago. She told me to promised her to be next to her until her last breath. And I did that, not because she asked me to but because I loved her a lot, and I still do" Deanne explained as she sights. "I'm sorry for your loss" Sam says before holding Deena even closer than they already were. She couldn't imagine loosing Deena. "I'm so sorry, Tia. Is she the girl on the pictures in your room?" Deena asks. "Yes, she would have loved you and Sam" Deanne giggled. "That's nice" Sam and Deena said in unison. "Well, I'm going to work. Oh and I left the car there just incase you guys need it. My co-worker picked me up because we're going to the mall right after work. So, enjoy your movie and be careful" Deanne waved "bye" both girl say.

Deena kissed the top of Sams head and softly caress her arm. "I like you a lot, you know" Sam says "I do to, I don't want to loose you. And if I ever do I'll be there till your last breath" Deena says before kissing Sam in the lips. "I will be next to you till your last breath too, unless I die first of course" Deena giggled. "What would I do without you?" Deena says "starve because you don't know how to cook" Sam giggled "I- should I be offended?" Deena place her hand in her heart. "Maybe, but no. I shall teach you one day, my little munchkin" Sam said tapping Deenas nose. "Oh no, not that nickname again" Deena rolled her eyes before Sam pulled her in for a kiss.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now