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Deena was woken up by a flash and a clicking sound. She slowly open her eyes and notices Sams face in the crook of her neck. She smiles at the sight but then she looks forward and sees her friend Simon with a Camera and next to him was Kate with a big smile. "You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend" Simon says. "Shshshs" Deena hushes them before looking at a peaceful Samantha, sleeping. She softly moves away and kisses her forehead.

Deena walks into her bathroom and once she lets Simon and Kate in she closes the door. She knew the question will come running and she was ready to answer them, hoping none of them would be embarrassing. "When did you guys get together?" Kate asks "She asked me to be her girlfriend on Thursday night, we shared a kiss after school when I was looking for her and a bear was following us so we ran and my aunt picked us up when we were 20 minutes away from home. I told her to stay over and we kissed again and again" Deena explains once she's done brushing her teeth. "Come let's go downstairs so she can keep sleeping she's really tired.

"Did you seduce her into bed?" Simon asked before taking a bite of an apple "Simon!" Deena whisper shouts "I don't know. Both of you are hot so I would understand Simons point" Kate laughs. "No, we didn't do anything, we just kissed. We literally started dating on Thursday" Deena says. "Wait but did you guys actually got followed by a bear? Like I don't know if that's a sign that you should stop playing and date or it's not gonna workout" Kate says "Or maybe the bear got jealous they were having a moment; You don't know maybe he or she got a divorce" Simon adds. "Or maybe we got chased by a bear because we were in the middle of the fucking woods" Deena says as she was about to make breakfast

"Are you about to make breakfast?" Kate asked "yes?" Simon and Kate start laughing "Poor girl, she's about to get poison by her own girlfriend" Simon says "she's definitely gonna brake up with you once she tastes your food" Kate says looking at Simon. Deena placed her hand in her heart and tilts her head "I'm hurt".

A half asleep Sam silently walks down the stairs and looks at Deena standing in the kitchen. "You left me in bed alone" Sam pouts as she wraps her hands around Deenas waist. Deena finds the sound of Sams morning voice calming. She notices Sams messy hair and smiles "awe I'm sorry" Deena says turning around. Sam still hasn't notice that Kate and Simon were watching their interaction. Deena pecks Sam lips as a Goodmorning kiss. "What have you done to turn my cold hearted Demon into a soft lovely Angel?" Simon asks, Sam shifts her vision to the two bodies standing in the corner and giggles. "Guess she's not as cold hearted as she seems" Sam smirks at Deena "Ugh, you guys are annoying" Deena says "but you love us" Kate adds.

"So who's making breakfast in the afternoon? Except Deena we will probably die if she cooks for us" Kate says making Sam and Simon laugh. "I'm not joking last time she made pancakes they didn't even look like pancakes" Deena rolls her eyes "I'm gonna make coffee" Deena walks over to the cabinets looking for the coffee powder. "You've made coffee before?" Simon asks "nope but I saw my aunt make it and I think I remember" "Everyone I recommend walking out of the kitchen before Deena blows it up" Sam says "you're not getting kisses anymore" Deena threatens. "Well if you do blow the kitchen up then there's like a 5% chance you'll live which means she won't be getting kisses either ways" Simon jokes.

Deena makes coffee while Kate makes scramble eggs, Sam makes pancakes, and Simon started toasting the bread. "Deena, that's not where you put the coffee" Sam says walking up to the coffee maker. "Look, you put this here and then add the coffee in it" Sam explains "ooohhh, okie. Thank you" Deena says. After 10 minutes the breakfast was done. Josh came down stairs right on time. "Deena didn't cook any of it right? I'm too young to die" Josh says looking at them. "No, don't worry she only made the coffee and I helped her" Sam says placing the plates in the table. "It's only been 30 minutes that I've been awake and I've already been offended 10 times" Deena says as she sits down. They all went into fits of laughter.

"You guys are dating?" Josh asks looking in between Sam and Deena. "Yeah" Sam and Deena say in unison "Finally" Josh says. "Yeah the first week of school I kinda got tired of Deena telling me about Sam. Then once the second week started all of the sudden they were spending lots of time together. And FINALLY they are dating" Kate says. "You talked about me the first week of school?" Sam asks Deena. Deena chokes on her drink "w-well yeah but good things until the Friday incident and then I talked good about you again" Deena explains, Sam gives her a soft smile. "Yeah, supposedly the way y-" Deena cuts of Kate "Kate, shut it" they all laughed at Deenas embarrassment. The heat on Sams cheeks roused knowing that Deena talked good about her.

"So there's a party today at... what's her name again?" Deena asks Sam "Erica" Deena nods "Ericas house, a girl from school. Well,  we're invited. It's at 7pm. So are we going?" Simon gives Deena a thumbs up "yes" Kate and Josh say in unison. Deena looks at Sam "only if you're going" Deena smiles and nods. The party started at 7pm so in the meantime they laid down watching movies till 5pm.

"You'll look hot in this" Kate tells Sam as she hands over a sparkle dress "ouuu I like it" Sam says and smiles once she notices is her size. "Sam, can you zip this up" Deena says turning around. Sam smiles and slowly zips up the zipper of the red leather dress. Deena liked the touch of Sams fingers against her skin. "Respectfully, you look hot" Sam says looking at Deena in a red dress. Deena smiles and pecks Sams lip. "You do yourself too. So fucking hot" Deena says biting her lip. Sam noticed and kissed her.  "We sound like high school fuck boys" Sam giggles kissing Deena again. "Wow wow, I'm coming in. You guys are dress right I don't wanna see your boobs" Kate jokes. "Please you've seen my boobs plenty of times so relax" Deena jokes. "I'm jealous" Sam jokes "oh just wait till you see them they are beautiful.It's like being in wonderland. No joke" Kate says doing sparkle hands "that's true... wait is Sam going to pound town tonight" Simon says coming out of nowhere. "Simon! We're changing" Deena says quickly kicking the door. "Oops I saw the door open. Well Sam, you'll have lots of fun" Simon jokes "She's not going to pound town and neither I'm i... probably Kate will" Deena says "Yup, probably" Kate admits as she ties up her heals.

Words 1234✨💅🏻
I've been seeing that number lots of times. ✨Ángel numbers✨🤚🏻 ANYWAYS if like I ever do a smut scene will you guys like read it and like it? Like idk😂 I saw a Tik Tok of a girl saying how frustrating it is when someone doesn't give details and just says "you know what happened next" 😭😂. Idk why I picture Deena in a red leather dress with a jacket and combat boots, idk. I searched up what people wore to party's in the 90s 😭😂

Ps. Have a nice day🤍✨ remember you're beautiful and amazing

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now