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It had been about 5 days since she's moved to Sunnyvale. She would talk to Kate and Simon everyday, sometimes they would talk for hours others not so much. Even though Sam was nice and had been a great guide even though she already knew the school. It wasn't like the friendship she had with Kate and Simon. She didn't feel comfortable here. She didn't have her friends with her and people would bother her and call her names. She tried so hard not to punch them. There was Peter, leaving class.  She felt like punching him so bad. She wanted to brake his nose and never let him breathe ever again.

It was lunch time. She would finally get to see Josh. Deena looked in the crowd of students trying to find her brother. As she was about to turn a corner she sees Peter and his other friends so she turns back around but stops when she hears their talking about her.

"Did you see that Shadysider that moved to our school?" she hears a girls say. "Yeah, stupid bitch got me in trouble during Chemistry on Monday" Peter says. "She needs to know her place" another girl says "Sam, Aren't you guiding her for like a week so the dumbass doesn't get lost?" Someone asks "Yeah" Sam says, she really didn't want to be in the conversation, Deena had been nice these past few days she even manage to make her laugh, so there was no reason. But if she even dares to defend the girl her friends would hate her. "She seems weird, doesn't she?" a girl ask "Yes, she's super weird. Sometimes she talks so much it's so annoying, it makes me want to slap her. And Mr. Avery was nice to her, which was even weirder" Sam tells her friends. "You think he's got a crush on her?" a guy asks and the whole group starts laughing. "Please who would have a crush on her?" Sam says. "She's probably crazy like the rest of the Shadysiders" Peter says laughing. "For real" Sam and Veronica say at the same time.

Deena just stood there but once the conversation faded she left to lunch. "Hey Josh" Deena says sitting next to her brother. "Hey Deena" Josh says. "Hiiii" a blonde girl says as she sits in front of Josh. "Hi Stacie" Stacie was one of Josh friends he had met on the internet. Deena though she was very sweet and smart. She liked how the girl would actually make conversation that Josh would participate in. They would talk about weird stuff Deena didn't even know about but she liked that they were happy.

"Well, I've gotta go... Se you guys later" Stacie says since her lunch was over "bye, See you later" Deena and Josh say in unison. "She's nice" Deena comments "yeah, she's very nice and smart" Josh smiles "you like her?" Deena asks as she eats a strawberry her aunt had pack for lunch. "Yeah, as a friend" Deena knew Josh was lying she knew Josh liked Stacie as more than friends too but she wasn't gonna push him to tell her.

Josh wanted to talk about their fathers funeral that was in 2 weeks but didn't know were to bring it up or not. "Deena" Deena shifts her vision to Josh. "What's up?" he takes a deep breath as he's about to bring up the topic both of them had been avoiding. "Dads funeral is in two weeks right?" he asks "yeah... why?" Deena didn't want to talk about her fathers death for now but you can't expect something tragic not being talk about. "Well, I just wanted to know... we haven't really been talking about it and I don't know" Josh says "Well, how do you feel about all of this?" Deena asks "well... i don't know. Even though dad drank a lot he wasn't a bad person. I miss him a bit. As you said the other day we had lost him a long time ago to alcoholism but we still had a small part of him. I loved him a lot. And I love living with Deanne but she looks just like mother and it's comforting but it makes me sad cause it reminds me of mom" Josh explains. "Yeah, I feel the same about aunt Deanne, she's so sweet like mom use to be" they both smile at what she had said. "But we have to move on with our lives from the tragic events that have happened. I will soon let go my fear of cars. We will both stop having nightmares. A lot of things will change as we grow up" Deena says before taking a sip of water. "Yeah, you're right".

When all the classes where over, Deena walked into the bathroom so she could wash her hands since she had accidentally gotten ink on them left handed problems.  "Deena" Sam called "What do you want?" Deena turned around and faced Sam. She hated how Sam would act so nice but be a total bitch when she was with her friends. "Uh... nothing, you left this in Reading since you kinda walked out in a hurry" Sam said. "Oh, yeah" Deena said grabbing her Reading book. "Uh... a thank you would've been nice" Deena rolled her eyes at Sams respond "Oh, I'm so so sorry, Samantha. The "weird, crazy, annoying" girl says thank you" Deena says sarcastically.  "Huh?" Sam questions. "Oh don't act stupid, Samantha. I heard everything you guys said which to be honest I don't give three shits about. If you don't like me and I annoy you then stop fucking talking to me" Deena said as she aggressively drys her hands. "I can't leave you alone because I'm your guide" Deena laughed "I don't need you to guide me anymore, I never needed you to guide me in the first place. I'm not stupid, I can find my classes alone" Sam stood there regretting what she said about Deena. She didn't mean it when she said Deena was weird, annoying or crazy.

Deena walked out of the bathroom before Sam could say anything. She remembered Kate and Simon were gonna pick her up. She stood there waiting for her friends. There was a red car racing and her heart started beating fast again. She clenched her fist and tried to stay calm. "Breathe in and out" she whispered to herself, her fingers digging into her palm leaving red marks. Sam stood next to her wanting to tell her she was sorry but she heard Deena whispered something. She thought it was meant for her "what?" Sam asked.

Deena couldn't hear anything around her. She just stared at one point. Sam was confused on why she wouldn't answer so she left it at that. "What's up, lady killer" Kate said walking up to her, but got no response. "Deena?" She calls again "Where's my favorite fruity person" Simon says "is she frozen again?" Simon asked "yeah... Deena" Kate called again. "Yes, sorry... what? C-can we walk to my house? I don't want to ge-" Kate cut her off "yes, of course we can walk. Simon, you take the car we'll walk. Tell Deanne" "wait, Simon! I'm not walking with these" Josh said getting in the car. Sam just stood there in confusion.

"So, how's school here?" Kate asked "it sucks, its literally the same routine everyday. I really miss you guys" Deena says. "We miss you so much. We don't have anyone to deal with us and no one to make us laugh. We miss bothering you. We truly miss you" Kate frowns

Kate talked about her cheerleaders and Deena kept laughing at the stories. "No way she fell down in front of everyone" Deena says laughing so hard her belly started hurting. "Yes, they had to take her to the nurse and we all thought she was crying cause it hurt b-but she was crying cause the guy she likes laughed" Kate explained in fits of laughers. Deena and Kate were holding on to each other trying not to fall.

Once they arrived at Deannes house they all got ready for movie night. It was still 3pm but they helped Deanne cleaned the living room and kitchen. They also did the laundry and organized the place a bit. "Wow, thank you so much, guys" Deanne said looking at how neat everything was. It was already 5pm and they all went and showered. Deena had asked Deanne if Kate and Simon could stay on Fridays and she was more than glad to have them over.

Deanne had cooked all the food for movie night. She made Pizza, garlic breads, and popcorn. "Wow this pizza is the best" Josh says. "I totally agree" Simon adds "me too" Deena and Kate say in unison. Deanne smiles at the kids happiness "thank you". Ever since Deanne's sister died she had isolated herself from the world. Most people would hear the last name "Verman" and the first think they would think is "the sister that went crazy". She couldn't stand people spreading rumors about her sister.

She hadn't notice until now that she isolated herself so much that she missed out on her niece and nephews life. She hadn't seen them in years. Last time she saw Deena, she was around 8 years old and Josh was 6. Josh was once a little boy who use to cary a small little fire truck everywhere. And Deena use to put flowers in her hair because she wanted to be a fairy. Deanne smiled at all these memories. Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing.

She picked up the phone and the kids paused the movie so she wouldn't miss it. They all looked at her. As she talked. "Oh hello, Clayton" Dianne said. "Yes, hi. My wife's birthday is tomorrow and we were wondering if you wanted to come over to a small party we're hosting at the house" Deanne didn't know what to say, Claytons wife and her aren't the best of friends. "Well... I don't know, my niece and nephew moved in with me and I don't want to leave them alone" Deanne says looking at them with a smile. "Oh well you can bring them too, it's a party bring whoever you want" Clayton says in a cheerful voice "oh, okay. At what time?" Dianne asks "5pm and ends whenever the last person leaves" Clayton says "okay, we'll thank you for the invite. Goodnight" "goodnight". Deanne hangs up and sits down again.

"Well tomorrow we have a birthday party to attend. The wife of one of my old friends Clayton is having a party and we're invited. All of us" Deanne tells them. "Oh that's so fun" Simon says clapping his hands together. Deena hated that they had to go to so many places. She didn't want to get inside a car, but she was a bit okay if the driver was Deanne, Kate, or Simon. So she was gonna try her best to stay calm.

They continued watching the movie and slowly all of them fell asleep on the sofa and on the blankets that were laid out on the floor.


Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now