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Deena had been going through her closet for an hour. "Just wear this, it's super pretty" Kate says graving a Viridian dress from Deenas closet. "You've never worn this before" Kate says handing the dress over to Deena. "Oh and with these" she hands Deena a pair of black short heels.

Deena felt a bit weird at first but relaxed a bit. She liked how she looked. Her hair had slight waves, and she was wearing a light makeup that was barely noticeable. "Are you guys ready?" Deanne asked as she walks to the front door and sees them all standing in front of the door. "Yasss" they all said in unison. They all looked so fancy and adorable.

After a 4 minute drive they had arrive at Claytons house. Where they were greeted by him and his wife and lots of other people. Deena looked around and the house was quite similar to her aunts, just seemed a bit more serious. She looked around and people were talking to each other. There was a bit of music and some people were dancing a bit. Simon, Josh and Kate were all talking about things which Deena couldn't concentrate on.

She looked at the door that led to the backyard. She was tempted to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. After trying to convince herself that she had to socialize she failed completely. She quickly walked outside and hoped that none of her friends saw her. To her luck there was a white wooden swing right next to her. It was a bit dark outside but she didn't care.

Deena sat outside looking at the stars. Trying to count them carefully. Some were more visible than others but they all looked beautiful. She thought about the fact that she had no parents. Her mother was dead her father was dead. Both dead due to car crash. Her thoughts were interrupted by the lights going on outside. "Deena?" Deena quickly looked to the side and saw Samantha standing there. "Yeah?" Deena was confused. What was Sam Fraser doing at this party, but then she remembered she was a Sunnyvaler, And her parents most likely knew Clayton and his wife.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked. "My aunt made me come so I could socialize" Deena said no longer looking at Sam. "Oh, who's your aunt?" Sam said "Deanne Verman" Deena said with a sight. "Oh... didn't her sister had a brain injury and went crazy?... I think she died" Sam said not thinking about the fact that she could be Deenas mother. Deena didn't want to answer that question "What are you doing here?" Deena asked, changing the topic "I live here" Deena was not expecting that. "Can i sit there?" Sam asked "I mean you own it so I can't say no, but sure" As much as Deena didn't want Sam seating next to her she couldn't say no. This was her house not hers.

"So... I'm sorry" Sam said as she sat down. "No need to apologize" Deena was tired of the word 'sorry' she hated it. Everyone was 'sorry' but people didn't mean it at all. "I didn't mean what I told my friends" Sam explained "But you said it, so you meant it" Deena looked at Sam then back at the sky. "I didn't, I promise... if I would disagree with what they said, they would hate me" Sam explained. "That's not a good excuse" Deena knew that Sam probably had a point, but if she didn't like someone Deena would gladly never speak to them again. Which made her realize 'why don't I dislike Sam' she thought about it for a bit but made herself stop wondering.

"Can we please start again?" Sam said, Deena looked at Sam and thought about it. She sighted and hoped this wasn't a mistake. Deena felt like Sam was truly sorry and for once she wasn't annoyed by it. "Yes" was all Deena could say. "Hi, I'm Samantha Fraser" Sam sticks out her hands waiting for Deena to shake it "Hi, I'm Deena Johnson" Deena shakes Sam hands and both girls smile. "So, why did you move to Sunnyvale?" Sam asks. "Cause it's closer to my school" Deena said. Sam remember Deena said that she switched schools because she lived closer to Sunnyvale high. But she never went to Sunnyvale high so why did she move to Sunnyvale and switch schools.

"So you moved here because you wanted to be closer to school?" Sam asked. Deena realized what she had said and knew she fucked up. "Uh... yeah" Sam knew she was lying. "You're lying, what the real reason, I'll find out sooner or later. My fathers very close friends with your aunt Deanne" Sam said. "Well, my father died so we moved with my aunt" Sam eyes went wide. "Oh, I'-" Deena cuts Sam off "Don't say you're sorry for my loss, I'm so tired of hearing it" Deena said giving her a dry laugh at the end. "Well, why dint you stay with your mom?" sam asked "she's dead" Sam felt really bad she asked those questions but she was still curious and that's when it hit her. "Wait your mom is Deana Verman?" Sam asked, Deena nodded. "I know people talk about how she died but I'm not quite sure is how they tell the story... can you tell me how she really died? If you're comfortable with it" Sam asked.

"Well, one morning at 5am, it was still very dark outside. I asked to be taken on a ride because I couldn't sleep. Me and my mom had a spot we loved to spend time in. At night you can see the stars perfectly because it was so dark, even though they were fireflies. Sadly that morning at 5am we couldn't see the stars. On our way there a car had their light off and since it was so dark neither of us noticed the car till we hit it and both cars flipped over. My mom hit herself in the head very hard she had a brain injury. The doctors operated her and at first everyone thought she was doing good until the 3rd day. She started seeing things and she forgot stuff and then remembered. She was scared and on a Friday morning my brother and I went to see her and she was bleeding out on the floor. It was too late" Deena explained holding her breath sometimes so she wouldn't cry. "Oh... you were nine, right?" Deena softly move her head side to side "I was eight".

Sam wanted to hug Deena but didn't know if she was comfortable with it. She looked at Deena in the eyes and she wanted to hold her forever. She stopped thinking about it and hugged her. After a couple of seconds Deena hugged her back.  Deena let out a tear which she hated. She hated that she was about to cry. She held her breath and put her tongue in the top of her mouth and looked up. It was a trick she had heard on a show she use to watched. "It's gonna be okay" Sam whispered.

They pulled away after hugging for 3 minutes. "Have you been to that spot ever again?" Sam asked, Deena shakes her head side to side. "Do you remember where it was?" Deena nodded. "How about we go, I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't mind if I bail on her party, plus no ones using the cars" Sam smirked. Deena just stood there not knowing what to do "uh... it's pretty far and it's late. I- I'm sure you don't want to go to sleep late" Deena said hoping Sam changed her mind. "Awe, pretty please. I go to sleep very late either ways" she smiled. Deena couldn't say no to that smiled. The one that her dimples where very visible. "Fine" Deena gave in.

I think I'm going to fast 😀 so if I am tell me. Also I kinda put what they were both wearin in the top.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now