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Sunday October 30,1993

Deena felt as if a light had been turned on. She opened her eyes and before she could focus her gaze "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" her friends and family were standing in front of her with a cake, camera and balloons. "Oh god" she whispered "thank you" she said in a morning voice. "Our kisses tradition!" Simon reminded Kate. "N-" before she could stop them she was being covered in many kisses. "And I will take the forehead" Sam giggled gently kissing Deenas forehead. "Look at you two, cutest lovebirds" Deena rolled her eyes at Simons comment. "Now, let's sing happy birthday" Deanne said "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear" "Deena" "ladykiller" "cupcake" they all said a different name which made Deena laugh. "Blow the candles" Josh and Deanne said in unison.

"So go get ready because we're going on an adventure" Sam said sitting next to Deena. "Where are we going?" Deena asked "its a surprise" Deanne says clapping her hands and walking out of the room. "What do I wear?" Deena asked "this" Kate lift up a very nice outfit. "Well, Josh and will be leaving you ladies here to do y'all thing" Simon says before closing then door.

"So, are you excited?" Sam asked looking at Deena in the eyes. "Mhm" Deena smiled "that's good" Sam said holding Deenas hand. "Your hands are so soft and warm" Sam giggled "well, thank you blondie. So are yours" Deena smiled. "Okay okay, we get it both of you are in love-" Kate says but was cut off by both of them "we're not dating" both of them said in unison "okay, sure but Deena go get ready" Deena hurried and got ready.

Sam was doing Deenas bed while Kate sat in the chair. Sam walked up to a frame that held a picture of Deena and her. She smiled remembering the day at the arcade. And that didn't go unnoticed by Kate. "You like her, don't you?" Kate got Sam off guard "come again?" Sam knew what she had asked just didn't know how to answer that question "You like Deena" Kate repeated "n-no we're just friends" Sam stuttered "you like her, it's okay... you should tell her some day" Kate suggested. Before Sam could answer Deena had come out of the bathroom.

The 3 of them went down stairs where they were all waiting. "Okay, let's go ladies and gentlemen's" Deanne said opening the door. When they were all comfortable in the car Deena noticed some bags in the backseat "why is there bags in the backseat?" she asked "we're staying somewhere but first let's get breakfast" Deanne said.

After a thirty minute drive they arrived at a fancy breakfast place "wow, this place is fancy" Deena said looking around. They were all seated in a very cute table with fancy utensils and plates with beautiful designs not even Sam had seen. "Well so what would you guys like to order?" a guy around his twenties asked. "I would like shortcut fruit crepes" Deena said. The rest of them ordered breakfast and soon they all received it.

"So, hows school going for you guys" Deanne asked before taking a sip of her orange juice. "It's been pretty normal, a bit boring since Deenas no longer there. There's no one to bother and no one to bother us" Simon says after taking a bite of his pancakes. "Yeah, I was gonna make her join the cheer team again but she had other plans" Kate giggled "I'm making her joking the our cheer team" Sam says making Kate gasps "did she agree?" Kate asked "well, i'm thinking about it" Deena said "please, if Deena joins the cheer team then I'm the best baseball player" Josh jokes. "You know what, I will in fact join the cheer team" Deena says throwing a death glare at Josh. The rest of them laughed.

"Okay guys let's go, we have 1 hour and 30 minutes left" Deanne said looking at the backseats of the car. "Yayyyy" they all said in unison. "Soooo... are you trying out on Monday or did you change your mind?" Sam smirked "Well... we shall see when Monday gets here" Deena smiled "Okies, also happy birthday, cupcake. I haven't really said it myself" Sam smiled. "Thank you, blondie" Deena giggled. "Get married already" Kate jokes "I- we don't l-" they were both cut off by Simon "You're gonna owe us 20 dollars, Josh" Simon says "I- are you guys betting on our friendship?" Sam laughs. "Well... kind of" Kate says. Sam and Deena laughed. Deena got tired and laid her head on Sams shoulder. Sam looked down at Deena and saw her eyes were closed, she smiled at the sight of a sleepy Deena. "Ask her out already" Simon whispered looking at the backseat. "Shshsh, she's sleeping".

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now