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Sam and Deena had been dating for 4 weeks and things where going pretty good. Of course school was a bit hard since they couldn't talk sometimes. Sams friends were asking her why she was always canceling plans or ditching them early. She would say she was busy with stuff , and that stuff was Deena. She wouldn't really pay attention to the conversations her friends had she would answer with "mhm" and hope they wouldn't ask her anything.

Deena didn't really had a big problem but Erica would come up to her a lot and she would push her away. She was scared Erica would tell the whole school about Sam and her dating so she wasn't completely a bitch to her and Sam knew. They had agreed on it.

It was Wednesday the day that connects the weekend. What sucked the most is that there was a football game; Sunnyvale vs. Shadyside. She was with Shadyside but Sam had beg her to join the Sunnyvale cheer team. But at least she will meet with Kate and Simon on the field.

"Hey cupcake" Sam said entering the bathroom. "Hey blondie, you seem quite excited today" Sam smiles and looks at the mirror "yup, it's the first football game of the year. Last one was canceled due to rain. So the cheerleaders can finally do the dances we've learned; and you're one of them so I'm very excited" Sam says fixing her hair. "I swear I still have no clue how you manage to make me join that squad of fake girls" Sam laughs knowing Deena was right. "I'm kinda jealous that two girls in the cheer squad like you. Which means they will probably be looking at your bum. And there's boys too. So Yeah, I'm mad that they also see what's mine" Deena laughs and get close to Sam. "I'm also jealous cause others look at you. But they can't kiss you because you're mine. Also I trust you so I don't mind" Deena says before placing a kiss on Sams lips. "Did you eat pineapple today?" Deena asks Sam "yeah, why?" Deena giggles and kisses Sam again "you taste like pineapple; I like it" Sam smiles and pecks Deenas lips "We have to go to class my little munchkin" Deena rolled her eyes at the nick name "not again".

The rest of the day felt like torture but every time she saw Sam smiling at her in the hallways it made her day a tad better. It was finally time to change for the game. Game uniforms were different than the ones they regularly wore, Deena didn't like it, it wasn't very comfortable but it was just for a while. She could deal with it. "Wow, you look hot in that uniform" Erica said while she fixed her hair. Sam rolled her eyes and looked at Deena who was trying to avoid Erica. "Thank you" Deena said closing her locker door. Once all the girls left Sam stood in front of Deena and join their lips; Deena pulled her in by her waists and then softly pulled away.. "We'll continue this later" Sam said out of breath. "Mhm" Deena smiled.

During the game Deena ran to Kate and Simon and hugged them. "Deena?" A guy from the Shadyside football team questioned "yes?" Deena waved "I did not expect you to be a cheerleader. Sunnyvale really changed you" he laughed "not really, I didn't expect myself to be a cheerleader either. I was forced" she laughed "well it was nice seeing you".

"Girl, you look so hot in that cheer uniform" Kate said making her twirl to see the whole outfit. "Please, This hasn't even started and I already want to take it off" Kate laughed and pulled Deena into a hug. "Classic Deena" Simon said. "We're still going for cheeseburgers right after this right?" Simon asked "of course" Deena said with excitement.

Deena looked at the band group and greeted some of them. "God I miss band" Deena says "why didn't you join?" Kate asked "because every spot was taken" "oh okay, girl that must su-" Kate was cut off when she saw something that would ruin her bestfriend's emotions; Kate was infuriated. What she saw made her blood boil. "What happened?" Deena was confused on why Kate suddenly stoped her sentences and looked as if she was enraged. "I- um I" Kate didn't know what to say she didn't want to hurt her best friend. She knew Deena had been through enough.

When Deena turned around she saw Sam very close to Peter. "They kissed?" Deena asked. "Y-yes" Kate stuttered and pulled her friend in for a hug. "I don't know what to say" the problem with Deena is that it took her time to process emotions. It hurt knowing that Sam had betrayed her. Her thought were interrupted by the Shadyside cheerleaders being called. "I'll see you after the game, okay" Deena nod and walked to the cheer team but far from Sam.

She didn't know what to tell Sam. She didn't know what to do. Did this mean that they were no longer together. Did she feel something when kissing Peter. How did that even happened?. She pinched her arm hoping this was just a nightmare. It was time for the cheerleaders to do their dance and she tried her best to smile. She made sure she didn't fall. She was a flyer which she didn't like. She didn't like cheer; she did all of this for Samantha. She wanted to walk away and burn the cheer uniform. She hated it. She really though she could trust Sam.

Once they were done she walked out of the game. Her ride was supposed to be Sam but she was gonna leave with Simon and Kate.

Kate looked at the crowd of Sunnyvalers trying to find Deena but there was no sight of her. Kate remember Deena saying something about a girl name Erica but she doesn't remember her face. If Erica was obsessed with Deena then she had to know where she went. Kate walked over to the Sunnyvale cheerleaders and asked a girl if Erica was there. She looked at Sam, who was scanning the crowd; Probably looking for Deena. "Hey, are you Erica?" Kate asks "yeah, why? Wait you're Deenas friend right? From the party" Erica asks "yeah, that's me. Umm... have you seen Deena?" Kate asks. "Well, last time I saw her she was walking that way" Erica says pointing at the end of the bleachers. "Thank you".

Kate tried hiding in the crowd hoping Sam didn't notice her since she was small but failed. "Hey, Kate have you seen Deena?" she wanted to scream at Samantha but she couldn't. She didn't want to get involve. Even though Deena was her best friend; it was Deena who had to talk to Sam not her "No, I don't know" Kate said in a cold tone. Sam felt as if Deena had found out and so had Kate. She didn't want to kiss Peter. She hated Peter with every bone in her body.

"Deena" Kate says sitting next to her under the bleachers. "I know you're enrage and sad and want to disappear. But sometimes we get hurt. And I really don't know what to say so sorry if I say something wrong" Kate place her hand on Deenas shoulder and waited for Deena to respond but got nothing. "We can talk about it whenever you're ready, D" Kate laid her head on Deenas shoulder and looked forward like Deena.

After 30 minutes Sam saw both girls sitting in silence. She didn't know what to say or what to do. "Deena" Sam said in a soft voice. Deena didn't say anything back. "I know you're mad but I didn't kiss him. He kissed me and I pulled away fast" Sam explains. Kate wanted to say many things but she bit her tongue and tried to keep every word inside of her. She told herself over and over that this was not her position. "Deena, please say something" Deena couldn't bring herself to speak. She tried but no words came out. She trusted Sam but at this moment she was debating her decision. Deena stood up and walked away from Sam. "Deena please, believe me. You are the only person that I want to be with. I didn't kiss Peter, he kissed me" Sam tried to stop herself from crying but she felt like she was loosing her whole.

"I'm horribly mad at you and I'm trying not to say everything I want to say but I recommend you leave Deena alone for a while. You're the only person that she has trusted other than Simon and me, she calls me everyday and talks about you for hours on how you make her feel. She says happy doesn't even go far enough. So if you're going to fix things make sure you use the right words and if things go well then never ever do this to her" Sam nodded and Kate walked away.

Deena laid down in-between Simon and Kate. She looked at her ceiling still processing what she saw. She wonder why this only happen to her. Why was it that when everything is going well there has to be something to ruin it all. She looked at Simon then at Kate. She wondered if maybe this is how things are supposed to be. Just Simon Kate and her. Before Sam it was only them; so she believed things can go back to normal. All she had to do was forget Sam. How? Sam had taken up so much of her that she didn't know how to forget her.


HAHAHAH I'M SORRY😭. THINGS WILL GET BETTER I PROMISE I JUST WANTED TO TORTURE YA'LL A BIT. I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH IM SO SORRY 😀 i swear I hate Peter so much like that killer did us all a favor 😌💅🏻

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now