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Deena was now standing in front of Sams car. She held on to the handle rethinking her choices. Sam had already gotten in the car and noticed Deena was still standing there. "I promise I'll drive slow, I'm a very good driver" Sam said smiling. "You promise?" Deena asked opening the door. "I pinky promise" Sam said making Deena giggle.

"So, Umm... I don't know we're this place is so you have to guide me" Sam said, Deena remembered Sam had no idea. She thought it would be easier if she drives but Deena was terrified. 'Some day You'll have to face your fear, why not today'. Deena thought, her mother use to tell her that all the time. "I'll drive" Deena said. "Are you sure?" Sam asked "yeah, I use to drive before my father died in a car accident so, I got this" they switched spot and Sam crossed over by the inside of the car. "Won't you parents kill you if  they find out you stepped on their seats?" Deena asked Sam "no, because they won't find out" Sam winked, Deena smiled. "Okay, I got this" Deena said turning on the car.

She looked at Sam before driving. They both smiled at each other. After ten minutes Sam turned on the radio and a song came up. But not just any song. 'Here comes your man. By the Pixies'. Sam started softly singing the song, and Deena noticed. The pixies were Deenas favorite band. Deena also started singing the song low. "You know the Pixies?" Sam asked "I love them, they're my favorite" Deena says "same" Sam says laughing. Sam looked forward and had a soft smile in the face. Deena and her started singing along.
"Big shake on the car that's moving" Sam sings "Big shake on the land that's falling down" Deena continues. They would both sing a line after the other. Sam and Deena had both windows down so the soft Autumn breeze was comforting.

"Here comes your man" they both sing in unison. "Here comes your man" Sam looks at Deena and sees the smile on her face. She could look at Deena for hours. Sam thought Deena was beautiful. The way the wind softly blew her curls back. The way her dimples formed in her cheeks. Sure she also had dimples but she liked Deenas dimple. She didn't notice they were already there until Deena looked at her and winked. "Like the view?" Deena joked "I-" Sam stuttered not knowing what to say. "I'm joking, blondie. Come on" she said with a smile. Sam got out of the car and followed Deena. They both had some flashlights Sam had brought. Sam suddenly held Deenas hand when she heard a noise . "Are you scare?" Deena asked looking at Sam "well... we're in the woods at 8pm and it's dark plus we heard a noise so yeah maybe a little" Sam said "well, I'm here with you, you have nothing to be scare of" Deena smirked "oh please, so you're gonna fight a bear if it just comes out of nowhere" Sam asked "well... I will run and if you don't run behind me, I'm not coming back for you" Deena joked "you're such an ass" Sam softly hits Deena in the arm. "I'm joking blondie, I'll hold your hand and run with you. Probably carry you if you run slow" Sam giggled at Deenas respond. She was a bit scare of a bear or any other wild animal to come but for now she felt safe.

"So... we're here" Sam looked up at the sky and noticed Deena was completely right. You can perfectly see the stars here. They were shining so bright. "Wow, it's so breathtaking" Sam said looking at Deena. "Told ya" Deena said caressing Sams thumb. Neither of them notice they were still holding hands. "Come sit here" they both stopped holding hands and Sam sat on the ground next to Deena. "I can't describe how beautiful they are" Sam says looking back at Deena. "Yeah, they're very pretty" Deena looked at Sam with a smile. "I can tell why you liked coming here" Sam said, Deena nodded.

Sam looked into Deenas eyes and noticed how beautiful the brown in her eyes looked. They were beautiful. They had a bit of shine in them. Looking at Deena made her heart race and her belly felt like she was doing flips. She's sure that if there was more light Deena would have been able to see the pink on her cheeks.

They both sat next to each other looking at the stars. Sam had laid her head on Deenas shoulder and took in the scent of Deenas perfume. It was calming. She slowly drifted to sleep on Deenas shoulder. A couple minutes later Deena notice a soft sound. She looked at Sam and saw that She was asleep. She smiled at how cute she looked. Her lips were slightly parted and she had a string of hair in the face. She softly moved it behind Sams ear. Deena caught herself smiling at the sight of Sam sleeping. She told herself she couldn't fall for a straight girl. She barely knew Sam, she couldn't feel this feeling in her stomach. She knew that if this is how things were with Sam all the time, they would be great friends, but for now she didn't care what they were she just liked Sams company. She ignored The thoughts.

Deena looked at the watch in her wrist. It was 10pm. As much as she hated having to wake up Sam and interrupt her peaceful nap, it was late. "Sam" Deena whispered. "Samantha" she whispered again "mhm" was all she got back. "Sam is 10pm and you are falling asleep" Deena tells Sam. "But I'm comfortable here, next to you" Deena smiled at Sams gentle voice. "Well, we can come another day. I have to take you home now" Sam opened her eyes and looked up at Deena "okie" Sam smiled.

They both got up and walked to the the car. Deena held Sams hand since she was sleepy. She didn't want Sam to fall. They had finally gotten to the car and Deena opened the door for a half asleep Sam. "Thank you" she said yawning. "You're welcome" Deena walked to the other side of the car and started driving.

Once they arrived Deena and Sam went inside and saw they were only a few people there. "Where were you?" Deanne asked "I went somewhere with Sam" Deena said, Deanne smiled. "You went walking?" Deanne asked "nope, we went in a car" Sam said with a thumbs up. "Wow, you got her in a car?" Kate asked "yes, she did. Now Sam is very tired. Imma take her up to her room. Be right back" Deena said.

Sam opened the door to her room and closed it. Deena was sitting on a chair Sam had. She looked around and liked the decoration "Your room is very pretty" Deena said. "Thank you" Sam smiled. "Aweee is that a toddler Samantha Fraser" Deena said in awe "oh my, that's embarrassing" Sam said as took off her shirt and bra to change into something more comfortable. When Deena turned around to face Sam all she saw wearing was shorts  and her back, she wasn't wearing a bra. Deena quickly looked away. "You can look, you know. I don't mind" Sam said. "Oh, okay" Deena said, but still didn't stare.

Sam grabbed a shirt and put it on. "Why don't you stay the night" Sam asked standing in front of Deena "My friend Simon and Kate are staying over one more night so they could spend time with me and Josh and I don't want to leave them alone" Deena says. Sam pouts "do you wanna stay over at ours?" Deena asked "no, it's okay. I'm kinda in trouble because of something so my mom won't let me" Sam explained "Why did Samantha Fraser get in trouble?" Deena was surprised "I don't really wanna talk about it, she found out something and she kinda didn't accept it so yeah" Sam said looking away a bit. "Oh, okay. Well, if you want to talk about it some day I'm all ears" Deena says giving Sam a smile. "God you're so sweet" Sam giggled. "No I'm not" Deena said crossing her arms "yeah, sure Deena" Sam smiled.

"Well, I'll be going. Goodnight, Sam" Deena wave walking to the door. "Goodnight, Deena". "Wait, Deena" Sam felt like she had to say something. Deena stoped at the door, Sam quickly ran to Deena and kissed her cheek "thank you for today" Sam whispered with a smile. Deena felt a heat in her cheeks at the touch of Sam. "No, thank you" Sam smiled and walked back to her bed. Deena closed the door. Sam laid in bed thinking about Deena, were they friends? Or were they just people that know each other. She didn't care all she wanted was Deena to stay in her life.

That night Deena laid in bed wondering what this feeling she had was. Just a day ago she didn't want to have any conversation with Sam, but today covered up every thing she disliked about Sam. Was this the real Sam? The one that she spent a whole night with. She wanted this Sam in her life. She liked this Samantha Fraser... as a friend.


Y'all I don't know if I want this to be a slow burn or not so imma try to do a bit of both 😀.

Also Olivia Welch liked my comment on Instagram and I am still processing it and I'm so happy aghhh

Also Olivia Welch liked my comment on Instagram and I am still processing it and I'm so happy aghhh

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Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now