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Deena kept having nightmares of cars crashing, and sometimes a love one or her where in the car which scared her even more. She hadn't been in a car ever since Wednesday. She couldn't bring herself to get in one.

It was Sunday which meant it was moving day. Deena checked all her drawers again just incase she forgot something. The only thing the room had left was a bed, 2 drawers, and a nightstand with a lamp on top. She took one last look and left. "Are you ready, Deena?" Josh says walking out of his room, Deena nods and both of them walk out the door.

Simon and Kate were gonna drive them to their new house because Deanne was making sure everything was accommodated. Plus it was hard to get Deena in a car so maybe Simon and Kate could help her feel comfortable. Deena looked at Simons truck and her heart started beating fast. She remembered the dreams she had in the last few days. She remember how the car hit the other driver, the way it flipped over, and she remembered the bodies laid out in white bags after it.

Kate held Deenas hand and helped her get in the car. "Come on" Kate said giving Deena a smile. She notice Deena was scare of getting into cars, she would too if both of her parents death were caused by it. Kate put on Deenas seatbelt on and hers too. She held Deena closely so she could feel comfortable and maybe a bit safer. Kate could feel Deena shaking a bit. Her leg was bouncing up and down and she was holding on to Kates hand for dear life.

Deena luckily fell asleep half of the car ride to Sunnyvale which was 30 minutes away from Shadyside.  "Deena" Kate whispered "Deena" she whispered again and Deena slowly opened up her eyes. "Come on, we're here already. You're safe" Kate reassured her. Deena truly appreciated Kate, she was truly a good best friend but not only a best friend but sometimes a mother and mostly a sister. Deena held on to Kates hand and got off the truck.

The house was beautiful. It had 2 floors and was painted white. The windows looked so modern and the driveway had beautiful tiles. There was a super pretty garden decorating the outside of the house. "Wow" Simon said as he looked at the house. Everything seemed brighter here. "It's a very pretty house" Kate said looking around. Josh just looked everywhere he loved the place.

"Hi there, come in" Deanne said once she opened the door and noticed all of them looking at the house. Deena thought the house was beautiful but she was gonna miss Kate and Simon. It would be hard getting use to not being able to drive them back home while they listen to songs and sing along to them and listening to Simon horribly sing each one of them. She'll miss the jokes they made in the middle of class. She'll miss having them over every single day after school and all of them completing homework and falling asleep right after.

Once they walked into the house it was even prettier and brighter. The living room was huge. Deena, Kate and Simon walked up to Deenas new room and they saw everything organized. The room was way bigger than Deenas and everything was so new. It was also way colder in this room than the one at her house. That's when it hit her. New house, new room, and there was one more thing she knew she was absolutely not ready for. New school. She hated the thought of it. She knew they would bother her all the time in Sunnyvale high.

Kate and Simon had stayed over all day. They showered and ate dinner at Ms.Vermans house. She was super kind and made them desert. They would love to live with her. But it was time. It was 10pm and they all knew it was time to say goodbye and maybe they would come over the next day. "Well... I guess we'll see you tomorrow at 6pm?" Kate asked "yes, come over please" Deena said giving them a soft smile. "We will, after all if I get to eat those deserts your  aunt makes I'll even help with the shores" Simon joked making Kate and Deena giggle. "Of course we'll come over, lady killer. We love you" Kate day as both Simon and her hug Deena. The goodbye was a bit painful but she'll try to get through it.

Stella Meus (My Star)- ✨Sam and Deena✨Where stories live. Discover now