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HOW DARE YOU? They heard a loud roar . trishanku was stunned after hearing that voice and urmi became happy. Her wrist was bleeding and because of pain her eyes were covered with tears but there was a very beautiful smile on her lips after seeing the person standing in front of her.

Urmi ran from there and hug that person tightly as if her life depend on him and she started to cry. The person can see anything but can't see tears in his mila's beautiful eyes.

Yes he was LAKSHMAN.

Lakshman's hand cover urmi's small frame as if to hide her from this world , his eyes were blood shot and seeing trishanku with too much anger as if he would burn him with just his eyes.

I....I.. was no..not... doing.. anything, this girl is sult she grab my hand said trishanku his whole body was shivering with fear.

He is lying whispered urmi still in his hold watching at his eyes . more tears made there way down her eyes and she made her hold on him more tight.

You are lying tishanku defend him self.

Shut up you bastared roar our lion.

How dare you try to touch my pure mila with your dirty hands? How dare you?

Trishanku try to run but laksh withdraw slowly from her hold and quickly grab trisanku's neck.

Trishanku was unable to breat and looking at laksh anyone can tell this 10 year boy will kill him today.

Just then laksh punch on his nose and his nose started to bleed. A slap came on his cheek and devil was on floor. Laksh kicked him on stomach this time and blood came out from trishanku's mouth. Suddenly laksh took his sword and was just about to chop trishanku but a soft small and wet hand hold his wrist .

Laksh turned and looked at urmi her palm's were bleeding but she plead laksh from eyes to not to kill him just then laksh grab trishanku by hair from floor.

If I see you or your asshole friend amarjeet near my mila then that would be last day of your both's life and this is your last trip at aayodhya tomorrow your relatives are going so better you go with them or else saying this he throw trishanku out off window and trishanku landed on floor . he ran from there saving his life.

Urmi was stunned to react she didn't see anyone this much angry and today she was scared of him he was looking scary.

Just then laksh turned towards urmi and urmi move backward laksh was coming forward . her back hit wall and laksh caged her between his arms he hugged her tightly .

Urmi moved in his hold .

Don't move whispered laksh.

IT.. It's.. hurting said urmi being scared.

Just then he noticed her wounds and said sorry for hurting her with too much concerned in his eyes.

His body and cloths were wet because of her blood he picked her up in bridal style put her on his bed. On which he didn't let anyone sit except ram bhaiya and three mothers.

He took first-aid box from near table and with soft cotton started to clean her blood.

Ahhh she hissed in pain.

Sorry and he blew hot air on her wound urmi was just looking at him in shock throughout the treatment.

And it will be all okay in some days.

With that he get up and offered her a glass of water.she grab glass because she was very thirsty and drank whole water in one go half water quench her thirst and half drenched her cloths. Laksh was looking at her with adoration in his eyes.

Thanks rajkumar she said passing glass to him.

What???? Rajkumar???? Wait wait wait are my ears okay?

I heard you calling me rajkumar.

Because I called you that she rolled her eyes at his overacting .

Just sometime before he was looking like he would burn the whole world and now watch him drama king grumbled urmila.

I heard said laksh with tough tone.

Urmi looked down and in seconds again looked up

Sorry she held her ears and her eyes were down.

Sorry for what?

For fighting with you, I thought you are a naughty boy but you are not said urmi making pout.

Do...don't do this said laksh looking at her.

What not do? Said clueless urmi.

Don't make pouts or else

Else what? Asked urmi.

Leave it said laksh.

Listen you should have kill him before I came if he was mistreating you said laksh with anger in his eyes.

Killing someone is bad right!

No killing someone who is innocent is bad but killing devil is not bad at all said lakshman.

He kneel down and held urmi's hand .

Baby girl every girl should know how to protect herself, it's not every time a boy will come to help you. You should have attack him by my sword explained laksh.

But warfare are just for boys na, asked urmi innocently.

No warfare are for everyone who wants to learn and girls should definitely learn warfare for people like trishanku.


Yes, now will you eat something or sleep?

Do you have food?

I have basan ke laddu do you like it?

Yes very much said urmi clapping her hands.

Laksh went to drawer and took a container out.

He open the container and offer to urmi.

But urmi being urmi she took whole dabba and started to eat without even asking her.

Laksh was continuously looking at her "this girl few min back showing gratitude and watch her now"

Why are you not eating mr mendak eat na with this she put two laddos in his mouth and laughed watching his face.

Haaaaaaaaa haaaa look how are you looking? Haaaaaaa





LAKSHMILA: the saga of love and sacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now