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Urmila was struggling in his arms to get free and with her every move his hold on her was tightening.

Saumitra, leave me ! She said biting his shoulder . He remained unaffected.

Saumitra, you ugly frog put me down , she screamed near his ear.

He put her down when he felt the place suitable enough to talk to her.

What the hell was that ? She screamed jerking him. What the hell you were doing with him? Why was he holding your hand mila ? He roared grabbing her by the nape.

That was none of your concern , she replied back.

" Every matter which is related to you is of my concern " he said tracing his fingers on her neck, feeling her soft and slim neck.

Don't you dare to let him roam around you , he is not a good man" laksh whispered pulling her more close to her.

" I will roam around him. I will go to him and I will even sleep with him and all of these are none of your concern prince of Ayodhya" she finished pouring her frustration out. She was unaware about the wrong move she made, It triggered him like anything. His eyes again went red in range , his body shivering due to Anger. Urmila was able to feel his hot spicy breath fanning over her face . He tighten his grip around her neck, grabbing her neck a little tightly.

Ahha, a painful moan escaped her lips.

" What the fuck you said little dove ?" He asked in his intense voice . Mila felt her legs shaken due to intensity.

He looked dangerously at her lips from which she muttered non sense just right now. He looked at her eyes before claiming her lips with his.

Mila closed her eyes when she felt pain in her lips. She tried to push him away but he was unstoppable beast today. His one hand was on her neck today and other one was supporting her waist to match their height level, eyes closed and lips aggressively punishing her lips.

He bite them hard derwing blood out of them , mila hissed , cried and struggled in pain.

After being satisfied of sucking , kissing, biting , punishing her soft lips he left her. She was breathing heavily . her lips got red and sore due to his torture. Even lakshman's lips got red due to her blood, he trace his tongue over his lips, sucking her blood of his lips looking intensely at her.


Smash !!

Urmila slapped him hard, his right cheek got cut a little due to her rings.

" How dare you? You jerk, how dare you to force yourself upon me? Urmila pushed him using all her strength.

He took few steps back. The guilt started consuming him. " I am sorry mila" he whispered in broken voice.

Sorry! You harrassed me , you forced me , I hate you! I hate you from the bottom of my heart , I have never seen this disgusting person even in my life , she cried hitting him on his chest with her small fists.

Lakshman was looking at her with teary eyes.

Laksh ! They both stopped themselves when the sound of a girl reached their ears.

Vishwasundari came and hugged lakshman directly. Urmila looked at him with immense pain in her eyes. Lakshman immediately pushed her off his body making her fall on ground.

Behave yourself lady! He screamed at her. Vishwasundari felt scared ," laksh I just came to tell you that I am pregnant with your baby , soon we are going to be parents" she said lowering her voice intentionally , looking urmila from the corner of her eye, giving her evil smirk.

Lakshman's face got white like sheet . He couldn't believe what the hell she was saying.

He then heard sound of something falling down , he looked and there urmila got collapsed on ground being unconscious. He Immediately rushed towards her , ignoring vishwasundari.

Mila, open your eyes dear , he patted her cheeks softly after placing her in his arms.

He held her in his arms and looked at vishwasundari , he walked towards her. " Laksh, shat.... Shatru .. shatru dared me to do that , we were playing truth and dare" she said in trembling voice but why is urmila unconscious? She asked innocently and lakshman drew his attention back to urmila.

He left from there not before giving the final warning to vishwasundari and he went to sita 's chamber directly.


Sita was reading a love letter giving by ram with a pretty smile on her beautiful face.

Bhabhi, she heard and went towards the Direction of that voice.

Lakshman, you here? Urmi? Urmila? What happened to my Urmi? Why is she like that? Urmi get up baby! Sita cried seeing unconscious urmila in lakshman's hand.

Bhabhi , I will tell everything to you later but please right now make her well, please bhabhi I beg you ! He begged like a child in front of sita.

Come inside! Sita said , he came and placed urmila on bed and began to rubbing her hands and feet to provide her heat.

Sita saw a mad lakshman who was crying for his mila. " Laksh , she would be fine , Don't worry" she said assuring him but still his heart was not feeling at peace at all.

Bhabhi call the doctor please, he said rubbing her feet.

Yes , I am just...

Aha, sita stop and they both looked at her.

Urmi! , Mila! They exclaimed together.

She tried to get up, sita helped her in sitting on bed.

Urmi, what happened to you? Why you went unconscious? We were worried and lakshman became mad for you , said sita in single breath.

Urmila looked towards her feet which were in his hold. He was sitting their helplessly with tears in his eyes. She remembered the words of that girl and pulled her feet back.

Didi, ask him to get lost from my sight! She said , her face was void of any expression.

Lakshman got up from bed.

Mila ..I.... He tried to say something only to get cut off in middle by her.

Leave ! She screamed .

Okay, take care! He said in horse voice and left from there. She felt bad seeing him like that but she was Also feeling betrayed.

Some other woman was going to be mother of his child. She can never accept this, she thought to end her life.

Urmila! What was that behaviour? You know how much he cried for you ? Sita said being angry.

That was all fake, Urmila replied.


"Forgive me princesses but king asked your presence in meeting hall urgently" said an attendee.

Love you all ❤️❤️

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