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Maharaj, my father king Ashwapati is ill and he is longing to see Bharat – Mandavi, Shatrughan- Shrutkirti ,  I want to take them with me only if you allow for few days, said king yudhjit to king dashrath sitting on dinning table to have breakfast.

Bharat looked at his eldest brother with pleading eyes as he is not having any heart to go to keikeya, specially when his rest of the family would be in ayodhya but ram nodded to make him agree as his grandfather wants to meet him.

“ why would I have any problem yudhajit, you can take them after all keikeya has more rights on them then ayodhya “ said king dashrath making yudhjit laugh.

Sita and urmila looked at their sisters with longing eyes and a kind of assurance that they will wait for them.

“ yes mama sri,  even we are too planning to go on trip , me , ram bhaiya, urmila, sita bhabhi ‘ actually we are planning to go to shanta didi's place “ lakshman as always teased bharat and bharat complained to Ram, ram eyed lakshman and ask him not to tease already tense bharat.

“ bharat bhaiya, we are not going anywhere without you four, we will wait for your return” urmila said making bharat smiled at her , “ mila, you are my wife so you should support me “ lakshman said showing his fake anger and urmila's eyes widen in shock, siblings smirked while elders tried to hide their smile.

“ what did you call her dear?” asked keikeyi twisting lakshman's ear.

“ Ahhahaa mata please “ he faked his cry and kaushlya caressed his cheek, “ don’t tease my laal”.

Soon , two royal couple of four left for keikeya , sita and urmila were sitting together on the bank of river saryu , which was very visible from urmila's balcony.

“ urmi , what happened ? you seems tense?” asked sita looking at her sister's frown face.
Didi I am not getting good vibes, I think bharat bhaiya and shatru should not have left , urmila said plucking a rose from near by plant.

“ why do you think so urmi? What happened?” sita said holding urmila's hand in a firm grip.

“ ummmm, I don’t know , I am just praying to mata gauri that please protect our family from every evil eye” urmila joined her hands and sita smiled at her sister.

“ are you praying to bhabhi?” she heard lakshman waking and sitting beside her .

“ no saumitra, I was just praying to mata gauri to keep our family protect” urmila said . ram placed a hand over her head, “ nothing will happen urmi and if something happens then It would be for good, Hmmm”  urmila nodded at him.

Prince Ram, king has summoned you! Said an attendee reaching upon them.

Lakshman thinned his brows in confusion , “ at this time?, but court's time has over” he whispered softly.

“ lakshman , maybe pitaji would have some work” sita said understanding the confusion of her brother in law.

“ hmmmm, I am coming “ Ram said  and left with attendee.

It was evening and Ram has not returned, sita went to her kanak mahal and lakshman – urmila too came towards their moti bhavan.

Urmila was combing her hair when her husband wrapped his arms around her and put his chin on the nape of her neck , humming . “ someone is seeming in a very good mood today” urmila remarked while lakshman rolled his finger around her curl. “ why not, I have such a seductress wife to love” he said biting her cheek and left only after being sure he left teeth marks over her soft cheek.

Mila! Lakshman said huskily and pulled her chin towards himself, urmila knew what was coming and she closed her eyes waiting to feel his lips over hers, Lakshman moved closer to her , placing his lips over hers and began with soft sucks.  They were going to be wild with flowing passions but ….

“ you should lock your door before romancing with your wife” Ram said giving naughty smirks to couple and “ Raghunandan, I think we landed here on wrong time” sita said controlling her laugh.

“ no didi, it's not like this , you came on correct time” urmila said in nervousness making three of them chuckle on her. She cover her head with pallu and glared at lakshman, “ hey, It was not my fault, bhaiya you spoiled my romance” lakshman said going towards his brother.

“ I am seeing that” Ram said giving naughty smile to lakshman and he knew , his brother will tease him a lot later.

“ didi what happened ,Is there any problem?” urmila asked as again her heart was going restless.

“ There is a good news urmi” sita said and lakshman elbowed his brother “ ohhhoo bhaiya, teasing me and here you did that, by the way congrats for becoming father” he congratulated his brother. Sita blushed and ram twisted his baby brother's ear “ lakshman you have became more naughty after marriage “ he said .

“ no , there is little time for that good news” ram said and sita slapped at his chest, playfully. “ actually, pita ji has decided for the coronation of Raghunandan” sita said and urmila hugged her sister tight .

Lakshman was on cloud nine and he hugged his brother tight , “ ohhh god bhaiya, I can not tell you how happy I am “ .

But, their happiness was short lived as that same night Ayodhya witnessed something which can never be undo and Ayodhya can never forget along with whole Aryavart.  Second and Favourite queen of king Dashrath demanded her two boons from king upon being brainwashed by her maid Manthra. Today was the day when three scions of ayodhya were leaving it for fourteen years. Whole ayodhya which was excited to welcome their new king is drown in sorrow witnessing the departure of their sons and daughter in law. King dashrath was lying lifeless on his bed, he is alive but his soul is leaving his body.

Mila ? lakshman whispered in painful voice , he did not have courage to look into his wife 's eyes. Only his god knows how will he manage to survive without his heart for fourteen years, he decided to accompany his brother in his exile but he can not take wife along with him as he has his own reasons for it. He can not bear any danger over his wife, he knows life in forest will be very tough with demons and  barbars,. With the thought of any harm over his mila , he is going mad and second, his family and kingdom needs her more then him. Sumitra and kaushlya are in grief , he now only trusts urmila with his mothers and kingdom. If all four of them will leave then enemies who are eying Ayodhya like an eagle will attack and the hardwork of his ancestors will go in vein. There is third reason also and that is, if urmila will accompany him then she would be his priority in forest, and he will not be able to perform his duties.

More tears made their ways through her eyes as she was seeing her husband clothed in saffron cloth like some sanyasi, even those clothes were not capable of taking his princely aura and his handsomeness away from him. Infact, he was looking more handsome in those attire with tulsi mala around his neck , wrist and biceps.

“ don’t'worry saumitra, free yourself from the tension of home, I am here to look for them, do your duties and returned back to me after fourteen years like a warrior , your head high with pride and eyes filled with love for your mila” urmila muttered wiping her husband's tears and lakshman joined his lips on hers, sucking her soul out of her body. Urmila wrapped her hands around his torso , pulling him more close to her. She wanted her body to smell like him, she want to remember the touch and wildness of her lover to bear long fourteen years of separation.

Love you all ❤️

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