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Then, why Tauji killed Ten headed Rakshash, Aaaaa what was his name ? pushkal asked keeping his index finger over his chin, Thinking for a while.

“ Ravan” kush said jumping little over bed being excited to answer the question.

“ don’t' you all want to sleep?” sita asked while kids made their faces as they don’t' want to sleep without completing the story so sita inhaled and continued “ Shurpankha was a widow , her husband Vidhutjivah was a kalkiya hence ravan did not want them to get married  but they both married each other, shurpankha used to love him but he wanted to have ravan's throne . later, ravan killed vidhutjivah and shurpankha wanted to take revenge hence she along with her son, sambhu kumar came to Panchvati to trained her son to avenge his father's death but La… Laksh by mistake killed her son…..

Sita stopped and lakshman inhaled deep , after years still he was not able to forget that moment when he killed a sixteen years old boy by mistake, urmila placed her hand over his shoulder and he composed himself.

“ later, being rejected by Raghunandan and lakshman she went to her brother and encouraged her brother to ki… Kidnap me “ sita stopped  as nightmares of past hit her hard.

“ LAKSHMAN HELP, SITA HELP’ sita and lakshman heard a loud cry of ram, this terrified sita  as she went to lakshman,” ‘ lakshman did you hear your bhaiya's voice ?’ ‘ ji bhabhi ‘ .

Ram went behind the golden deer “ Swarn Mrigh” as sita wanted it but lakshman already had doubt and now he believes that it is surely a trap to three of them. 

Lakshman, go and help your brother ! sita asked him while looking at entrance but he did not move, “ Lakshman …. Go…” she again asked him to move but he didn't  . “ bhabhi, sorry I cant', bhaiya asked me to protect you and nothing bad can happen to him” he said but sita asked him to go to his brother but after lakshman denied many times then sita accused him , she accused the man who has been practicing celibacy since thirteen years after being married, the man who did not lay his eyes on any women, not even his sister in law, he man who consider his sister in law as his mother.

“ Lakshman you don’t want to go because he want me “ sita accused him with her breathing hot in anger and eyes red due to tears.

Lakshman turned rooted to his place, hearing those words from his mother like bhabhi.

“ that's why you came here, wait are you and bharat together plotting against raghunandan, yes that is right, that's why you came here, you were searching for a moment when you can kill your brother and you don’t have very decent thoughts about me to, you want to have me that' s why you came here sacrificing palace and your wife, you are nothing but a lusty man lakshman, but let me tell you first that lakshman before you can touch me, I will burn this body of mine, I only belong to raghunandan” sita cried putting her hands on her face while lakshman was unable to move from his place. Sita's cruel words were like hot iron pouring into his ear, he died thousands of lives on that very moment . never in his worst nightmare he can ever think like that about betraying his brother and he can never lay his eyes on any women except for his wife, for god sake he loves his mila  and bharat , bharat bhaiya sacrificed more than them but he felt it was useless to make sita understand anything as she was worried for her husband , he went ! he went from their but not before drawing lakshman rekha using all his powers and asking sita to not cross it, he wiped his tears and went in search of his brother.

Sita started crying while hiding her face in with her hands, Ram too was angry and guilty for the thing she accused his brother, urmila love her sister very much but she too can never forget her for this act while lakshman lowered his gaze, recalling those hurtful words. Chindren were too young to understand them.

“ lakshman , again I am asking forgiveness from you my son, please forgive me , I was a fool to doubt over a man like you , the man whose persona is like vishu, brahma and mahesh’ you are the greatest man this world has ever witness lakshman, please forgive me “ sita cried while joining her hands.

“ no bhabhi, I do understand, You were worried for bhaiya and that time was different , that phase was different, I don’t have anything against you but I should have behave maturely to not left you their” lakshman said softly . “ and, you are my mother, I am your son and mothers don’t ask forgiveness from sons” lakshman said passing his charming smile and ram and urmila very well understood his pain behind that smile. Deep down they knew that lakshman can never over come that pain in this life of his.

“ then, Ravan came  disguised as a Brahmin, he forced bhabhi to cross that rekha which I made and kidnapped her, we …. We were broken not finding her in hut but Pakshiraj jataiyu, who fought ravan to save bhabhi , met us on the way. He was on his deathbed and after telling us about the kidnapper he died , we did his last rites and pay our respect to him before moving towards the ashram of mata shabri who told us about sugrive hence we began our journey towards kiskindha “ lakshman completed and angad jumped , “ where you met hanuman kaka , right?” he asked and adults smiled at him.

“ yes dear, we met your hanuman kaka their “ ram said with a small smile , placing his hand over angad's head. Hanuman was the only good thing which happened to them at that time.

Tell us na, how you two met hanuman kaka, luv asked and ram replied to his son , “ let me continue from here “ .

“ so,  ram and laskhman, hungry and thirsty walking since days reached at Rishimukh parvat in the search of king sugrive.”

‘bhaiya,  look, this is the same rishimukh parvat about which mata sabri was telling us, but where could be king sugrive?” lakshman said , indicating his index finger towards the south, looking at the great rocky mountain.  Ram looked and their and saw a man draped in saffron clothes, with a manuscript stucking  in her left arm and a Kamandal in his right hand along with Tulsi mala was coming towards them while reciting some mantra in Sanskrit.

“ who is that man, walking towards us? Is he a danger to us?” asked lakshman aiming his bow, all ready to kill any danger coming in their way.

“ be calm lakshman, he does not seems a foe to me , he is seeming more of a friend” said ram softly looking at the sage.

“ Suprabhatam , Subhamangalam” he greeted them in Sanskrit.  Ram and lakshman too replied to his greetings with joined hands.

“ Brahmin sreshta , can you please tell us about king sugrive that where he is and if not king then atleast tell us about his minister Hanuman?” lakshman asked while that sage gave amused look to younger raghunandan.

“ have patience warrior, first you both introduced me to yourselves then only I will bring Hanuman in front of your eyes” that sage said and lakshman narrowed his eyes at him. Sri ram was enjoying this playful argument, a calm and composed sage with frustrated lakshman.

“ why?, have you hide Hanuman in your bundle?” lakshman said looking at him with not very happy eyes.

“ maybe” the sage replied making lakshman in frustration ended up revealing their identity to him.

The sage turned shocked as he took good time to process the piece of information in his brain.
“ Sri ram and Sri lakshman”  he fell on their feet.

“ please forgive me my prabhu, I was not able to recognize you , I am vanar ( tribe who resides in jungle) but you are arya, prabhu ! then why did you not recognize this small devotee of yours?” the sage said and washed his prabhu's face with the tears of his eyes. Ram pulled him and hugged him with the purest form of love's feeling in his heart.

“ HANUMAN” Ram whispered with closed eyes , whole universe witnessed this divine reunion of harihar, Hari narayan and all mighty Mahadev.

Love you all 💗

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