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Urmila woke up in middle of night when she sensed someone was touching her face and hair.

It was still  a young night as surrounding was peaceful and darkness was covering the mother nature.

she slowly opened  her doe like eyes and took good time in noticing her surrounding .

she winced in pain when she felt someone has bitten on her earlobe, " Ahaaa" she screamed in pain a little.

  " hayee, still you have much of energy even after screaming whole night".

she turned her gaze aside only to find her saumitra was looking at her with naughty smirk over his handsome face.

she drank his beauty , those curly messy hair, green mesmerizing eyes, sharp crooked nose and delicious pink lips.

she took her hand and touched his frown over forehead and caress it to ease it. he smiled at her.

" saumitra , so jaiye na " she muttered drewing herself close in his embrace. (saumitra, please sleep),

he felt a heat ran through his spin feeling her naked warm body against his. he pulled her more close by putting his arm over her waist. her breast collided with his chest and a gasped left her mouth.

" it's paining saumitra, " she said caressing her  bossom.

" what is paining mila?, my sweet" he whispered in husky tone , feeling himself growing hard for his wife. A red hue covered urmila's face when she felt him hard through her thighs.

" not now saumitra, I am tired , sore and I want to sleep".

" see, I gave you whole two hours to sleep, I did not let my eyelids rest even for a while" he muttered pouting his lips.

" impossible you are" she said trying to turn her back to his side but a lot of painful screams left her mouth.

"my whole body is paining saumitra, I am not able to turn even, now what should I do ?"she complained while slapping her husband's chest lightly.

he smirked and said " you should just lie in my arms, sometimes me on top of you, other times you on top of me, sometimes me inside you and other times you jumping over me, sometimes my mouth latched to your bossom other times your mouth latched to my p..." urmila put her palm over his lips to prevent him from speaking further while her face turned complete red due to shyness.

" humari singhani ko lajja bhi aati hai" ( my lioness feels shy too). he said sucking her chubby cheeks and left them with soft pop sound.

" atyadhik gandi baatein karte hai aap " ( you talk dirty) , she said hiding herself in his chest.

he chuckled which cause tingling sensation in urmila,s body.

" gosh , even his chuckle is so hot" she thought and thanked her stars again for giving him as her husband. the prince for whose single glimpse even apsaras can die , is sleeping with her, wrapping his large body around her small one' s and talking dirty to her after spending some pleasurable moments of lovemaking with her.

" I am hungry mila" he said bringing urmila out from her trance.

" Aww... humare bacche ko kya khana hai ? " ( Awww.. what does my child wants to eat?) she said making her voice slight babish and cupping his chin.

he put his head on her nape and whispered in soft voice. " duddu, ye wala" (milk, this one) , he said pointing towards her bossom and soon recived a light slap on his biceps as expected.

LAKSHMILA: the saga of love and sacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now