Alternate Ending

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The sunlight fell on your face through the curtains you probably forgot to close yesterday night. The chirping of the birds greeted you before your annoying alarm making this morning a little more peaceful.

Something's missing..?

With scrunched eyebrows you looked around the room getting confused when you didn't find your bunny boy with you. Where did he go now..? It's literally 8 in the morning and this fluff ball is nowhere to be found.

Considering his habit of waking up in his bunny form it was even more difficult to find him in this not so huge but huge apartment. You let out a quite yawn stretching your limbs before finally getting down from your bed.

"Let's find this adorable human"

It wasn't that easy. And you knew it when it was almost 8:30 and Jungkook still wasn't with you. Where could he even go with those still fresh injuries..?

Wiping the sweat with the back of your hand you sat dowm in your couch taking some minutes to calm down. You need to act fast. He needs you.

"It's high time I get him a cell phone goddamnit" Frustratingly ruffling your hair you mumbled some curses before getting ready to leave and search for him outside.

There isn't any place he would go alone- wait. Han River!

You remembered how much he loved it the first time you took him there. Needless to say he was ecstatic. Boy literally spent around hours just sitting there, though it was boring to you, you just couldn't break his heart. It was pretty awesome to see him smiling so much anyways. So you stayed for around 4 hours with him, grinning because of a damn river.

Brushing the thoughts aside you hurriedly sat in your car, the engine roaring as you turned the key. But for your unlucky ass you lived about and hour away from the beautiful river so you only prayed for your baby to be safe.

After an hour long drive plus traffic you finally reached the Han River. Already aiming to go to that particular spot you both would usually sit at. It was peaceful as it was under a tree quite isolated but he liked it that way. The cool breeze, sound of the river and you.

"Just be safe Jungkookie" You huffed continuing your to make your way to that particular spot.

You were right! There he is. His legs were folded for him to hold them close to his chest as he rested his head on his overlaped arms. His fluffy hair now all over the place and falling messily on his forehead because of the wind.

You quitely creeped up behind him, trying not to startle the poor boy when you touched his shoulder. Even though he flinched thinking it was some stranger, his muscles relaxed a little when his eyes caught the sight of your face.

You warmly smiled before gently tugging him in a comforting hug. "Are you okay..?" With some hesitance Jungkook nodded his head, quickly turning his vision back to the river.

"Aren't you..going to ask me why I'" His tiny voice caused a smile to appear on your face while you shook your head. " can tell me when you want.. it's okay"

What you didn't expect was to hear a quiet muffled sob from beside you. He was crying. Frantically looking at his face which he hid behind his arms your heart shattered in pieces when you witnessed his glossy eyes shedding endless tears.

"Oh my god baby..why are you crying..? Does it hurt..?" He launched himself on you, clinging on your form with a snug grip. Wetting your shoulder with his tears Jungkook stayed like this for a while, feeling awfully safe to cry in your embrace.

" me..?" His scratchy voice broke the silence as you abruptly stopped rubbing his back. "Huh..? What..?" You asked as your eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes..why do you even love a me..?" His doe eyes turned even more teary ready to spill another set of tears as his lower lip wobbled.

"Honey.. it's you whom I love so much. I love you for you. Look at you, my baby bunny is so adorable hm.   Y/nie smile because of him everyday. You make Y/nie so happy, baby. You're the sunshine in my life" Looking down at his face now resting on your collarbone comfortably with his cute doe eyes on you, Your heart melted at his innocent face making you place a quick kiss on his forehead before smiling softly at him.

"You..make me not want to..die"

" don't tell me you came here to.."

Hiding his face in your neck Jungkook muffled his apology making you let out a sigh before gently raking your hand in his fluffy hair.

"You're very precious to me Jungkookie and you should know that baby. I love you so much, you really are my happy pill. Please don't let someone make you think otherwise"

Cutely nodding his head Jungkook planted a small shy kiss on your cheek, burying his head back in your neck. "I'm sorry Y/nie..I won't think like that again"

"Hm..I believe you" Holding him close in your embrace you kissed the top of his head, as he continued to snuggle by your side and his next words which he uttered shyly made you smile wide.

"I love y/nie too"


Ahem- Surprise ig..? lol
I'm sorry if there are any mistakes..this isn't proof-read hehe..

My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now