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Sitting on the couch you were eyeing the bunny who was cutely nibbling on the carrot you gave him. Confusion written all over your face.

Several thoughts embraced your mind making you more stressed by the time. Heaving a sigh, You averted your eyes from the cute bunny to the ceiling letting your head rest at the back of the couch.

Battling a war inside your mind you finally decided to keep him not caring of the consequences after as you're not allowed to keep pets in your apartment building.

Leaving him on the couch you headed towards the kitchen to calm your hungry stomach. Taking out some snacks from the upper cabinets you leaned on the kitchen island thinking of buying the bunny some toys and food.

You hastily finished your snacks and took your keys leaving the confused bunny which had now climbed down on the carpeted floor alone.


'rabbit food rabbit food rabbit food' you wandered through the aisles of the store murmuring to yourself. "Got it" grinning at the item in your hand you tossed it in your basket finally finding the last item on your list.

You skipped happily to settle down the payments on the billing counter.

You settled all the things you bought on the counter. "That will be $49 ma'am" the guy behind the counter told you smiling slightly. You handed him the money whilst taking your bags. "Have a good day ma'am".Smiling in return you mumbled at small thank you to him.


Unlocking your apartment door you internally squealed and awed at the sight of the bunny looking at you curiously with his big doe eyes.

You crouched down infront of him and scratched between his ears to which he closed his eyes at the pleasure.

Picking him up and setting him down on your lap you took out his toys and played with him for some time.

"my bun is so cute" You awed the nth time today at the adorably cute bunny nibbling on the soft toys.

Wait bun? You cannot call him that all day right? You pick him up and dashed to your bedroom to sleep while deciding a cute name for the cute bunny he is.

Kookie? No it looks like a nickname more. How about Kookoo? No no no NOPE this is so childish. Ugh !! Wait, how about



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My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now