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It's been a few weeks since you got that note. You never told Jungkook about it as he has been really sensitive lately. He cries very easily and on very small things criticizing himself.

Just a few days ago he tried opening the cereal but he couldn't so he sat by the refrigerator and cried for like an hour saying 'I'm so weak, I am no good' when your tried to comfort him.

So, you have been very careful around him. He's been very clingy too, roaming around the house after you like a lost puppy. But, you loved his baby side it made him even more adorable.

You were currently sitting on the couch, legs crossed, tv remote in one hand switching channels and the other placed under your chin supporting your head.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N-"

"Gosh Kookie I'm right here, Why are you yelling?" smiling sheepishly at you he came sitting right beside you.

"C-can I ask you something?" He twidled his thumbs looking down. "Sure you can Kook" averting your eyes from the television you focused your vision on Jungkook who was scratching his head slightly.

"U-um......can i-i give you a n-nickname?" Giggling at his sudden request you asked "Why so sudden bun?"

"Be-because you call me by my nicknames all the time and I want to do it too. It's-its c-cute" he whispered the last words smiling shyly.

You smiled at him "What do you want to call me then hm?" "Carrot, I want to call you carrot" he immediately responded.

Tilting your head in confusion you spoke " Carrot?" He nodded his head excitedly. "Why carrot?"

Just as the words left your mouth a bright red blush creeped up his cheeks as he shyly spoke up  "B-because bunnies like carrots." Taking a deep breath in between he added "You are important to me just like carrots are important to bunnies" you giggled at his cute explanation, deciding to tease him a bit.

You stretched your hand to scratch behind his ears, a teasing smile gracing your face " So am I important to baby Kookie hm?" You cooed looking at the shy bunny trying to hide his face. "Y/Nnnnnn stop it" he whined stuffing his face in his folded arms, your giggle turning in outright laughter at his flustered form.


" How did he escape?" The woman shouted angrily startling the male behind her.

"I-i don't k-know ma'am" the startled male replied looking down.

"I tied him, how can he escape?"  gritting her teeth in annoyance she spat.

"Ma'am maybe he can switch"

"THAT SNEAKY LITTLE BUNNY UGH!" the woman shouted in anger "Wait till I make that Y/N girl life a living hell, she'll throw him out with her own hands" smirking evily she walked out the doors slamming it shut after.


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Happy Birthday to Our Cutest Mochi !!💕💕

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Happy Birthday to Our Cutest Mochi !!💕💕

We love you Jiminie💜🥺

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