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"Mhmm" you groaned at the  weight besides your body squishing you on the soft mattress.

Wait !?! What??

Weight beside your mattress ?!? You don't remember having someone at your house today. Did you invited Areum at a sleepover ?!?

No you were too excited to meet your cute bunbun you came home straight after work.

Wait !! Where is my little bun?

Carefully looking down you see a person's muscular arm draped over your waist and legs entangled with yours.

It was a man.
Beside you.
On your bed.


You let out a loud shriek making the man beside you groan and tumble down from the bed.

You immediately jumped from the bed stumbling forward a little. Looking back at the groaning man you yelled at him " Who are you?" "How did you get here?"

The stranger looked at you with confused eyes. those eyes look familiar! He stared at his hands horrified before speaking "I'm a-a h-human" the man stuttered out.

"Well of course you are" You said in a duh tone rolling your eyes a little. Wait Wh-

Widening your eyes you shouted at the now terrified man "YOU HAVE BUNNY EARS"

Tilting your head to the side a little you stared at the very familiar coffee brown orbs.
"Jungkook !?!"

The man slightly nodded his head lowering it afterwards. Eyes widened, mouth agape you stared at your precious little bunny who has now turned into a man.

He had fluffy raven hair, the same sparkly doe eyes you adored, cute nose, muscular bod-, WAIT!! he need clothes. Yes definitely!

"Hey Jungkook, you nee-" your sentence was cut short by the sound of soft whimpers and sobs filling the quite room. aww why is he crying?

"Hey Kook why are you crying?" You slowly padded towards him stretching your hand to pat his head but as you leaned down he flinched.

"I-i a-am s-s-sorry, d-don't h-h-harm m-m-me" He whimpers with tears streaming down his puffy cheeks, voice cracking at the end breaking your heart at the sight in front of you.

"I-i w-will d-d-do all t-the work b-b-but p-please don't b-beat me"
He croaks out again, eyes now pooling out fresh set of tears.


"Bun, hey look at me" you gently called out crouching down in front of him carefully taking his hands in yours.

Locking eyes with the cute bunny man you smiled warmly "I will never harm you okay? You don't have to do any work as well hm?"

"You-u w-will not h-harm m-me?"

"No I will not" you smiled gently. Leaving the thoughts aside for now that why would he think you will harm him.

Eyes watering again he spoke between his sobs "I-i-i a-am s-s-sorry"

"No honey don't apologize, you did nothing wrong hm" you cooed to him gently taking the wildly sobbing bunny man in your arms cradling him to your shoulder like you did when he was a bunny letting him cry as you drew soothing circles on his back with one hand and caressed his soft, fluffy hair with another.

After a good amount of time you saw him calming down. His breathing stable. "Let's get some breakfast hm?" You spoke after some time lightly ruffling his hair. He unlatched himself from you looking straight at you afterwards.

"Aigoo, look at you" You smiled at him while wiping his tear stained cheeks. He had puffy eyes and a  red nose from all the crying he just did looking 100 times cuter than he already was.

He looked at you with eyes barely open. "You wanna sleep more?" He shook his head immediately. "N-no I wanna s-stay with y-you" You slightly smiled and stood up. "Okay, so let's get you some clothes" You rummaged through your closet finding your brother's old clothes that might fit this muscular bunny man.

Taking out a black oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts you walked back towards Jungkook giving him the clothes and guiding him towards the bathroom.

You strolled towards the kitchen to make something for the two of you.

Deciding on making some pancakes you took the ingredients  and started mixing them. As you were mixing you heard the soft padding of footsteps indicating Jungkook's here.

"Kook you can sit on the couch while I make the breakfast hm?" You asked him smiling. Nodding his head slightly he softly walked towards the couch laying down on it.

"Kook the brea-" You cut your sentence short, melting at the sight of the cute bunny sleeping on the couch with his mouth slightly open letting out cute snores.

"Kook the brea-" You cut your sentence short, melting at the sight of the cute bunny sleeping on the couch with his mouth slightly open letting out cute snores

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Crouching down in front of him you gently caressed his raven locks smiling to yourself. "Sleep well Kookie"


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My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now